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Comments for City Siege 3: Jungle Siege

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Jan. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) My spy was detected between two enemy tanks, I was thinking "OH SHI-" then both of them opened fire, killing each other ._.

+ - !



Jan. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Also, I think instead of having a commando all the time, the Heli-T should inherit the ability of its passenger. If it has a veteran he uses his triple chaingun, a bomber drops bombs from it , a spy makes it stealthy (doesn't make much sense but it'd be cool), molotov gives it a flamethrower weapon, bazooka gives the heli weak rockets, grenade tosses grenades off, etc. Who agrees? I also suggest a sniper unit. He has very powerful armor-piercing shots that go straight to where you're aiming, but has a slow fire rate and must 'set up' to shoot, which causes a small sniper view overlay to appear and the area around it is obscured. And one last suggestion, have enemies change appearance to look like they're wounded (like bruised and battered) when they've taken damage, and vehicles get dents, start smoking, on fire, etc.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) "Major, we need to evacuate the civilians!" "Yes sir! I'l drive over them with a tank!"

+ - !



Jan. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) By far my favorite part of this game is sneaking up behind enemies... in a Helicopter.

+ - !



Jun. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) It would be better if there was a "finish mission" button instead of the mission automatically finishing. That way you don't miss out on left over stars.

+ - !



Jan. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) "baddies took animals' home. defuse the situation without harming the wildlife" -> destroy every tree and rock

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) while i enjoy watching an explosion that sends a baddie hurtling at sonic speeds, i dont enjoy watching an explosion that sends a baddie hurting at sonic speeds...into a VIP

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why would you think holing up in a structure filled with explosives suspended over lava would be a good idea? I mean, come on, baddies...

+ - !



Jan. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) a monkey dies in the game : 1 civilian lost , seems legit

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Wait a sec...... you're supposed to save the civilians..... it is not about destroying everything?? A whole new world is opening to me...yeah, I'm gonna ignore it and destroy everything anyway!

+ - !



Jun. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) This has always been a favorite of mine, especially as I like to give the characters their own little back-stories. It makes me kinda depressed when they die though. Like one time, the spy was escaping a collapsed building, placing bombs behind her as she left (this was in #2, when she had bombs still) All of a sudden, a block fell, trapping her. My mouse went towards the evac button, but it was two late. Her bombs went off, and she died, completing the mission. R.I.P. General Sally

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) so now that they have these animals, are they going to start a zoo?

+ - !



Feb. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I suggest a new unit: The sniper. It shoots perfectly straight, does 5 damage, long reload, it has a laser sight and costs $15,000 with medium health and speed. Thumbs up so it gets in the next city seige game!!

+ - !



Mar. 18, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) I cannot get the "start next mission" level button to work after selecting my units in Chrome and Firefox just locks up with a action flash script error. =/

+ - !



Feb. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) ''Evacuate citizens by running into them'' O.o Are you sure about this? ''Ofcourse im sure'' 4 civilian deaths O.O

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Luckily you don't have to pay any compensation for all the collateral damage that you cause =P

+ - !



Aug. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Jul. 3, 2014 I think the baddies real plan is to: Make a lot of clones. Then buy a butt-load of gasoline. Make a bunch of gasoline barrels. Make the clones do a lot of evil deeds. Put the gasoline next to the clones. Give the goodies (you) secret info that baddies are at the hotel (or wherever), terrorizing the citizens. Then, after the the goodies blow up the gas barrels, blame the goodies for destroying the city with explosions. The goodies are then taken to jail for vandalism and damage to public property. The baddies are now able to take over the world without intererence. "MWAHAHAHA!" Reports McBaddie #2056

+ - !



Jan. 13, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Baddie 1: Hey look! Baddie 2: What? Baddie 1: Does that look like an enemy spy to you? Shouldn't we investigate? Baddie 2: No! Only trucks and helicopters are allowed to move! We have to stay here. Baddie 1: But- Baddie 2: Wait till they get closer. For now stare at them. Baddie 1: Okay!

