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Latest Activity: Played Elements (Jan 24, 2018 5:48am)

Points needed for next level: 654 Level

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    Sep. 19, 2008
5 Impossibles :D check it! :D By the way here is the: DOODLE-GOD WALKTHROUGH: Fire + Earth -> Lava ------ Fire + Air -> Energy ------ Fire + Water -> Alcohol ------ Water + Earth -> Swamp ------ Air + Earth -> Dust ------ Water + Lava -> Stone + Steam ------ Stone + Air / Water -> Sand ------ Sand + Fire -> Glass ------ Energy + Air -> Storm ------ Stone + Fire -> Metal ------ Metal + Energy -> Electricity ------ Metal + Steam -> Boiler ------ Energy + Swamp -> Life ------ Life + Water -> Weeds ------ Weeds + Swamp -> Moss ------ Life + Swamp -> Bacteria ------ Bacteria + Water -> Plankton ------ Sand + Swamp -> Clay ------ Clay + Fire -> Brick ------ Clay + Life -> Golem ------ Golem + Life -> Human ------ Human + Energy -> Wizard ------ Wizard + Energy -> Demigod ------ Human + Metal -> Tools ------ Tools + Metal -> Weapon ------ Weapon + Human -> Hunter ------ Weapon + Hunter -> Warrior ------ Warrior + Wizard -> Worm + Wizard ------ Worm + Earth -> Beetle ------ Beetle + Sand -> Scorpion ------ Human + Human -> Sex ------ Life + Stone -> Egg ------ Egg + Earth -> Dinosaur ------ Dinosaur + Fire -> Dragon ------ Dragon + Human -> Ash + Dragon ------ Ash + Life -> Ghost ------ Plankton + Stone -> Shell ------ Shell + Stone -> Limestone ------ Limestone + Clay -> Cement ------ Warrior + Dragon -> Blood + Hero ------ Blood + Human -> Vampire ------ Water + Alcohol -> Vodka ------ Vodka + Human -> Alcoholic ------ Moss + Earth -> Grass ------ Grass + Grass -> Seeds ------ Seeds + Earth -> Tree ------ Human + Stone -> Hut ------ Tools + Tree -> Wood ------ Tools + Wood -> Wheel ------ Egg + Air -> Bird ------ Storm + Bird -> Thunderbird ------ Fire + Bird -> Phoenix ------ Bacteria + Swamp -> Worm + Sulfur ------ Wood + Fire -> Ash + Coal ------ Coal + Boiler -> Steam Engine ------ Wheel + Wood -> Cart ------ Wood + Water -> Boat ------ Wood + Boat -> Ship ------ Ship + Steam Engine -> Steam Ship ------ Cart + Steam Engine -> Locomotive ------ Worm + Sand -> Snake ------ Egg + Sand -> Turtle ------ Plankton + Bacteria -> Fish ------ Tools + Scorpion -> Poison ------ Poison + Weapon -> Poisoned Weapon ------ Poisoned Weapon + Human -> Assassin ------ Human + Assassin -> Corpse + Assassin ------ Life + Corpse -> Zombie ------ Zombie + Corpse -> Ghoul ------ Tree + Life -> Treant ------ Egg + Swamp -> Lizard ------ Lizard + Earth -> Beast ------ Beast + Human -> Domestic Animal ------ Human + Domestic Animal -> Meat + Wool + Milk ------ Tools + Wool -> Fabric ------ Fabric + Human -> Clothes ------ Grass + Swamp -> Reed ------ Tools + Reed -> Paper ------ Hunter + Bird -> Feather + Blood + Meat ------ Feather + Paper -> Book ------ Beast + Water -> Whale ------ Beast + Fish -> Dolphin ------ Domestic Animal + Grass -> Fertilizer + Milk ------ Fabric + Ship -> Frigate ------ Beast + Cart-> Chariot ------ Beast + Vampire -> Werewolf ------ Grass + Fire -> Tobacco ------ Paper + Tobacco -> Cigarette ------ Limestone + Fertilizer -> Saltpetre ------ Saltpetre + Sulfur -> Gunpowder ------ Gunpowder + Weapon -> Firearm ------ Tools + Earth -> Field ------ Seeds + Field -> Wheat ------ Wheat + Stone -> Flour ------ Flour + Water -> Dough ------ Dough + Fire -> Bread ------ Alcohol + Wheat -> Beer ------ Coal + Water -> Oil ------ Oil + Cart -> Car ------ Car + Air -> Airplane ------ Weeds + Earth -> Mushroom ------ Moss + Swamp -> Fern ------ Worm + Air -> Butterfly ------ Water + Cement -> Concrete ------ Concrete + Bricks -> House ------ House + Glass -> Skyscraper ------ Human + Clay -> Cheramics

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