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lol you have only got the skill of flippin gravity unlimtedted lives. of course thats not alot compared to ur normal duck :D 5/5
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I was going to say that the levels in this game way overemphasized timed jumping to the point where I was sick of it, and that I was always being forced to stop on a dime (or, more commonly, die from spikes that were clearly put there just to piss me off), and that the really fun levels (the ones where you're flipping around like a maniac) were few and far between. But then I saw the ending all my doubts faded. 5/5
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When I read the instructions "'x' to flip gravity", I expected a puzzle platformer, so I was a little disappointed when I saw that there weren't really any gravity-based puzzles. When I decided it was an action platformer with a gravity twist instead, I found it was actually quite fun.
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"hello, you are my minion""you will get me 40 gold eggs"*poof*"you now have the ability to control gravity" WTF!?!?!??!?!?!
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HAHA i love the little its so cute thats really the only reason i like this game nah not the only reason maybe but you will never know click + if you think the duck is the only reason you like this game and click + if you love the cute little ducky press - minus if you hate this game