Dec. 08, 2008 Kongai 1.12! Bug Fixes & MoreThis release attempts to make Kongai more accessible to new players and emphasize ranked matches, where you'll soon be able to earn achievements. To improve the beginner's experience, we have put greater emphasis on ranked matches, where players will be matched up based on skill level.
Playing ranked matches is now the best way to earn cards, as the card drop rate for unranked matches has been lowered if you already have more than 10 cards. The drop rate of ranked matches will remain unchanged.
In an effort to focus on fun, casual play rather than ranks in unranked matches, we've also stopped displaying rank in the unranked lobby. To make ranked matches easier to get to, we've also added ranked matches (Play 3-card) to the after-game destination menu.
This release also includes numerous bug fixes, such as:
--Juju same-speed healing on a killing blow with death mask no longer triggers Death Mask
--Moving a card to a blank slot in the deck while placing an item no longer prevents placement
--Signing in after being a guest no longer cause the guest deck list to show up in the deck gallery
--Zina can no longer gain Beast Feast buff before opponent has died
--Anex or Cain get the correct damage bonus under 30% HP vs same-speed attacks (The infamous host/non-host bug)
We have also made it easier to purchase new cards from inside the game, so anyone who doesn't want to wait for card drops or weekly challenges can get any card they want as quickly as they need it.
Let us know what you think and if you find any bugs. Thanks!
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