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Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I kinda want the screenshot as well if you're willing to provide it...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I already did provide it. Well, technically 12q did. You and all your stalker buddies said it didn't prove anything. Everyone else disagreed.


Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Also Q, why would stalkers have kongregate accounts from 2008, are these dangerous hackers that stalker you just play flash games in their free time for years?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Because every stalker is also a person who did stuff before and during the time they were/are a stalker. Your question really makes no sense. Did you think they were all pod people that matured in the last two years or something?


Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I was not around during said Furoa screenshot that proves her ban. Can you please clarify what happened with the screenshot that got her banned, Q?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Denied the existence of the stalkers, claimed proof I was providing wasn't proof. Pretty simple to identify as stalker behavior. It's funny, there were shitloads of people asking questions/disagreeing/etc... and oddly, only people acting really suspicious as I outlined got banned. Maybe there was a reason for that.


Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Why wouldn't you? Prove me wrong and show me the screenshot

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Because I already did and you just handwaved it away despite the obvious proof contained therein? You don't get to repeatedly ask for the exact same thing over and over and act like your never saw it the first time. It's another stalker tactic that's pretty sad. You try to make it look like I'm not answering your questions when I'm in fact just tired of answering the exact same question over and over again with the exact same proof everyone except you completely accepts as proof.


Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) What exactly about that screenshot proves your suspicions, then? You claim to be so good at debate but every time we ask for clarification or rebut one of your points all you do is dance around the issue, use ad hominems, or handwave the rebuttal away without addressing the issue at all.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, I give you proof, you claim it isn't proof, everyone else accepts it as proof, and we all go on with our lives while you keep asking the same question over and over again in the comments as though the answer is somehow going to change. Again: common stalker tactic to try and make me look evasive when I'm actually just tired of answering the same fucking question over and over again while you pretend I never answered it.


Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Well, you just said you had one that shows what you ARE talking about, care to direct me to it?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Why would I bother? Didn't you see it before and say it wasn't good enough? That's always the response from you folks. There's no player mutiny. Everyone knows what's going on and what happened. There's nothing actually left for me to answer.


Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) If you're talking about this one it doesn't show furoa doing any of the things you are talking about.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

There are in fact an infinite number of possible screenshots that do not show what I'm talking about. Which isn't really proof of anything much.


Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) "We have a screenshot of you doing exactly what I said would get you banned. The end." What screenshot?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The one you said wasn't good enough and everyone else said was.


Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Have you ever considere the possibility of Delos being his own stalker?? I mean... The game crashes sometimes, that´s why we all kind of believe there is someone messing around but... Who would care for a small game played by such a small community?? What if, in fact, Delos would be insanely crashing his own game so people would believe it? Would that be impossible? I don´t think so...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The game has literally never crashed. The stalkers used to bribe or threaten the hosting company into shutting off the server and blaming it on RAM. Moved hosting companies, never happened again. The server's back to running on 256MB of RAM, by the way. The people after me care about attacking me, not the game in specific. Nice try at your usual lies and deflection, though, stalker.


Nov. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) d) I'm done trying to be polite and civil with you when you're just going to reject all evidence that doesn't agree with your worldview. You've twisted words to suit your own meanings, seen connections where there were none, and contradicted yourself on multiple occasions. (and please. point me to this nebulous 'everyone' that sees the screenshot as 'damning evidence', because i haven't heard a peep from them at all. There was literally two lines of information on it that explained the reasoning behind my infodrop. circumstantial, contextless, and would not fly in court.) I'm done. Inb4 more accusations of walls of text and lying.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You know, it's really ironic that you're claiming I'm rejecting evidence. Which is what you're doing. Stalkers always try to project their own failings onto others when trying their stupid attempts to convince people of lies. Is it because you realize my strategy of using facts is better than your strategy of lying repeatedly? We have a screenshot of you doing exactly what I said would get you banned. The end.


