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Jun. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) When I first saw this game I almost turned away. Lot's of games like this on kongregate that are very lame/boring. I reluctantly played it to soon find this game on my favorites. Sure it's like those other games, but it has its own feel and seems to be an upgraded sort. A step in the right direction =)

+ - !



Jul. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great game.I usually hate this kind of thing but warflow has got me hooked

+ - !



Jul. 22, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I hate how ppl judge games on graphics. some of the best games had crappy graphics and all those ppl who say this is a ripoff, i hope you realize just about every game is the same as another. for instance just about every shooter game for the 360 is almost the exact same thing as the next shooter game.

+ - !



Aug. 07, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) my hero is the slowest talker in the world, there are times when i wish they could speak faster (hint hint devs)

+ - !



Jul. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) That game is great because you have not to wait until the buildings are upgraded the buildings are upgraded instantly!!I'll play this game every day until my death

+ - !



Jun. 25, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @ wmokash "I bought an iron box, but didn't seem to get any benefit." - Do you see the large treasure chest on the right side, above the circle with the season? That is where you can see and open your boxes. Only when opened will you see what's in a box. You can store at least 20 boxes of one kind, possibly more. Also, when buying boxes be careful, the price increases after buying two of one kind. Maybe you need to finish the beginner series of quest for chest to appear. Also, I don't know why your comment got downrated, it's perfectly valid to ask polite questions :)

+ - !



Sep. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) no offense to warflow, but i think they need to spend less time on creating new servers to attract players and spend more time improving gameplay aspects like the graphics engine and strategic value. i know this should be posted in a forum, but in comments more ppl will see it

+ - !



Feb. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @Plixus i know what RP means but whats PR? when doing investment

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @ Plixus - i already up to 7+ all what i have, and its low level white items for 4-8 lvl, and i cant sell it and by more, bucause cap, i cant even just throw it (although it is not correct - i must have possibility to sell it)

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) ironspearman eh i dont see any iron spears did those tree huggers hide their spears in those trees?

+ - !



Dec. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @Kalder the powers quest...i had the problem as well but after conquering the second place on war page it is completed finally ;-)

+ - !



Sep. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I don't like how legion wars occur during a fixed server time, since you have to join. What is 5:00 p.m. for one person might be 1:00 a.m. for another. I think that they should have it so that legion wars either A) automatically include every member, and you would also have to get rid of the 3 kill limit for legion wars, or B) still join, but joining (or signing up) at anytime on a legion war day, will add your army to the legions', and then the battle actually takes place at the start of the next day, using all the people who joined that day. Other than that it is a great game. 5/5.

+ - !



Jul. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) WarFlow was created on February 2011. Batheo was created on December 2010. Batheo and WarFlow have pretty much the same layout. Batheo is a game based on Greek mythology created by Chinese developers. WarFlow is of course a game based on the Three Kingdoms era of China created by US developers. Now I'm waiting for a US based game created by Greek developers.

+ - !



Jun. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I've been playing this game for quite some time now. It's a fun game. The disappointment is this: the developers spends way too much time in adding special things which adds "excitement" rather than spending more time fixing things which should been fixed for a long time, such as: improved graphics. Yes, the year is 2013 now. If you intend to play this game: choose to be patient, otherwise you need to empty your bank account instead. ;-) They want gold for almost everything in this game, and you purchase gold for real money, I would advice on careful spending...

+ - !



Dec. 18, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Should they limit the amount of RP you can get in an area? It's a little unfair to new people moving into level 30s areas with their lvl 20 heroes and constantly getting attacked by people who have already have a Lentone or a Harctor

+ - !



Jun. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i think there should be a vault in every legion so u can pass items throu players and the limit on items should be the number of players in the legion. + this so the editors will see and add it.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) WarFlow is one year old. Happy Birthday! :D Also, click the button "Gifts" in the game and enter 'qzt0' for nice Anniversary and New Year presents :)

+ - !



Jul. 18, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Risingdragon-- that is because they have paid and put silver into your legion. I think they could make it better (kick members that have been inactive for xx days), but look at it from a members point. I don't want to put in 50,000 silver into your legion only to be kicked out the next day, which would undoubtedly happen to some people. I probably wouldn't be in a legion if that were an option.

+ - !



Feb. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @ Nathan11101 - I grew up with Sid Meier's Colonization from 1994, so I can call everything from Evony over Three Kingdoms to Warflow a rip-off. Beat that! ^^ Seriously though, it is no secret that there are many nation-building games in this distinctive style. Just play the one that is most fun to you :)

+ - !



Jan. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There used to be more comments then this...

+ - !



Jul. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) One of the things I usually dislike about these games is if you don't come in at the begining-The *very* begining, within a week of it coming out at most, you're just farmbait for the people who did. This game solves that problem with its system. This game is also fun because most games like this you get into it for 2 days, then things take so much time to do anything that you log in for five minutes, do two things then don't come back for hours or even days. This game, on the other hand, always has plenty to do to get you your fill. 5/5, very well done.

+ - !



Jul. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) No, this is exactly the same game! Then WHY is it on the front page again?!?!?

+ - !



Jul. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I noticed that this game is a lot like Senatry. Same concept, same idea, same way that they do the building things, same currency, etc.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) i like how it takes 15 min just to download the battle. then just 1 min to finish the battle

+ - !



