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I loved these in Games Magazine (doing them with paper and pencil). The online implementation is good. Like somebody else mentioned, a Next Level button would be nice. Some basic tips for new players: Click all the 1s first, since they are just themselves. Do the 2s next, because they will always be right next to each other. Once you start getting the smaller numbers filled in the paths for the higher numbers will become obvious.
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Good deviation from the other concept. Takes a bit long for a medium badge though,. but it's not all that hard either.
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great game but i cannot play it for very long, its time consuming. When i first started playing it i was about to change games until the instructions showed it wasn't Sudoku lol but it was a great unique game.
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intersting idea but the bizare, and wierd looking pictures make it a bit unfullfilling. No Eureka moment half the time I can barley make out the picture when it's finished and then only just when the titles give.
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Well that wasn't such a hard badge to get... Hey, why don't I add up my total time and.... HOLY CRAP I JUST SPENT AN HOUR AND 20 MINUTES ON THIS
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Even if I finisted the game few months ago, it was fun to play it again. Thanks for a good game. Really hope on a sequel and, of course the 'next" button and, maybe more chalenges/badges (best time, user levels). 5/5
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I don't know why, but the song "Mungojerry and Rumpleteezer" from the musical "Cats" started running through my head while I was solving level 3.2... I didn't think anything of it until I had completed that puzzle. It kind of freaked me out a little.
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The puzzles are fun but I really wish that my mouse wouldn't stop tracking every time I move over the outside line... makes for frustration when filling in the outside colors.
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Level 3 is fun and until you get there, you won't appreciate the game. I'd suggest halving the length of level 2, and reducing level 1 to a quick tutorial.
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I used to play this all the time on conceptis puzzles homepage before it started to cost money, have missed it soo soo much! Rly happy this came, although the big ones are more fun:p :D