Nov. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) a) 'never posted that you're 'crazy'/'delusional'' does not read 'Oh but I thought you never even said anything remotely like that?' But thanks for spinning. b) Honestly, proving that 'round3' means 'third reroll' is a lot more believable than trying to link dan to craig when they were two unrelated individuals. It's even worse when there are people who can vouch for his name irl. Also, it's very difficult to prove intent. c) I'm not a stalker, I've never been a stalker, and I don't plan to. Your allegations that I am a stalker are unfounded, slanderous and hurtful, especially considering I had no idea this game existed until the tail end of the newb rush.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

abc your lies are crap and nooooobody fucking cares. Go away.


Nov. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Going to have to admit, the banning of those people is pretty far-fetched and a bit non-nonsensical if you ask me.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Going to have to admit: you sound an awful lot like a stalker and somebody who doesn't actually play this game.


Nov. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Delos... You are indeed Crazy and Delusional :-)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, I am perfectly sane and present nothing except supportable factual information... which is why only the banned and a couple people who don't even play the game are still posting about this. Because nobody else really cares about your lies anymore.


Nov. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) and if you were referring to the comment that i made that you were pointing fingers at the playerbase and thinking they're stalkers... well, of course i'm going to quibble about that because there's no solid evidence for or against; you implied i was working with them by the timing of your post, i was offended by the implication, and had to defend myself. (and if you count denial as evidence i'm working with them...neither a true stalker nor a suspected stalker would admit to it, innocent or otherwise.)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Oh but I thought you never even said anything remotely like that? The stalkers are such bad liars, aren't they, folks?


Nov. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) ...what the heck is there something i'm missing here because either a) my memory's gone and lied to me or b) there's been someone posting in my name. i've never posted that you're 'crazy'/'delusional' in any of the posts; all that was there posted by other players that dancraiground3 might be a stalker was just breaking his name into parseable words. what. please do point us to evidence to the contrary. ...and a third thing, posting the guy's three rerolls does not deny you connecting him to craig and dan and the stalkers, that information is neither mutually exclusive nor damning.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I already did point you to the relevant evidence. You said it didn't prove anything. Which you will continue to do every time I point you to any evidence, no matter how obviously damning. Which means you're a stalker. Which is why you're banned. Going pretty much full circle here.


Nov. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Am i missing something then? I haven't seen one person support the banning of furoa and it looked like the only evidence you had for dancraig being a stalker was his name.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Yes, you seem to be missing a lot. Huge swaths, really.


Nov. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) That screenshot supports furoa to be honest. All she did was protest the banning of dancraig before (from what i saw).

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, they pointedly called me crazy/delusional and tried to deny all the facts that I posted which obviously pointed to dancraiground3 being a stalker (some of which was posted by other players prior to all that in The Devil's Inn). Again: there is no widespread disagreement about the bannings. It's just a couple people working with the stalkers trying to make it look like there's a controversy when there isn't.


Nov. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) And there was also nothing relevant on that screenshot. I'm not sure what your point is?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Oh, so you see nothing relevant, your buddy thinks it supports you, and everyone else sees it as damning evidence? Why yes, it looks like I did indeed ban correctly.


Nov. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Nov. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) What else did I say in the Inn? The other stuff on there was postulation about the date of joining (which is admittedly only an estimate, I didn't keep track of those things at the time) and some fluff and song lyrics that wasn't even aimed at you, or relevant to the discussion. I'm honestly baffled why you'd be calling me a liar and a slanderer based on that?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I guess nobody told you 12q screenshotted it


Nov. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I'm gonna be completely honest here, the chat makes the game. I'm not talking about the in game chat, i'm talking about the Kongregate chat room. On its own, Clout is a silly political simulator, with a few twists and turns here and there. However, with the Kong chat, you join the GLORIOUS ranks of Kongress, a band of clout players who balance their lives in the NSUSA between stalkers, IlluminaQjoo, soviet space stations, aliens, crazy homeless people, hackers, drug addiction, recovery, relapse, warfare, spice bombings, torture, off site gaming, game discussion, and general ridiculousness. The game is just one piece of the puzzle, the kong chat is what makes the experience. Join Kongress today, and remember the motto. "A brighter future....hold on, let me finish this line...*snort*...i could use a hooker right now".

