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Jan. 10, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) This game isnt loading. it just stays as that wierd ball claw machine loading screen

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Nice graphic is pointless if the game sucks.

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game, though the lack of a save function makes it 3/5

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) walkin carchign and attacking dos not mean its stolen from swords and sandals

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Cute. Fight 66, maxed out whatever. Agility breaks them all. 2k brutals, 5k charges, no missing or getting hit allowed. 3/5. This is not a copy of Swords and Sandals! That game had strategy, which is why someone might have paid $20 for it. I'll pass.

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) nice work, but there is no real target and after some fights it gets boring cause you always do the same

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) decent, but the obnoxious loading screens.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) lol i got so much money it made me go to negative money

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) i like this game. if you could add a feature so it wouldn't erase everything when i left the page, i would waste way to much time on it. as is tho, it isn't worth the time.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Fight 51, completley stolen from SaS,1/5. extremely easy and boring.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) later on u can 2 hit ko ppl =.=

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) @Migga At least this is free. The retard who makes the swords and sandals game makes you pay 20 bucks for the full game

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Great game but to easy.4/5

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) agree with Jonnie -.- 2/5 from me.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) wait twice then charge

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) By the way, this is a straight copy from Swords and Sandals... the only difference = This is futuristic... Duh.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) This game is seriously horrible.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Lol? Whats the point if you can one shot every opponent? :o

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Endless game, lost the will to play after ~20 but kept playing until ~49 because I noticed that more power (?) made me robutt bigger, so I wanted to see how big it could get. Not worth my time though. This game did a good job of wasting my time (not a bad thing, games are always a "waste" of time), and the graphics are good, but it definitely just feels like a bare/incomplete engine/idea . The graphics aren't bad, though. Game has no challenge really, just CHARGE or click click click.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) meh, too easy. 3/5

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) I must be missing something, charge misses at least 2/3 of the time and I can't maneuver clear to be able to try it again, most times. Usually die at 15 or so, put 10 initial points in grit the rest in agility, here I am. Crit points are very few and far between and don't seem to make a difference compared with normal damage.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) its fun hitting a guy so hard they go backwords

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) wtf....level 25 and still weird. has no story line, except for the one where you're the ultimate weirdo who has no life, builds robots and taunts other players...other than that, it's good.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Oh!! My God....This Game Is Stupid When Mi Brother.....

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) great game

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) There is no reason to keep fighting but i still do. only at 45 though. too repetitive. all i do is charge them to death and do 2000 damage at that

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) I was defeated level 144, I stopped putting points into agi. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) OH MY GOD, A BOT WITH HIGHER AGI THAN ME! battle 128 I finally got hit.. for 430 but still hit non the less. I can finally quit. thank god.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) 120 battles.. not over.. 10329 highest crit.. 350 str, 200+ agi.. ffs.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) highest crit, 8642 game doesnt end after 100 battles. what the f. 200+ on power and agi and preci same hp as started.. I wanted to go till someone hit me. it never happened. gg

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) fight 45

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) agreed, nice graphics, no game play.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) I think the real balance issue is having 10x the hitpoints of one's opponents. Create some actual fear of losing, and this would be a nice game.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) story line

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) zzz

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Dont think this game was tested much before it's release. Runs nice, but not developed to keep anyone playing beyond a few minutes, till they get bored and forget it exists

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) four words...RANGED WEPONES!!!

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) got to lvl 200.. still no ending.. guess there is none.. nice game still 4/5

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Great concept :) Well executed, but yeah I think it needs some more stuff added to it to add to the challenge, and perhaps some sort of tournament maybe? Some kind of reason to continue fighting for a while. Maybe a recharging energy bar within the battles to make it a bit more important which moves are made and how.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) agreed! its a replica, and for that it gets a crappy rating !

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Complete copy of swords and sandals.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) is there an end? I got to level 70 and got bored. I realize I should have gotten bored a lot earlier...

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) I like the concept. It is incredibly easy, and I have almost 100M credits at this point with nothing to spend it on, but I think with some more content this could be an amazing game 4/5, keep with it :D

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) It's an okay game I guess... I mean the graphics are nice but get old very quickly. Plus the way the robots fight is really dull. Two robots with huge weapons on their hands roll slowly into each other to fight? Yeah... No thanks...

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) need more balance

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) great idea good backround graphs but its way too easy 4/5

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) The collumns keep blocking the readout.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) can't tuch dis... 100AGI 50 str 50 chrome.. kick @$$

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty fun, but agility is over powered. From 40-65 I one shotted everyone by critting with charge. Still fun though, just gets boring.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) definitely fun but a bit too easy.

+ - !


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