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Latest Activity: Played Swords and Sandals IV: Tavern Quests (Jan 14, 2021 3:11am)

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    Mar. 31, 2010
Rp Character

Name: Sethas
Age: 17
Species: Human / glacius

Backstory: Just before the end of the Magika era,Lovurn , A deep believer of magic, Ice in particular, devoted his whole life studying the True limits of black magic. Nearing his death, and just a little bit closer to control the power of ice; his frustration was immense and trying to wield such power might as well just disintegrate his whole body, he had no choice and neither did he want to lose all his research and time; he dug a secret chamber far below Acrefrost, a village that unbelievably strived in it's Icy climate and transmitted his soul to to a stone on which he'd wait till the right body or as he would say 'test subject' discovers his stone.

Many generations onwards began 'the era of War' Sethas, a young adult but with a lonely life, He was adopted with his younger sister, Lyranas who is just 1 year younger than him, She was the only thing he had and he was the only thing she had. They strived together for survival for a few years now but all was about to change.

Sethas woke up to a different sound this morning, the screaming of innocent people and the sound of burning fire. He quickly looked outside the window and saw everybody fleeing, fleeing to a ship that was just about to evacuate and on the other was the battle cry of the invaders.

"Why are people screaming?" Sethas ponders to himself but he quickly snapped out of his trance and springed out of his bed and wakes up his younger sister "Wake up! Lyra Wake up!" Sethas shouted and gave a shove
"What's going on?" Lyranas spoke gently
"A war is going on and we have to get to the evacuation ship!" Sethas answered as he grabbed his younger sister and began running through the streets

"What about mum and dad?" Lyranas questioned.
"They... left us" Sethas gloomily answered 'WA BAM' a catapulted rock destroyed the shortest route to the ship
"Gahh! We cant slow down!" Sethas shouted as he tightens his grip on Lyranas and made his way through the houses; Jumping out the windows and landing inside another. He caught a glimpse of the boat as he started to struggle from the glass pieces that pierced his body
"Brother!" Lyranas shouted "This is not worth the pain!"
Sethas replied "We're so close, It's right over..." The ship have departed on it's journey to the safer cities as Lyranas and Sethas stared into the horizon. "No i was too late." Sethas spoke with a tear rolling down his eye
"You did your best." Lyranas attempted to cheer up Sethas. His legs gave up and he knelt down. "I guess this is the end of the line..." Sethas stated. They could hear the sound of battle cry got louder and louder and the footsteps get stronger and stronger. He sat on the segment of ice which manipulated to be used as a pier and his thoughts took over "Is this really how my life ends? Did i serve no purpo-" The ice on the ground started to shake as they hopelessly tried to get away but the Ice crumbled down into a huge cavern. "Where are we?" Sethas looked around the room which seemed to be a study room
"I'm not sure myself, perhaps we can take refuge here, nobody can get us here and we'll be safe!" Lyranas cheered happily
Sethas gaved a relieved sigh "You always know the right words to say sis" Sethas smiled "Let's take a look around"

They searched around the cubical study room in anything they could use but nothing seemed usable but something that attracted their eyes, A floating stone which glows a radiant blue. After the unfortunate search they decided it was time to approach the stone.
"Lyranas, stay back" he ordered and she did willingly. He approached the hovering stone when suddenly a bright blue energy came surging through the stone and into-
"Sethas!" Lyranas shouted "get out of there!"
The helpless body hovering higher in the air then BOOM, a blue wave swiped the study room apart and Sethas' body changed. "finally, I have awaken from my slumber" as a dark mysterious voice boomed out of Sethas' new body; his skin was turned into something that is similar to charcoal with Cyan waves surging through the cracks.
"YES! It has been finished," the Mysterious voice spoke "The power of Glacius, It's all MINE!"
"Let him go!" Lyranas shouted as Sethas quickly acknowledged her presence "You there, Little girl, Tell me what's the era we're in" as Sethas' possessed arm pointed to Lyranas
"The Era of war!" Lyranas quickly answered, trying to avoid a mess.
"Perfect. With all the footsteps i'm guessing, those are the invaders yes?" The mysterious voice asked
"ummmm yes" Lyranas hesitantly answered
"Excuse me, it seems I have not introduced myself, I am Lovurn, The descendant of Glacius." Lovurn spoke.
"Glacius? That's just folk lore and myths isn't it?" Lyranas asked, confused with his words
"No... Not at all, everything was true, he possessed the power of the Ice and water. A powerful figure whose power I dreamt of having, I studied for thousands and thousands of hours about the power of Ice and it's true limits..." Lovurn told Lyranas about the whole story
"So what happens to my brother?!" Lyranas exclaimed
"Fear not, young one. He is fine, my soul has been mixed into his. Glacius gave me his power in the form of a necklace and I long studied it until I unlocked its true potential but the time was unfortunate as i was nearing my death, You could say there is two bodies in 1 soul, Your brother is still concious and whatever I'm saying; he hears, It is our best chance that we try out this ancient
power to repel against the raiders no?" Lovurn storied. "however,
I'm afraid it is your time to go -"