Jul. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Ah, but Robo. Wait a second. This game came out far before Senatry did. Technically, Senatry is a copy of this, not the other way around.

+ - !



Apr. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) dej378, yup its called a strategy game. Heroes of gaia is alot like heroes of might and magic, warflows combat is a lot like soul nomad with formations.(cant think of an older example) Some like green grapes, some like purple grapes. Same genre, different methods.

+ - !



Jul. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Buy boxes with your spare silver, good for getting upgrade cards and honor, and you can sell the high level items to buy more boxes ;p

+ - !



Jul. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This was put up in February. Why is it in the Hot New Games category?!

+ - !



Jul. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) "It's crazy to think there's even the option of spending $2,000 dollars on this game..." The only purpose of such an option is to make the $500 option look positively reasonable...

+ - !



Dec. 28, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @dshmilowitz: Upgrade Formation: You have to move to Loyan and upgrade your town center to 11. After that you have to upgrade your War academy. Now you may upgrade the Formation.

+ - !



Sep. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @ kaygo - Three builders is the maximum. You did right in buying the additional builder, he helps you greatly. Additionally, remember the mechanics of the builders: Any building order is given to the first builder, unless he is red. He gets marked red if his orders exceed a time of four hours. In that case he won't accept new orders until the Cooldown has finished, and the second builder is used (unless he is red, too). So if you know you will be online within four hours, leave the third builder yellow - that way you can give him new orders. On the other side, if you know that you won't be online for a while and all your builders are free, try to get close to the four hours with each and then give a very lengthy order. That way you will be able to use your builders more efficiently :)

+ - !



Jul. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Why is this game under "Hot New Games"? It is OLD! The same thing happened with Swords and Potions. I sense a reoccurring error...or conspiracy theory O.o.

+ - !



Oct. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) woud be awsome if loyalty increased like every hour

+ - !



May. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) One of the best multiplayer games in kongregate it dosent have way over priced stuff wth real money like lord of ages which makes you move you town for 20$! this u can buy some gold and maybe other stuff with lower prices this has alot of differnt placez to explore unlike other multiplayer games in kongregate but theres a down side to multiplayer games in kongregate no alot of people play them =( so please advertize nd make videos of this game plz. thank you for reading this.

+ - !



Jun. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) this game is so unknown, we have to spread the word!

+ - !



May. 26, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) look at Volpugny. dancing troops are extra idiot. game over before skill attack get charged lol

+ - !



Jul. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) There are many games with civilization building that need you to spend more money than an actual civilization. This isnt one of them.

+ - !



Jul. 18, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I just took a look at Batheo, and it is true that the similarities are striking. But you know, I don't have a problem with that. I grew up with games like Dune II, Colonization and WarCraft. So to me, any game that involves gathering resources, diplomatic relations or a Fog of War is more or less a copy of its predecessors. However, what's important to me is whether a game manages to capture me, be it via new features or traditional elements. And you know what? I would *celebrate* if the Diablo series adopted characteristics of the Baldur's Gate Saga! Why curse that as a rip-off when it actually increases the fun? Copy the best parts of all games in existence if you want! If the result is entertaining, I'll be the last one complaining :)

+ - !



Jan. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) It's hard to choose a hero

+ - !



Nov. 25, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Needs a discard option in the inventory section. The problem arise when the players received the 140k silver and are unable to sell the useless junk that is not compatible or too low for their heroes level. And with 100 gold per slot purchase in the inventory? Not alot of help there if you can't spend all of the 140k in a hurry.

+ - !



Oct. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) it doesnt realy need music badly... some background sounds will dojust fine . things like birds

+ - !



Jul. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) And where's the big boob chick to promote the game? :)

+ - !



Jul. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Warflow is different because it's not pay to win.Warflow is a game that is better than evony and the others because in all the others they are only trying to grab your money,this game just might be the true online civilization building game everyone has been truly waiting for, an actual civilization building game without the absurd waiting and pay money to speed up building money grab shit.5/5 for providing an ACTUAL gaming experience and not a spending experience or waiting experience.

+ - !



Mar. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) WarFlow is a great game. It's a game that keeps you constantly engaged with various aspects. It may have a pay-to-win option but you certainly do not require to do so. Overall, fairly well done game with many hours of game play to enjoy, specially for a free game.

+ - !



Jun. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) We should be able to sell silver for gold, honor points, and MCU

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Nov. 22, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) "Go to the shop and buy a sword." "Now equip you hero with the sword." Wait a minute! That'd be you! You just tricked me into buying you a sword!

+ - !



Jul. 31, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I have a problem because my silver i have is like 4 times over the cap

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Jul. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @IMNOTCRAZY. The third month of the year is March, not February. Your point remains valid, however.

+ - !



Jun. 28, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The game is really fun if you think they should make more approve.

+ - !



Jun. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) what a great rpg, not like those other ones where u have to send X unnits out and wait for them to return. plus u can get strategic w/ formations and different heroes an equips. its more in-depth, but still so simple to understand! no money gimmics either, u can play totally free and still do really well!! plus, the progressive introduction of new features to new players makes the expereience much less overwhelming and difficult. i am addicted!!

+ - !


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