Hello, welcome to my profile. Please try my game if you like and tell me what you think!
I like to collect impossible badges :)
Impossible Badges
Epic Battle Fantasy 2: Ultima Hero
Tower of Greed: A Winner Is You!
Epic Boss Fighter: Outlasting & Out-Blasting
Rogue Soul 2: ‘’All That Way for a Little Imp’’
Amorphous+: Hall of Fame
Cardinal Quest 2: Roguestrike
99 Bricks: 99 Problems
Dino Run: Chaos Theory
Streamline: Rhythm Prodigy
Line Game: Line Flyer
Vertigo: Gravity Llama: Llama Lampooning
The Necronomicon: Necronomiconquerer
Monsters’ Den: Hardest of Core
Focus: You’ve Got the Touch
Run 2: Slave of the Fireflies
colourPod 2: dimensionPod: Fear Not the Darkness