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Comments for Star Supremacy

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Oct. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Hi, i was looking to start playing on their main website, is there any way to do that. i dont know what my login information would be, if anyone knows how, please let me know

+ - !



Nov. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I don't have any problem with games being complicated. What i don't like is when interfaces are complicated; this game has an incredibly complex and therefore confusing interface. Please consider simplifying it, so new players can get into the game quicker. Thanks.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) my opinion: they should just make 1 gameworld, rather than separate servers which die when a new one is released. barbily pays less for server running and we don't get bored of dead servers. sounds fair :) but to stop that endgame all completed research/building problem, they should remove the level limit on research/building, and make there costs work on some kind of algorithm. and another thing, i would rather have a simple premium status which people paid for, rather than this whole cash hungry *pay for everything separately* idea, because when u see the B-credit symbol EVERYWHERE it implies that it is cash hungry. give premium users perks like an extra build slot or 2, and SOME (not a whole load, that would make it unbalanced) useful items every week or so, etc. if anyone here likes this kind of game, i know a less cash imbalanced and longer lasting game, PM me for the link ('cause i won't steal people from this game posting it here.)

+ - !



Sep. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @lodadsag: You can get Dark Material in shop reward.

+ - !



Sep. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) um why cant i disable this thing that tells me I have to upgrade my ships when I don't have any of the dark matter stuff used to upgrade any of my ships.

+ - !



Nov. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I appreciate seeing all the developer responses to our comments. Thanks for listening!

+ - !



Nov. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Well i just played through the tutorial but i still dont feel like i have any idea what the right things to do are, like the best formation to choose in battle and such. Its quite complicated and I just don't care enough about it to figure everything out. Also the deal was sealed once i realized this is one of those games that has real time aspects like things working for a few hours or something like that. I absolutely hate having that aspect in games so Im not going to play this again and will rate low to try and make sure it does not get badges

+ - !



Oct. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Good pictures.

+ - !



Nov. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Is there a reason that ships equipped with regular missiles always do zero damage when they deploy aircraft? Also, I found loads of grammar errors in the tooltips.

+ - !



May. 19, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I click on a server but....does it happen with you too?

+ - !



Mar. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) hey barbily here is a suggestion instead of getting stuff not listed as a reward for an instance why not hve the drops be what is listed in the instance. and another sugestion increase the corsaurs for the game

+ - !



Aug. 22, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Plus, it would be nice to be able to turn the prompts telling me what to do every single second because it's freaking unnecessary.

+ - !



Nov. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Oh Yay! Another strategy game that wants you to log on for a certain amount of time every day to get by.

+ - !


Developer response from barbily

Hello teloivkrad, in Star Supremacy, good ship design will mean you never need to top up your energy since your energy loss depends on how many ships are defeated. This means that your play time is never limited :D


Jan. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Im just a few mins into the game and im LOVING IT! this is a really great game :D

+ - !



Dec. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) There's one thing I worry about, What if a very experienced player defeats me and stops me from advancing. I played a game like this and a strong person captured me. How can I know that I'll be safe from other players?

+ - !



Dec. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I really want Loyalty To Replenish i don't care if its slow, At least 1 every 1 or 2 hours

+ - !



Dec. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) DANG IT! It wont load for me anymore. :(

+ - !



Dec. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) needs more alliance features. when someone is online/offline and such.

+ - !



Dec. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) when a leader levels up they should regain all their power or at least 50%

+ - !



Dec. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) An example of how NOT to code a game: disconnects, freezes, very laggy response (caused by bad UI programming) and now a rollback that removed 90% of my ships, many of my building upgrades but resources/items did not get rolled back. On top of that the game balance is all borked - new players will never catch up to old guys with the building/research times as they are. That's a 1 star there

+ - !



Nov. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Love the music

+ - !


Developer response from barbily

Thanks PrivateCritter, the composer is called Imphenzia and makes lots of great music for independent developers like us!


Nov. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This is basically Pokemon but not nearly as fun.

+ - !



Nov. 28, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) its not letting me attack other players colonies

+ - !


Developer response from barbily

Your home colonies are safe from attack, however any colony built out in the stars will be vulnerable. Keep your most important buildings safe at home.


Nov. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Interesting concept, too bad its a money sucking MMORPG

+ - !


Developer response from barbily

Hello TheBlade98, half of our top 10 players actually play for free, including the number 1 player! We have worked hard to ensure that Star Supremacy is fair for all players whether they pay or not since everyone has the opportunity to get coins for free in game :)


Nov. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) WHAT'S WRONG WITH LOOSE DRESSED WOMEN ??!!

+ - !



Nov. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I'd like to know how you all expect these "MMO" games to be able to afford servers and to continue updates if the game is entirely free?

+ - !



Nov. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) It told me communication expired and I couldn't play...

+ - !



