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Comments for Penguin Overlords

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Sep. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Fun little game! Some ideas for an update/sequel. 1. Endless mode would add some more playtime. 2. Upgradable AI Pathfinding would make it more playable AND add playtime (as more money would need to be collected) 3. Turtle Bait (buy it like the bombs, and it attracts turtles for a few seconds) 4. misanthr0pe's idea of destructable obstacles is good, and wouldn't unbalance play since you've got limited bombs. 5. LiamDC's idea of a "Money Magnet" upgrade to make gathering cash easier. Great work, keep it up! I'll be on the lookout for new games by you.

+ - !



Sep. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Can anyone else hear the Kingdom Hearts theme song?

+ - !



Sep. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) the AI in this game is just not up to par. It's just annoying watching your last penguin starve to death from half health because one turtle was on the other side of a barrier and your penguin isn't smart enough to walk around. Instead he just senselessly runs directly into the barrier

+ - !



Aug. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) So the penguins can't go through walls, but the turtles can just walk in from offstage? We can't blow up obstacles, but their bullets just fly through???

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Save your bombs for A) turtles that shoot, or B) the turtle your penguin is targeting when it gets stuck on a wall.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Suggestions: A) Magnet upgrade. B) Autocollect remaining money at end of level. C) Hotkeys for skills. D) STOP GETTING STUCK ON BUSHES

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The AI is dumb. Not only can they not walk around obstacles, as so many have mentioned, but I notice they continually attack heavily-armored turtles that take forever to kill instead of the armed turtles WHO ARE SHOOTING THEM! :P

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) +40 levels +Many upgrades +Good music -Sometimes penguins block after walls -Collecting eggs is boring/annoying

+ - !



May. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) today, I learnt the reason why penguins aren't kept as pets - if you dont't feed them, they explode

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Why they are dying from hunger while eating enormous amounts of turtles?

+ - !



May. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Penguin: I'm low on health and there's two turtles here... *eats first one* Alright, now for the oth- OH LOOK AT THAT DELICIOUS ONE ON THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE MAP!

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) how do you miss a non- moving taget!?

+ - !



Oct. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Wow I didn't know you could explode from starvation?

+ - !



Sep. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Beside how small the penguin's brain is, can we have shortcuts for the skills please? my mouse is too busy collecting eggs for breakfast. :) give me a + if you want shortcuts for skills.

+ - !



Aug. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) A nice addition would be a brain upgrade so you can make certain penguins attack different turtle types and higher tiers could make it so the penguin prioritized targets

+ - !



Aug. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I cannot express the horror I feel when my killer army of Robopenguins is defeated by a single well-placed hedge.

+ - !



Aug. 16, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Also, hotkeys are a necessity for the 4 abilities since you have no way of getting money to be drawn in. Otherwise if you move to go activate an ability you miss out on multiple coins.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) but that one penguin DID learn to fly........twice

+ - !



Jul. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) So turtles take over the world and our only hope is penguins that don't get walking around obstacles or going after the turtle thats shooting them while their stuck on a obstacle.

+ - !



Jul. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Number Of Times Penguins Died Due To Turtle Power: 46. Number Of Times Penguins Died Due To Inanimate Objects: 1617383849595058473938405.

+ - !



Jul. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Um, if 3 penguins do this much damage, then how did the turtles take over?

+ - !



Jul. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Nice bug: collect some money, buy equipment (like head, chest etc.) and go to game, pause it and quit to menu. then start the game and you have the equipment you bought + the money you had before you bought the equipment. Press + so the others can see this

+ - !



Jul. 22, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Gotta love it ... one normal turtle left, and three penguins sit running into an L-shaped patch of bushed for a third of their health until they all die and I fail the level. Give them enough AI to go around obstacles, ffs.

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Everyone's talking about how penguins can't walk around walls but their greatest mistake is the fact that they explode if they wait around for too long. Do they wear explosive collars too? Is it all some big conspiracy???

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) the song is a kingdom hearts rimix?

+ - !



Mar. 01, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Seriously no hotkeys and no upgrade for radius money collecting/autocollect/magnet?!

+ - !



Sep. 08, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) Aaahh penguin overlords, I remember staying up until 3am trying to finish this game, which I did! The satisfaction that ensued was great

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Am I the only one who thinks that it's a little terrifying? Penguins eating turtles? Oh well, bonus points for the Kingdom Hearts music.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) (Only Works Penguin Upgrades)

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Penguin: Hmm, let me chase after that turtle on the other side of the map! Yes! Charge! Oh no, a wall. I guess I should keep running into it until it magically disappears. Whoa a turtle just passed me! But I haven't eaten that turtle behind this wall so I can't go after it. I'm getting a little hungry, maybe I should give up on life and spontaneously explode, causing no damage to any turtles near me.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) this game misses the basics... bad pathing movement, no upgradeable and very weak coin collector, no hotkey to use skills, etc. not enjoyable to play at all. 1/5

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Been said, but you seriously, seriously need a magnet to pick up money of some kind.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Honestly... prioritizing chasing harmless randomly teleporting turtles while getting blown apart by stationary cannons right next to you??? That's just plain annoying.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) i really like the music....even more so when kingdom hearts originally came up with it

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) This music has the same jingle as kingdom hearts 2.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) It's sad to see a game where the developers haven't invested the time in making some changes that every player asks for and would make the game much more enjoyable to play. Lost some potential.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Why do those penguins go only in straigth line...And more importantly...why won't they go after the turtle right next to them, but to the one across the screen...Artificial difficulty really is not a nice mechanic...

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Wish there was a "magnet upgrade" to help make it easier to collect eggs!

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) just my imagination or is the music similar to kingdom hearts?

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) nice soundtrack. it wasn't till it nearly finished its first playthrough till i figured out it was a remix of the Kingdom Hearts Theme

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The "Miss" mechanic is utter crap.

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Dear lord, I greatly despise the teleporting turtles.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Farm level 30 and you'll have 5 fully outfitted penguins in no time!

+ - !



Aug. 26, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) collecting money is so painful T.T

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) This game is terrible. Penguins are extremely stupid. Money making is tedious and hard. The actual game is just moving a mouse. This game killing your wrist and killing your nerve and this is the exact opposite what a flash game should be.

+ - !



Aug. 26, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Needs hotkeys for abilities and bombs. A way to destroy penguins who are stuck wouldn't go amiss either, it's painful to watch my robo penguin get slowly shot to death because of its inability to stop hitting its head against the wall.

+ - !



Aug. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Save your bombs and bomb the one they are chasing when they get stuck on walls if you can :)

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Needs keyboard shortcuts for the powerups, better money collection, more time to collect when everything's dead, and better pathfinding. That sums up most of the comments so far, I think.

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) IT IS KINGOM HEARTS MUSIC!!!

+ - !



May. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The game could use an AI tweak. I was going to give it a decent rating and play for the badges but after reading the developers response to the ONLY complaint about the game, I think I am done.

+ - !


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