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Comments for Akaneiro

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Jun. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Sorry, but for legal reasons we cannot do that :(


Jun. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) my favourite thing about this game is.......o wait it hasent loaded yet...but it sounds like an awesome game anywho.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

It can take a while to load, but that's only because it's so big and beautiful and 3D and super duper. We also have an installer, but you can't use it with your Kong log in details ->


Jun. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) the game is cool,kinda reminds me of diablo and has no energy sistem and its about the japanese culture: 4 stuff i like in games,other than dinossaurs,lazers,zombies,soldiers and cowboys

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

So what if we added a level in Akaneiro where undead cowboys were riding dinosaurs against an army of lazer gun wielding soldiers and you were caught in the middle? :)


Jun. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Multiplayer is not yet implemented (although you can summon an AI ally) Multiplayer will be coming soon :)


Jun. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Nice comment


Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Sorry, but where is my code? How do you choose who is active players?

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Not sure how the "active players were chosen" as that was someone else. But I'll message you about the code !


Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i doesnt want to load for 10 hours maitnance cant be 10 hours

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

See reply to Golden Wingz below !!


Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) maintanance work going on from 10 pm china time...dunno how long it will take to finish

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

See reply to Golden Wingz below :))


Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Not loading atm, is anything happening?

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Watch as I lazily copy and paste the reply I already sent about this slightly lower down in the comments ;) ..... Sorry about that. Seems we had a bit of trouble yesterday with our Kong version of Akaneiro. But we sent out a code to all our active players with free crystals in as an apology. Don't spend them all at once :D


Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Why is it failed to download data file ?

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Sorry about that. Seems we had a bit of trouble yesterday with our Kong version of Akaneiro. But we sent out a code to all our active players with free crystals in as an apology. Don't spend them all at once :D


Jun. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) maintenance at 10 pm?

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Might be 10pm where you are, but the world is a big ole place ;)


Jun. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) what is the dark shadow/subtance something dark it shapes like a people what is it , in every houses .. im excited to know about them ^_^..

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Ohhhhh that's some spooky stuff. Pay no attention to them just yet, lest they give you nightmares !!


Jun. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) My god i think that spicyhorse is the dev of my dreams , he responds to our comments and suggestions , has awesome games. And best of all he actually updates it not just promise to update but then never do it !

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

You can always trust a SpicyHorse to deliver. It's part of our Spicy code of honor ;)


Jun. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) most epic game EVER

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

As epic as Mr T punching a T-Rex in front of a nuclear explosion !


Jun. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) this game is loading might as well take a look at teh comments!

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) art reminds me of okami, okamiden and the other game of clover studio

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Which is no bad thing ;)


Jun. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The game is good with daily prizes and more pets

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Yeah, we have plans for more daily prize stuff in the future too, so keep an eye out for that !!


Jun. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Automated pvp would be nice. Obviously at this point and time true pvp would be hard to do, but having some sort of arena where we can duel ai's using our friends characters would be awesome. Also, when are the placeholders (those shadows@temple) going to be used? xD

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Don't worry, all the cool stuff is on the way. Once we have crafting done (which is next) then we'll be moving onto the multi player aspects of the game, along with other cool stuff that will use the shadow people :)


Jun. 01, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) great game 100/5 but the map loading time is so long :/

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

That's because we're loading a lot of awesome polygons and textures ;) But we also have a standalone installer that will mean there's no loading time (Although you cannot use this with your Kong details)


Jun. 01, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) this game very good

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

this comment is very good


May. 31, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) can you lower the effects of the game for the slower cpu please my game crashes T~T

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

I wonder what kind of PC you have? (CPU and GFX) as a Unity game should be fine to run on PCs that are around 4 or 5 years old.


May. 31, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 100000000000000000000000/100000000000000000000 Great Game . this game must be promoted . i always play it all the time but i delete my character i can't create a new one. why?

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Hi, character creation is something that we're in the middle of changing at the moment. That's why we removed the "New Recruit" button as to not be too confusing with what's going on.


May. 31, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) really nice game! could you lower the alpha of the message boxes that appear? they are kinda annoying when fighting

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

I'll pass your comment onto the Aka team :)


May. 31, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I'm entirely not sure about this version but in the 'downloadable' version. I can't create another character? Is this a bug or is it implemented for the game..?

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

This is something that we're in the middle of changing at the moment. That's why we removed the "New Recruit" button as to not be too confusing.


May. 31, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) this game is the coolest

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

No, you're the coolest ;)


May. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) este juego es especial para mi LOL

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Tu comentario es muy especial para mí.


May. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 5/5 is all that I need to say. Tyvm

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Yay, all aboard the 5/5 groove train. Whooooo hooooooo !!!


May. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

A truly epic and moving story *wipes tear from eye* I wonder who will play you in the movie adaptation :)


May. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) You know I have played this during the closed beta and seen a lot of screw ups during that time, including the invisible skinner suit... But now that I have played it here, things really did improved a lot.. Kudos to you guys!

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Ahhh the skinner vest bug, that takes me back !! But yeah, hopefully the difference between then and now is night and day. Happy to have you checking back in on Aka :)


May. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This is the best game I have played on kongregate.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

High praise indeed coming from Chuck Norris. Please don't roundhouse us !!


May. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



May. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



May. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) My friend said that yokai meant "understood" in japanese

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

It certainly sounds like it does, just like some English words sounds the same with different meanings too. -->ōkai


May. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Any idea when multiplayer will be put in?

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Crafting is currently being finished off, ready for putting in. Once that's done, we should be free to start working on multi-player. Whooooo :) As for an ETA, not really, any guess would purely be a guess at this point. But as I say, we're almost about to start working on it !!


May. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse



May. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

But if each class could only equip their own stuff, you'd never end up with a ninja geisha girl wielding a hammer :P


May. 27, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) ooooh and maybe some class specific shops or something would be cool too. Its kind of hard to coordinate my armor and abilities right now... unless i'm just not far enough in the game yet.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

I guess the "open-ness" of the upgrading can be daunting at first, but that was part of the design process, to literally allow you to make whatever kind of character you want with whatever combination of skills/armor/masteries you'd like. You'll get the hang of it :)


May. 27, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) amazing game one thing i'd like to see for two handed weapons would be a naginata, spear types weapons id possible. When i saw the claymore andmost of other the two handed weapons i was like all i need is a suit of medieval knight armor and i can go to Europe now, but its still an amazing game so kudos

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Well we do have another type of weapon in the works, but that's all I can say at the moment. It looks awesome tho ;)


May. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) New update after 5/16? It seems there a "mailbox" now & I cant revive using karma shards :s

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

The mailbox is just a little something we need for the future. Pay no heed to it just yet! Also try to avoid having to revive, pets and food buffs will make you into a badass :))


May. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

I know right. How DARE a game load. Who the hell do we think we are? Still, if you don't like loading, we have an installer at although you can't use your Kongregate details with that.


May. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) very beautiful game i love the art design. should be more well known!

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

We're going to be on Steam extremely soon. That might make it a bit more well known :)


May. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



May. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Well, firstly it's nice that someone recognizes a game needs to make some money in order to survive and we can't keep servers running on 5/5 ratings alone. And sure, these changes can come as a bit of a shock which can lead to rage rating and quitting. But let's just address the difficulty and reviving here. Sure the high levels are difficult, and of course it can be frustrating if some lag leads to a death, but on the flip side, we are giving away crystals for free just for you logging in every day, and there are Scrolls which work out even cheaper than crystal reviving and we have a lot more stuff lined up for future updates where you will get free things too. I think most people who look objectively can see that Akaneiro is still a long way away from being pay pay pay to play.


May. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Hmmm, something weird happened. even if I get karma, the amount of karma I had didn't change, with the execption of selling items. All well, back to farming all the levels

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

The karma you get from within the levels is now given to you after you complete the level. We have to implement it this way to prevent exploits.


May. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Warning wall of text :p First off, I'm pleasantly surprised by this game, despite a little bug here and there. But it doesn't detract from the fun I've had so far. I love the change to cooldown timers. On the other hand, I'm very sad to see the karma shard revive option has gone. I found it to be fairly balanced? Low cost for the low levels so new people can make mistakes and learn, high cost later on so it became a real choice whether to keep going or not. Sure it stimulates players to invest but I'm confident there's better ways than to 'gimp' revival. My idea would be only to remove it for the last 2-3 difficulty levels of an area, or only remove it for the high level area's (15+ and higher with cap upgrades) Personally I take it as a 'challenge' so far, to survive the whole level rather than a nuisance. You'd still have to consider the possibility of dying to lag on this type of online game though (early Diablo 3 comes to mind :D).

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

hi there. Nice to see you're enjoying Akaneiro. And it's also a pleasant surprise to see something in favor of the cool down timer. Heheh. Well, we're still in the process of tweaking the values and costs and whatnot for these changes we're making. Of course it's important to strike a balance between making it fair for the players, but also stimulating a bit of spending so all us SpicyHorses can buy food and stuff :D Hope you stick with us and continue to enjoy the up and coming stuff we have planned !!


May. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) hello ! Thanks for answering me Spicyhorse ! Even the Loading time is long, your game is very cool and addictive !! 5 stars !!

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Yay !! We loves us some 5 star ratings !!


May. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Yeah it can be at times, but the levels are hugely detailed and lovely. We have a standalone version that has no load times once installed, but you can't use your Kong details to log into it.


May. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) when will the blacksmith be open

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

That's the very next thing on our to-do list, so you'll hopefully *fingers crossed* see it in the next 2-3 weeks. YAY !!


May. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

You said you posted a comment in the Kong forums right? Directly under the sticky labeled "IMPORTANT - BUG REPORTING + CONTACTING".... just saying !! Ok, let's dial it back a bit. I guess there's been a bit of crossed wires and miscommunication here. So sorry about that. But you know you can contact us for anything really, we don't mind.... bugs, suggestions, complaints, even just a friendly 'hello' Generally speaking if you go back through the comments you can see that people love being replied to and enjoy knowing that we're always here for them. But like it says in the sticky, if a person needs targeted and specific 1 on 1 help, we also have a specific channel for that too. So if you're still experiencing issues with the map, we're right here for ya !!


May. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


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