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Imagine a crazy political simulator game. It involves scandals, drama, petty arguing, slander, money, stalkers, hackers, FBI, Scientology, razors, ninjas, fords, death rays, and squirrels. But it isnt Clout. Clout is merely a game within that game. The real game is unfolding right in front of you, the game of internet players, the game of comments section that has an eccentric developer that replies to almost everything, and you are there to see it all. This is the game of the internet. Welcome to the Cloutiverse!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

To be perfectly honest: the actual game on Kongregate is much more fun.


Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford


Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Somebody sent me this poll, thought I'd share. Check it out and vote.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Interesting. I also have to wonder how many of those against are not legitimate votes from the stalker crew.


Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 'If there was any spuriousness to what I did, people would actually be supporting you in-game. Yet nobody is. Because they saw what actually happened, too.' Oh, Delos. That's probably because I tried to support someone you banned in game and got banned for it, slandered, and mocked. I wonder why no one would dare speak up after that point.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Actually, no... plenty of people asked reasonable questions, raised reasonable disagreements... and are still around.


Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) For posterity, this is what I posted about dancraiground3 in the Inn before it got pushed down: 'Dancraig, green, player ID 35595. Dancraig1, green, ID 35596. dancraiground3 (for third reroll), green, ID 35622. just saying.' Nowhere in that did I claim stalkers didn't exist, nowhere in there did I call you a liar, I just presented other information and made some conjectures based on such. If you are going to paint that as 'being slanderous and accusing you of lying' then go right ahead.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, you omitted quite a bit there. That's one of many things you said.


Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for the support!


Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Also Delos... You do know that not everybody is a native english speaker right?? Do you have different countries in your imaginary reality?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Do you mean the imaginary reality of Clout: The Game? Because I think you can see from the world page that it does, in fact, have other countries in it. And to be perfectly honest if you're not a native English speaker and you're trying to talk shit to me: you're going to end up looking like a dumbass. Best to quit now. The stalkers can't get you in trouble with the INS or anything if you're worried about that.


Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Sleeping with random woman but... Are they Real Woman?? or are they in your imagination... :)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, they're definitely real. How very stalkerlike of you to try to convince people I'm crazy.


Nov. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Don't worry Q, I don't hate you (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Neither does anyone else in the playerbase. But thanks for saying so!


Nov. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) ill bo honest i have a hard time believeing scientologist dont have better things to do but i dont think its impossible either and as long as the games keep coming i am more then willing to deal with whateve problems arise keep the awsome games coming Delos cant wait for the lobby to be done :)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

scientology has been proving for a very long time that they definitely have nothing better to do than this sort of thing


Nov. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, you're wrong about everything there except the fact that I am not married and don't have a roommate (though that doesn't exactly mean I always live alone). Amusingly enough, I have no actual desire to be married so I'm not really sure what your point is? Being married would probably get in the way of me sleeping with random women, so yeah.


Nov. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Sometimes facts happen but for reasons other than those you suspect. And sometimes you make accusations in the Devil's Inn about people that get pushed down, and then you deny them yourself. Just food for thought.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Yeah, sure, sometimes. But not this time. Which is why you're repeatedly posting lies in the comments to try and discredit me... because I'm exactly right. If there was any spuriousness to what I did, people would actually be supporting you in-game. Yet nobody is. Because they saw what actually happened, too. Lie all you want, but it's really not going to do you much good.


Nov. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Guys, you all deserve better than that... Don´t stay in this game, don´t let this delusional insane guy to do and say whatever crap crosses his mind...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Oh gee, a stalker calling me delusional and insane while being incapable of putting grammatically-correct sentences together. You do realize that inability to effectively communicate via writing is a hallmark of mental illness, right? It's pretty much unheard of for a seriously mentally-ill person to have even reasonable written communication skills, and it would be impossible for such a person to possess the linguistic skills that I do. Anything else you'd like to be wrong about today?


Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Hi Q. This is Somnus, aka Seras Victoria. I just wanted to say that while I'm feeling a little betrayed by your decision to ban me, I accept your decision and hope it gives you some peace of mind. To clear a few things up: I've never denied or affirmed the existence of stalkers when asking for elaboration on your collection of evidence, merely provided alternative explanations. Apparently that counts as denying your claims now? It was past time I left, I guess. Not sticking around after you've slandered your playerbase, banned people left and right unjustly, and been a general arse to those who would be your fans. I just wanted to say that I hope the real stalkers lay off, and any of their lingering traces of influence in the code get patched, and that your server security gets to the point where no one can mess with the code, whether through stalkers or the chrome console. Stay sane, stay safe.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, you pointedly denied obvious facts, called me a liar and other things and are only lying about it now because you did it in The Devil's Inn and therefore can easily pretend you did not do what you actually did. Unfortunately for you, I can, in fact, remember things.


Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) if 12q cant view posts, how does he keep leaving them?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

He can still talk, he just can't read them. He gets other people to send him screenshots of posts all the time. Now that's his only way to see any of them. Which I find quite amusing.


Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) How the hell does one even sell the war paint they have on? ... ... ... ... Actually, I don't want to know. Nevermind.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford


Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I rate the game 1/5. Gameplay quality is good, satire is high, but the developer is a nutjob who bans any players who don't agree with his Nazi ideals. He will steal your money and then ban you. Do not play unless you want some nutjob who thinks some stalkers are trying to fill up planes with plants so that he can't have a seat.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The FAA seems to disagree with you. Also The FBI, DHS, etc, etc etc. However, people who are working with the stalkers will always try to call me crazy when I shed light on their activities... no mater how obvious the evidence and how poorly-conducted your coverups.


Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 1/5. It's an okay game, but the developer just verbally harasses his playerbase, bans them, and doesn't give good reasoning for his actions. It's just an overall unhappy arua and time could be spent better. Dev banned someone for having a common name (not in game name, but his legitimate real name that he used for the game) and dev put a conspiracy behind it that said person was slandering dev- banned. Do not recommend imo

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, I banned someone for making references to my personal life in-game which proved they were working with the organizations stalking me. On top of that: they broke the rule of denying the existence of the people stalking me. The end.


Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) somnus session key

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, that's the session key for Seras Victoria, who was just banned for being a stalker. Friend of yours, I presume?


Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 12q12q9: I feel like I should get stepping banned 12q12q9: for annoying me and bitching so much

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

yeah uh, 12q consistently claims he can do things he can't actually do. It's really best to just ignore him.


Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) dancraiground3 is in no way a stalker. He simply asked for stronger evidence. I understand it's not easy running game, but you can't just ban people for no real reason. He hasn't done anything wrong, except question the stalkers, while 12q has messed with your game and even added a VIP called, and I quote: Qs "stalkers" So if you're going to ban people for no good reason, at least ban the one person who deserves to be banned.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Actually: I very clearly outlined that dancraig3 is obviously a stalker, he wasn't asking for information (I told him all the relevant facts), and in the face of irrefutable evidence he continued to claim there was no problem. In fact, your insistence that he isn't is going to get you banned as well. Oddly 12q said he was going to try and frame you, and yet here you are doing a bang-up job all by yourself. 12q's missions assassinate himself and he can't see any posts. The fact that he isn't technically banned isn't really relevant.


Nov. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Nov. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford


Nov. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, I'll be sure to read things thoroughly.


Nov. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @keyreper Don't make enemies.

+ - !



Nov. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Is there any way to counter being attacked and being investigated all the time? It does get annoying not being able to fight back against someone who constantly attacks you.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Find out who's doing it and kill them back.


Nov. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) There is also an account called "Delos Faggot" affiliated to the yellow party.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Oh right, I forgot to ban that guy.


Nov. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Ahzek Ahirman is on and account called Deloford, which is 12q12q9 on an alt.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Nah, it's on a different IP.


Nov. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I can only play one ability at a time, no matter what I select.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

odd... I'll look into that.

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