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Comments for Clout: The Game

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Apr. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Sallier162, choose what you want. Your party affects what bills you can support/oppose without your constituents (your voters, the people who decide whether you get to stay in office at the end of the month) starting to doubt you. Traits affect your stats and abilities. Just choose what you want and you should be okay, nobody gets their character perfectly right the first time

+ - !



Apr. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Sallier162, ruling a country is no job for some retar...oh, nevermind that. You'll make a great congressmen buddy.

+ - !



Apr. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I ment more like: What should I pick? What is this game all about? What is suppose to be going on? That's why I'm confused.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Usually you have to play a game before you determine those things. Perhaps promotional advertisements could give you a skewed and overly-rosy picture of the gameplay, but I prefer to let the game speak for itself. I apologize profusely that the game does not psychically communicate instructions to you. Perhaps I could add graphics that way at a later date.


Apr. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

If you're confused by the extremely clear and well-described character creation screen, it's likely that you completely lack the required mental capacity to even play the game.


Apr. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I'm not sure who you are and wasn't aware you were gone?


Apr. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) There are some NPCs right? (ex. Deepthroat)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Nope. Unless you count player-controlled NPC Congresspersons that are utilized via The Lobby. Which isn't released yet.


Apr. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Fallacy Simulator: The Game

+ - !



Apr. 07, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) So after coming back from being banned 4 months ago, it seems that your life is even more crazy than before. It would certainly be a good plot for a movie. You think the church of Scientology is after you and that any incompetence on your part is just stalkers.Plus the anger you display to the few people who can still play the game, is just hilarious. For an example I click on "argue for" and it tells me hacking the game is bad. ...What? DEVELOPER RESPONSE FROM DELOSFORD This doesn't actually happen. I guess I could ban you for slandering the game, but I doubt you even have an account.'s some more Every time Delos put updates, this happen DEVELOPER RESPONSE FROM DELOSFORD I actually post updates to the live game, which everyone knows if they've been around long enough. Which means you're slandering me and the game and thus will be banned. Defensive much? Bug reports and jokes are now bannable. This is just a buyer beware for anyone who could still want to play this game.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

This is quite possibly the most retardedly inaccurate comment anyone has ever posted on my game. Though you do have some stiff competition in the past. Which is comprised of more comments than you'd care to read. Which is clearly because nobody plays the game at all.


Apr. 05, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Who are the white people? What party do they belong to? I have a guy named "wants" who appears to be a moderator like Q.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

There are no characters named "wants" in the game, and there are exactly 3 Qs, all of which I promoted myself.


Apr. 03, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I'm pretty sure you don't understand the game at a basic level. Perhaps you should try reading the help files, which I did not write for my health.


Apr. 02, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Same thing as other equipment. Just better.


Apr. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Mar. 31, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This is truly the best simulation game on Kongregate. I always admired congressmen and their jobs. This game, not only shows us the struggle of making people give away their hard earned cash so you can buy your much needed daily 1000$ worth of cigarettes and alcohol. The struggle of saving squirrels while some weird stalkers that call themselves "Rightful citizens of the United States of America", or something, follow you around shouting right in your ear "OUR CHILDREN ARE STARVING"; "THE TERRORISTS ARE KILLING US"; "NICE TIE BRO!"...damn assholes...Anyway, like I was saying, not only it shows the struggle, but thanks to delosford, the creator of this amazing simulator, we can put ourselves into the skin of a congressman and see for ourselves how it is to deceive the masses and even put people into slavery. 5/5

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, that's certainly one way you can go about things. Thanks for the support!


Mar. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I have a proble, my health got to poor, i have waited 2 nights and it is still very bad. How can I regenerate it? I am not at a hospital righ now.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Clout is a simulation game, and as such there is no magical way to regain health instantly. You heal over time, just like in real life.


Mar. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Sorry to hear about that, I hope you get this issue straightened out. I know what a pain customer support can be.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Yeah... it's been fixed for a while. I maintain the server myself, by the way.


Mar. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Add to your SSL cert exemption list for the moment.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You appear to have no idea how SSL certs work.


Mar. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Your SSL cert expired. 2 hours or so ago.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, I renewed the cert two days ago. The issuing company screwed up.


Mar. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Church of Scientology? Meh, the ones you should really be afraid of is the Church of Depantology

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

It appears that I am not getting this joke.