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) BIG TIP: Baddie Bunker 5 - which is Mission #25, is a gold mine. Just get a tank and helicopter. It's easy as hell to just blow everything and everyone up with the tank, then when you have almost everyone killed, use the helicopter to grab all 9 stars, then finish off the rest of them. There's no Civ's or VIPS to worry about and you can get 50,000 everytime you beat it. I've gotten over half a million and enough stars to make the last 5 mission a lot eaiser. It's a gold mine, easy as hell level, and it nets you 50K everytime. + this to help some people

+ - !



Jun. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Would love A sniper with a laser pointer for taking those long shots.

+ - !



Jan. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Excuse me while I use my helicopter that shoots rockets, can fly in enclosed spaces, pick up civilians, and at the same time makes no sound to alert the enemy...

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) ooh the game where you click the thing and you move and you jump and hit this thing then explosions... yeah i love these games! 4/5

+ - !



Jun. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The spy now has a melee attack, you can use her to kill enemies by standing directly behind them (or in front of them if you want to die ;) and clicking on them.

+ - !



Jun. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I started off saving animals (yay), but recently I've just bailed out music-festival goers & an oil refinery. I'm not sure I'm working for good any more.

+ - !



May. 26, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) the best game in the series imo

+ - !



Dec. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) on the podge website there is a level pack. Why not here?

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Spy is still the biggest badass on the team when it comes to regular levels. Artillery ftw in bunkers though.

+ - !



Jan. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There is a glitch in this game: I can't stop playing.

+ - !



Mar. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) the spy should get a medium-short range pistol that is silenced once she's level 30

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Some call them civilians, I call them meat walls..

+ - !



Jun. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) (Baddie): Hmm... how come I've never noticed this rock before? (Hears machine gun fire behind him) (Baddie): .......This is a strange rock.

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I went through the whole game not noticing the air strikes, then I realized on the last mission. That was.... interesting. 5/5

+ - !



Jan. 15, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i unleashed a divine shitstorm of slaughter on those baddies the likes of which they have never seen >=D

+ - !



Jan. 13, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Dear Baddies: I know that I am the only girl on the battlefield, and I know that that, by some unspoken rule, that makes me really cute or something. But please, for the love of all that is holy, when you see me running towards you with a knife in my hand, please, don't just stand there and stare. Your troops might still be alive if you would run away or something--please, it'll make the hunt for you more exciting. Sincerely, General Roll, Good Team Spy. P.S.: Are you looking for me now? Try behind you.

+ - !



Jan. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why do medics get consumed upon use? or do they mean medkits?

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This series is always fun, and the level design seems better than before. A recurring annoyance, though, is that I will often finish off the baddies before getting all the stars, resulting in a silver medal since the game declares victory before I can get the stars.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I find it annoying the level is done when all baddies are taken out. I don't get time to "save" the rest of the civilians.

+ - !



Jun. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Right...maybe the monkey's families sue the army -_-

+ - !



Jan. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There should be a sniper class

+ - !



Jun. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) "A lava flow has flooded a local area, it was probably the Baddies fault." Haha, they're probably responsible for global warning, melting the ice caps, and teenage pregnancy too.

+ - !



Dec. 07, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Best Army game ever. love the function to rename soldiers and that if they die, they ACTUALLY die, not come back alive after the mission. Keep it up you guys!

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) best of all the citysiege games :)

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) also more descriptive unit info would be good: molotov soldier: foot soldier armed with molotovs. O RLY?

+ - !



Mar. 18, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) I can't start the game for some reason. When I click "Start Next Mission" nothing happens.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The spy... rolls up hills?

+ - !



Jan. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I was kinda hoping that the "evacuate" animation for a helicopter would involve another, larger helicopter coming to pick it up.

+ - !



Mar. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Needs sniper class

+ - !



Nov. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I agree that there should be a sniper class. Maybe 50000$ for one that shoots bullets that defy gravity? And when reaching level 30 get a damage boost?

+ - !



Aug. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) How exactly is running over a civilian with a tank saving them?

+ - !



Jan. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The spy is a very useful troop! It can go first in battlefield to evacuate the civilians and then you can call in other troops to defeat the enemies without worrying about killing a civilian.

+ - !


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