"What?!" Lyranas shouted in disbelief
"You see, Ice magic has very conclusive properties to Negativity, Cold and Dark as they always say, Glacius was full of negativity as he had nothing, but the power which he used to create this land." Lovurn explained as he raised Sethas' Right arm and points it to Lyranas
"Never!" Sethas' voice started to pierced through his possessed mouth
"What's going on?" Lovurn Shouted
The possessed arm started to swing in different directions as Ice spikes raised from the ground; out of Lyranas' way.
Sethas broke out of the possession and turned back to his normal body.

"Nobody's going to hurt my sister!" Sethas shouted as he held his right arm tightly. "Lyranas! get out of h-"
"WAIT,wait ," Lovurn's voice suddenly changed, He coughed a few times "I thought it was funny if I could spook you guys and girls a bit you know? hahaha," Lovurn's voice sounded like an old innocent man who have lived his life to the fullest.
"What?!" Lyranas and Sethas exclaimed synchronized
"haha, although do take my story seriously, You wield the power of the creator of this Icy land that you stand on afterall, Use this power to save Acrefrost, that is if you still want to save it that is. It seems i must've done my transmit spell wrong; instead of being able to live another life I'm forced to still follow with this old soul of mine." Lovurn's voice spoke from Sethas' mouth
"Wait does this mean you get to use my body whenever you want?" Sethas shouted as Lyranas giggled "It's not funny!"
"ahhh... the potential young people have, it seems my time is nearly over. My soul will leave your body soon but Glacius' power is bound to you. Use it well..."
Sethas suddenly bursted "Wait! old man don't die now I don't even know what I'm capable of and besides what will I do nex-"
"Your life is still not written in history, haven't you always wanted to be someone?"
The wise voice said.
"Well yeah bu-"
The ice above them suddenly started melting and cracking.
"This is your time kiddo! remember all of those books you red about Glacius. Those are your powers..." Lovurn interrupted "Show them the power of Glacius and start anew as a hero!"
"Yes!... Lovurn?" Sethas asked as the three got acquainted with each other
"Yes, kiddo?" Lovurn replied
"hahaha no problem. Now go and protect what is right!"
Sethas stormed out of the icy cavern and stood there as he was surrounded by the invaders
"hahahahaha what can you possibly do to us?" One of them started talking and all of them laughed
Sethas grinned.

He struck the slippery floor with his palm and large Ice spikes Struck out the ground and pierced through the bodies of the Invaders taking out nearly half of the army.
The rest of the invaders charged at him but Sethas didn't show a bit of fear, he raised his arm and a tsunami came from the shore but just when the tsunami was at it's highest Sethas flicked his wrist and opened his palm as the Water turned into sharp Icicles and rained throughout the pier which toar through the Invader's armour easily, The Invader's Leader finally came out and ordered his troops to fall back "you're tough." He said "tell me, where'd you get you're powers?"

"Hmph" Sethas lowers his head "Let me sharpen your brain a bit." He took one of the broken swords of the invaders
"Hah! you think you can beat me with that?"
"No... but with this instead!" He swiped his other hand across the sword and water started to form into a bigger and sharper blade and it froze in structure.
"Bring it."

The two combatants stared at each other, trying to psych out one another as the crowd watched intensely at the soon to be battle.
"No magic or tricks." The leader declared
"And no crying back to your soldiers for help." Sethas replied.
"Oh It's gonna be fun fighting you!"
They thrust forward with each other and the blades made a huge clash as they began in close rapid combat of seeing who can best one another in a game of speed. The Leader ruthlessly hammering his sword on Sethas but he simply parries each strike and perhaps even a yawn. The leader was pissed and started striking faster and faster but Sethas had enough he slashed the leaders sword right off his hand and puts the Icy blade up to his Neck
"Leave." Sethas ordered
"Well done... but let's see how you stand against when someone that is so dear to you is held Captive!"
Sethas leaned a bit and saw Lyranas with a blade right at her throat
"No one... touches my sister!" His skin started to turn dark and charcoal like and transformed into his previous form, The Icy blade expanded and pierced through the Leaders throat as well as the Invader that held Lyranas captive.

The Invaders Retreated and ran as fast as they could as Sethas leaped into the air and summoned two big Icy mountains at his sides. He raised his arm and held both mountains and clenched it with amazing force which caused the Mountains to shape into Colossal blades.

