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Comments for Akaneiro

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Jul. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Very fun game! It would be nice if more information is provided on how the skills worked. For instance, does shockwave depend on Power? Skill? Equipped weapons? (This can be tested by trading out weapons and attr+ equips, but it'd be nice to know) Also, it seems what you pick at the beginning does not really matter a few levels in? It's nice to be able to customize the character though. Finally, there seems to be XP rewards for combos. It would be nice to have some sort of combo gauge/bar to know how closely chained kills need to be. This also kind of awards the prowess build, since they have by far the highest DPS.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Hi. The skills all depend on what section you found them in. So, Shockwave is in the Prowess/Power/Red section, and the same for the abilities in the Fortitude and Cunning sections too. And you're right, the initial selection of your character gives you a bit of a boost of your selected discipline, but after that, it's really up to you how you evolve. And off the top of my head, i think the kills need to be 1.5 seconds apart to continue the chain.... I think.....


Jul. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) there is only 2 and the other looks long dry-- plus who would pull a bucket up by hand--and i'm sure even you couldn't convince them to drink from the river its all green. D:

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Green water's good for you. Full of vitamins and minerals :P


Jul. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 5 starrrrrrssss!!! Wonderful! Really! ;.)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Nothing cheers a Spicy Horse up more than the smell of 5 stars in the morning.


Jul. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) awsome game !

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

awesome comment !


Jul. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Were do the villagers get there water?

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

There's a couple more wells in the village, not just the shard spawning one ;)


Jul. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The graphics are if only the could have a game about demons like this......maybe I'll ask my friends to help me make one...

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

There's quite a few demons in Akaneiro :) Well.... supernatural monster beasties. That's quite demonish !!


Jul. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The only negative thing is that.... IM LOADING FOR 2 HOURS AND IT ONLY LOADED 9%

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Well that seems particularly wrong. Maybe just one of those random Internet problems yesterday. How is it now? You also know we have an installer, but you can't use it with your Kong details.


Jul. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Something is wrong in this game: Everything is right.

+ - !



Jul. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 1) This is a browser gamer. 2) It has pretty good animation and graphics. 3) The combat is fun and fluid. 4) No energy system. 5) It's free2play. What... the.. f*ck?!

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

1) Yes 2) Aye 3) Ja 4) Oui 5) *put on sunglasses*. YYYYEEEAAAAAAHHHHH !!!!!


Jul. 27, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) im taking 24 damage from these wolves...i took off all my armor and i still take 24 damage...

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Hmmmm...... because of rounding up (and down) it's possible that the differences at lower levels look the same. *goes away and checks my high level character*........ yep.. taking 352 damage with armor on and 380 damage with armor off.


Jul. 27, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) does armor from equips do anything? nothing shows up in the base stats

+ - !



Jul. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Wow,this game is awesome even in only pictures

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

You think the pictures are awesome, try playing ;)


Jul. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) *looks at comments* 2 seconds later: Holy shit this developer is awesome!

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Just remember that if you ever find yourself as a judge on a "Who's the most awesome developer" competition !


Jul. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) nice game

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Nice comment


Jul. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) in the near future, will we be able to produce our own weapons? or, be able to go to a second blacksmith to enchant our weapons with more attributes? (not just upgrade the current ones) :-)) it would make me happy. and don't let the stupid/bad comments get you down, great job, i just cant seem to say it enough :)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Hmmm.... no plans for that just yet, although that's not to say it's not something we'll investigate further down the line when people want even more epic equipment !!


Jul. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I love the versatility.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Yep. Nice to not be constrained when creating a badass killing machine :)


Jul. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

There's an installer at but you can't use your Kong details to log in with that I'm afraid !!


Jul. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jul. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jul. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Training for Dual Wielding V has downgraded this ability to lvl I in my character Jinroh. It's the only ability whose training have done such effect. Could you provide me a little explanation? I would also want back Dual Wielding IV or as a less fashion alternative the Karma cost associated to training Dual Wielding between levels II through V. Thank you.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Already replied to this on our support website :)


Jul. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i was thinking this game was horrible,just because of the photo and the name (dont judge me,that's how i roll)but well,guess its like they say 'dont judge a book by the cover'

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Well you still gave it a try. That's the important thing ;)


Jul. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

OHH NO !!! You asked a question !!! :D


Jul. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This is a great game. If only other games did this.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Other games companies aren't Spicy Enough..... or horsey !!


Jul. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty heavy game, I have to force close and reload if I go back to windowed from full screen or tab away for a bit

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Ohhh dear. Well, we're actually in the middle of optimizing it so hopefully as we keep doing more patches, it should become less and less heavy for you !


Jul. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, I just think it's got a bit too long loading time.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

It takes a long time to load pure awesome :) We have an installer you can download at but you can;t use your Kong details to log in with that. Sorry !!


