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awesome game. the creators ought to make it an official game. + if like to overkill the enemy since u have unlimited ammo from the storehouse.
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another great game :) except for that map bug I encountered first time around... thankfully I didn't encounter it the second round or I would have raged quit from lack of save ;o
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Plus if you believe that this game should be evolved into a ps3/xbox game that in 3D but with acual people instead of sticks. i sure wish the game would do that.
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all i see is blood, awsome, so cool, great, fantastic, excellent... NO BAD COMMENTS!?!?!?! I'M MAKING A GAME LIKE THIS!
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This is really helpful suggestion; You should be able to create profile in other website, not generally all of them but some cause there are bugs in the creators where I cant login due to unknown reason and somewhat send me viruses. Just exclusive or famous websites like Kongregate or Stickpage or etc.
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press 6,5,7 while you play and a cheat bar will show up
SNIPE-get a berett sniper rifle
MONEY-get 50k
REVIVE-restore your health
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I was just after getting the 3 evidences in Italy and the Mayor told me he's busy. I thought that the mayor's one of them too!