"DIE!" Sethas shouted as he swinged the two blades which cut through the Army like knife and butter. only a few managed to escape but It didn't matter to Sethas, He transformed back to his normal human form and ran to Lyranas
"Brother! I... I've never seen you like that before," Lyranas spoke hesitantly
"Neither have I felt such immense power. I feel like all the negative emotions have..."
"Converted into a dark magical power and took over your body?"
"well umm... Yeah wait a min-"
"Yes... It is something you will have to bear, but it is also you're ultimate weapon remember. Cold and Dark. Whenever one person have such anger or sorrow he let's it all go to waste. Except for Glacius, He'd convert that power thus unlocking his new form; That's the highest limit Glacius could reach." The old man's voice spoke through Sethas' mouth unexpectedly
"that sorta makes sense" Sethas thought
"I'm afraid my time is up, Pave your own roads Sethas. I'm afraid this is goodbye..."
"Wait no don't go i still have more thin-" Sethas heart suddenly felt lighter and the presense of Lovurn dissapearing
"He's gone..." Sethas said "Now we're lost, again"
"No!" Lyranas declined Sethas' dark statements "You've got that new power of yours you can be somebody and build a new and bette- huh?" Lyranas felt something in her pocket, she reaches to it and there was a letter
"What does it say." Sethas spoke in a lighter mood
Lyranas smirked and red out what it said

"Dear Lyranas

Your presence is warming and your soul burns with a light I haven't seen for a thuosand years. Guide Sethas throughout you're journey, though he may be lost, his negativity will prove well for his powers but you play a role that is just as important as his.
Stay together

From Lovurn."

"Dammit, seems like he got the laugh last" Sethas smirked out loud as he gazed across the starry skies pondering on what will destiny unfold for him


Water conversion

From time to time Sethas puts his palm on the ground and water will start to rise up from the depth of the earth to the surface or just below it.
-Sethas is vulnerable during the ability


Ability to turn water and freeze it into any object
-Needs water


-Sethas' favourite weapon. The sound of spikes piercing through skin and metal.
-Needs water


-whatever Sethas get's his hands on he could freeze it completely in a matter of seconds

-Water could be frozen from a far distance


-Sethas could turn the tide of the battlefield by rendering the opposition's sights to be useless
It can also be used with spikes to make the blizzard a Blood bath.
-Causes Sethas to be vulnerable and exhausted as an after effect


-Sethas morphs water to look like him to fool the opponent that their is multiple clones of him or be used as a decoy
-Needs water


Causes to rain Hail
-Needs alot of 'evaporated' water.


-Sethas forms a small Icy mountain that reaches to his neck which he grabs thus breaking the mountain into the shape of a blade
-Needs Water

Once Sethas has enough Negativity he could converge all of it to evolve into Glacius true deadly form.

Glacial blade

-Sethas forms two gigantic blade that could reach up to the sky and wields it with no problem


A hail storm automatically occurs whilst in Glacial mode, Sethas is not affected


-Any Object could be frozen Bullets, beams, Orbs even fire. Except for the oppositions, To freeze oppositions he would have to contact the enemy

Sub - Zero

Ultimate move Causes a blizzard that spirals around him and expands in distance at a rapid rate. an Icy aura freezes anything including opponent that is 100m in radius of him. Icicles spawns from the ground and spins with the Blizzard whilst a hailstorm occurs. IF There is a large amount of water he could pull the ground and cause tectonic movements and turn the terrain into an Icy Hell.


Eye colour: Sapphire
Skin: Light brown
Hair colour: Complete White (not grey)
Hair: Spiky which leans to one side

Shirt: A black sweater underneath with a Blue short fur hoody that is strapped up using brown leather straps, The hood is trimmed with thick fur.

Legs: Blue cargo shorts with brown leather straps around the hips

Others: Glacius' Blue war paint which covers the arms and chest of Sethas' skin and finishes with two triangle that comes from each side of his cheeks pointed to his nose. (paint doesent touches the nose, it stops midway)

Glacius form: War paint glows and becomes a surge of cyan (blue liquid) which flows through the cracks of the dark charcoal like body. Eyes glow like the surge of Cyan


Weaknesses: Fire, Cute stuff (except for cats), Phsycic, Dry terrain

Ok enough of that that was quite formal xD
Apart from that im a laid back guy And i never criticize... well unless if it's a perfect time to crack a top quality joke :3
I like fish and rock/metal are my fav music genres
I watch animes like SAO or Code geass if you guys watched any that's awesome
I love to Play games like Kingdom hearts, Final fantasy, Pokemon and uhh well yeah xD a few others that i forgot

"Criticism is the tool of the weak" and "To criticize is to lower one's pride to higher your own." :D bai :3

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