Comeback Mar. 30th, 2016
Once again, I am needed. From the ashes, I am reborn. One mod to rule them all. One mod to ban them. One mod to bring them all and from the darkness protect them.
Resigned Modship: Aug. 4th, 2015
After 4 years of service, I finally resign. I am released from my tiresome oath, so I can ascend to the upper realms of reality itself. My Banhammer now rests in the hands of the next of my lineage. May he possess the serenity to accept the things he cannot change, the courage to change the things he can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Mod Since: Jul. 6th, 2011
I’ve sworn to protect every member of this kongregation from the evil powers of the dark trolls. With my banhammer, and my flameshield, I can unleash heaven upon those who oppose us.