Some men aren’t looking for anything logical. They can’t be easily bought, criticised or reasoned with. They just want to hit large ugly things very hard with a large blunt object and collect large amounts of currencies. This is the premise on what Berzerk Studio has been built, to make games that we want to play. If we don’t find a game fun to play, a story interesting to read, a joke hilariously horrible, we can hardly expect you guys to now can we? Since its inception in the dark and moldy basement of our fearless art director, the studio has been doing just that, bringing educative in all the wrong places games filled with protein stuffed meats, sturdy metal hats and eardrum shattering metal soundtracks to a grey world that had been flooded with very un-metal products with almost no meat references, not to mention very few hats. Here at Berzerk Studio, we don’t see our games as products, except maybe a product of the unholy union of our blood tears and sweat. daawwwww soundboard If you wish to contact our band of meat hat wearing eccentrics, you may do so at info@berzerkstudio.com or visit our webforteress at www.Berzerkstudio.com for a more complete overview of our Studio, not to mention it’s an endless resource of amusement. — Activity FeedAwardsMy Games |