Nov. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This game it's still a Beta, that means it's still on construction, have errors, bugs, etc. Meanwhile you are finishing the game, mind if you can add: -Full Screen Mode -And if possible, the battles graphic, they are good, but if you can, can you improve? -And it should be very good that you can upload more ships to your commander even if he is not on your base. Thank You, and hope you keep improving the game. (Sorry for any Grammar Errors)

+ - !


Developer response from barbily

Hello abdalacorleon, you make a very good point about resupplying your fleets. I'll inform the developers about it :)


Nov. 16, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This looks like it could be a very nice game, but at this point its very buggy. During the bombing raid at the beginning, initially my ship sprites only showed as out lines, then when the sprites filled in the game froze. Look forward to seeing it completed, for now 2+ of 5

+ - !



Jul. 30, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I just bought the "Atmospheric Dome" Artifact...and can't find it in the inv!! The Atmospheric Generator was building up..please don't tell me these 500 BCs are lost! As i know all Artifacts must be launched manually...if not....hell, Let me put it where i need it.

+ - !



Jul. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) mind 3 things 1. for a post that long make a forum don't take up 3 massively long comment spaces 2.while you can be raided and beaten as a noob your home planet is unassailable, so as long as you keep important things there your safe 3. he has already mentioned language in best comments and if you missed it they will give rewards for people who point them out

+ - !



Nov. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Cool seems like, these retards made a rollback last night - minus a dozen of usable items which were used by that time, a commander and 5-6 upgrades. I just hope this never gets badged so I never have to play it again.

+ - !



Nov. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @BARBILY Yeah like Evilhen88 said you missed an apostrophe in the "youre" on the select server screen, but even so, you should be spelling it like "your" and not "you're" Your = Your You're = You are

+ - !



Nov. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) When i started this game, i expected a real dynamic show of ships shooting lots of missles and lasers at the opponents. And we can set ship positions and ready the ships for battle, not just a single ship resembling hundreds of them.

+ - !



Nov. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) In the tutorial, the hooded man says "research out colony ship" to Vincent. I believe he means "our colony ship".

+ - !



Nov. 24, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Defens? Isn't it supposed to be defense?

+ - !



Nov. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Yepp. This feels any plays like every single game of its genre.

+ - !



Nov. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Black screen, cant play at all

+ - !



Jan. 31, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I take it back. This game runs you into a huge effing wall when you hit a certain point, because you can't get rare resources I can see why people desert it. I am juuuust about to the point where I will walk away, never to come back, seeing as how the next phase is so hard to get to. Nice game at the start, but once you hit that wall, it is very frustrating.

+ - !



Dec. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I have a problem where I have 2 of the same design. and it's frustrating that I can't put them into the same leader. (yeah I forgot I put one already) and was hoping that someone can put the option of putting them together, or get a warning sign to come up when making 2 of the same design.

+ - !



Nov. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) we dont need any more of these types of game unless you actually create something fresh and original

+ - !



Nov. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) theres lots of misspelled letters and words here but this is game is awesome

+ - !



Dec. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Logon reward havent worked for 3 days anyone else have that issue?

+ - !



Dec. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Are you ever opening other areas? We are getting crowded in Shaula, specially the Altairian and Seeker initial worlds!

+ - !



Dec. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) O.o All it's so Cheap.... Wish i could have B-Credit DX

+ - !



Nov. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) gateway security error?

+ - !



Nov. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I am pretty sure everyone will agree with me but these energy times are way to long. 1 minute per energy is the norm but 5 is to much. this is beta so we should have lesser time so players are able to get thru the levels so they can experience any bugs and report it back. the current time wont allow enough players to find the bugs and will keep this game in beta for much longer then needed. LESSEN THE TIMINGS!

+ - !


Developer response from barbily

We're giving away free energy potions each day to help with this. Also you will find that well designed fleets will hardly lose any energy during combat allowing you to conquer to your heart's content.


Nov. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Has the Server just gone down or something? Game just cut out on me!!!!

+ - !



Dec. 22, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Beautyfull game! I´ve been crawling around the net searching for a game like this one! The freature that I love most Its the idea of givinng cash objects evrey couple of minutes And I like too to have a homewolrd when you can develop all you want until you are ready to face the factions wars. But maybe a more explaniative tutorial about ships, ´cause I´ve commited a mortal mistake, I accidentaly dissmissed the first comm that you are given to your colony and I dont want to anyone get in the same situation. But anyway 5/5! keep up the Very Good Job!

+ - !


Developer response from barbily

Thank-you puynsi


Nov. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This game is nothing like most others of it's genre. All of you who are calling the developers of this game greedy have probably only played it for about 5 minutes. The stuff you are able to buy only barely helps you and most of it you can obtain very easily through battling. Don't comment on or rate a game based solely on the genre, give it a chance

+ - !


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