Jul. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Stuck on loading screen of Raging Ushi Oni at 9 % i reloaded alot and other stuff but always stops at 9 % so i mastered the 1st 2 lvs instead

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Could you try a complete browser cache clear? Also clear your unity cache here Then uninstall and reinstall Unity from their website here


Jul. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Indeed it does. Press ESC and you'll find the option there.


Jul. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) havnt played but i hope its fun /.\

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Quick, hurry up and play it, let us know if you think it's fun or not :)


Jul. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) well, i played 5 hours...i like it, but a lot of things should me done, before u released this game. but i like the evolution of flash games ) gl!

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

We make out games with Unity, not flash. It's a powerful 3D engine that can be used for many platforms :)


Jul. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Boring without multiplayer, and monsters are recycled. But graphics are great, gameplay is great. Items could use a bit more diversity in terms of stats, it seems too static

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Don't worry. Multi-player is on the way !!


Jul. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) WHEN UPTADE-MULTIPLAYER MODE??????

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

That's next on our to-do list, but as you can imagine, it's quite a big job so it might take a month or so


Jul. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) do stats stack? i tried to stack regens and it doesnt seem to

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Skills do not stack, but item attributes do.


Jul. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The game looks pretty good so far, but i did see some wolves noclip through some things in the tutorial mission.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Yeah, you'll see that quite a lot actually. :( Still, just imagine they're magic wolves who can slightly pass through objects ;)


Jul. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) it keeps saying that im disconnected from the server :(

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Could you try a complete browser cache clear? Also clear your unity cache here Then uninstall and reinstall Unity from their website here


Jul. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!! Though, I wish my recruits wouldn't take all my kills and die a few battles afterwards. Still, IT'S AN AWESOME GAME.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

There's only one thing to do, dive into battle with your recruit. DEATH OR GLORY (but preferably glory)


Jul. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) That reply is beautiful. :O It wasn't loading fast enough so I left but now I feel compelled to play.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Play, my good man. Play as if your very life depended on it.


Jul. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i cant see the characters and enemies. i can only see the sword being wielded...

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

We did recently (Last night) have our DNS provider go offline. It seems that there's now some "slow loading" affecting all out games. Please bear with it.


Jul. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Also spicy control+click is now the default right click not command, you can use it on a kong chat and your desktop but it always has very few options and does nothing in game.

+ - !



Jul. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I have over 22 ways to right click on my mac only 3 are preset and those don't work in game. The way i right click now is Settings>Trackpad>Point and click> Secondary click> Click with 2 fingers (The other options work fine i just think 2 fingers is easiest.)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Wise Mac advice there. Although I still have no idea why they ever thought having no right click was a good idea :/


Jul. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It's so nice that we actually have a game developer that listens to our comments, not just the most popular ones, etc. Thanks, guys.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Of course. Without you guys, we'd just be a bunch of people sat around making games for ourselves ;)


Jul. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Seems interesting..

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Yes. Investigate further. Delve as far as you can into Yomi Island and kill as many beasties as you can find ;)


Jul. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I can't figure out how to right click when I use a macbook with no external mouse :(

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

You use the command key at the same time as clicking on Macs to replicate a right mouse click don't you?


Jul. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) YAY, thx spicy, it would allow me to get the exact weapon and armor i want to wear. and that would increase the replay value of this game exponentially

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Indeed it would. But I still get excited when I see the exact armor I want in the shop or as loot :)


Jul. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Suggestion: How about you add boats to the game and add quests like sink ships and steal the materials and please..PLEASE ADDDDDDD allies!

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Hmmmm.... dunno why there's all the negative ratings. Might be a fun idea. Probably not possible without a lot of hard work in the Unity engine, but still a fun idea :)


Jul. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jul. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) hey sorry spicyhorse

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

It's ok ;)


Jul. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

No. No no no............. NO !


Jul. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) idea, we should be able to disassemble items with perks we like and add that perk to a piece of gear we like. that way we can get exactly what we want but yet we still have to hunt down the items that have the perks we want. so if we have a piece of amazing armor with no perks, we can put perks we like on it if we have a piece of armor that occupies the same slot and has the perks we like. EX, yokai plate with no perks, and ninja vest that is onyx, we pay for it and lose the ninja vest but the yokai plate gets the onyx perk, but its level resets to lvl1 perk.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Actually we did have something similar in the pipeline previously where you could extract abilities from different items. Maybe it will come back one day in the future ;)


Jul. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Its nice to see dev which care about his players. Awesome game 5/5

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Like Chuck Mosley from Faith No More said... "We Care a Lot" :)


Jul. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i don't understand, it seems i dont level up and cant have red crystals Ipick them up and nothing happens.

+ - !


Developer response from Spicyhorse

Well you level up when you've achieved enough XP. Have a look at the top of the C menu and see how much extra you need to get. Also the "value" of the shards is added to your total after you complete the mission and go back to the village.

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