Mar. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It is possible that I accidently clicked the play for button twice as I use a touchpad, but I certainly did not intentionally do anything that would have caused the screen to appear.

+ - !



Mar. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Sometimes your mouse might be buggy and (despite clicking only once) the mouse itself will double click stuff. I have a half-broken mouse and I either have to click doubly hard for it to work or it will be hyper-sensitive and double-click everything. Maybe your mouse is the problem?

+ - !



Mar. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Come on, you do not really believe all these weird things are happening all to you, at the same time. Or do you?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, money disappears from my bank account, the accounting for all my accounts is completely screwed up from years back, and I apparently have a bank account with US Bank that I never knew existed. So even if you somehow manage to convince yourself that everything else I've ever said is a delusion: I think you're going to have a hard time explaining those things away.


Mar. 22, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Actually Delos, I have gotten the same message a few times when I have pressed "argue for" too. Just reload and the problem is solved; no big deal; Rorschach is not slandering the game.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, that doesn't actually happen unless you're trying to do something you shouldn't, such as play abilities when you don't have energy by multi-clicking buttons or hitting back.


Mar. 22, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Rorschach007, check to see if you have spare tabs of clout open, I think that will cause that problem. It also could be a virus on your computer that caused it, do a quick scan to see if that is the case with your security thing.

+ - !



Mar. 22, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Rorschach007: you probably clicked on the button twice in rapid succession.

+ - !



Mar. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I click on "argue for" and it tells me hacking the game is bad. ...What? o.o

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

This doesn't actually happen. I guess I could ban you for slandering the game, but I doubt you even have an account.


Mar. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) The term you are looking for is Doppelgänger.

+ - !



Mar. 20, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Slow regeneraating energy, big mess, you dont know what you should to do, but not very time eating. It doesnt matter wich bill you play ability for or against. Good work, developer, you have crafted very realistic political game...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, you kind of got everything wrong about the game. But I guess I can still give you an F for effort.


Mar. 20, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) The box is... being attacked by stalkers?

+ - !



Mar. 19, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Geez, Delos, I didn't put any negative means at my comment, nor I trying to slander you and the game, don't be so serious >.<

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You claimed that every time the game is updated, 'this' happens, which was an obvious reference to the database being downed by hackers. That does not actually occur during updates, and since you're talking about updates: you necessarily have been around during an update. Which means you already know the database doesn't go down during updates. Which means you were, in fact, being slanderous with full knowledge of that fact. Or just completely lying out your ass to try and make me look bad.


Mar. 19, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) So now you have a twin you did not know about? This is becoming interesting...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Somebody is impersonating me, and they look enough like me to be misidentified as me.


Mar. 19, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) >3 hours long updating?!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

There's no downtime during updates. That was somebody tampering with the server, which used to happen a lot.


Mar. 19, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) THE END IS NIGH!!!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Pretty sure it's not.


Mar. 19, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Every time Delos put updates, this happen

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I actually post updates to the live game, which everyone knows if they've been around long enough. Which means you're slandering me and the game and thus will be banned.


Mar. 18, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It says unable to select database, What's up with that?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Somebody does something to make the database process shut down and become unable to restart. I don't give anyone else access to the server, which means they're gaining access illegally somehow.


Mar. 18, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I'm getting an error that says "Unable to select database". Is the game down, or is it just my end?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Someone did something to take down the database. I looked into the access logs and it definitely wasn't server or database load that did it. There's effectively 0 load on the server at any given time.


Mar. 18, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Unable to select database?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Unless MySQL has a random shutdown bug, which it doesn't, it's someone messing with the game in one way or another. Stalkers are obviously behind it.


Mar. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) delos is there gonna be a new update soon?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The only updates that are likely to occur for a long time are related to Campaign Trail and The Lobby. Check for details!


Mar. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Well, there goes negative salaries. I kind of want to see if our pay will go up or down from here.

+ - !



Mar. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) when is run for re-election possible?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

After I finish Campaign Trail. Check for more details.


Mar. 07, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) As a newbie, I must say negative salaries suck. The game itself is great though, at least the salaries are on the upswing.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You can always pass more increase salary bills to raise everyone's salary.


Mar. 06, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) The "We know drama" line is very ironic in hindsight.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Ironic? How so?


Mar. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It shouldn't be possible that you have to pay money to be in congress.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I dunno; I'm kinda curious about how it goes. Though it'll probably be bad.


Mar. 03, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) After surviving 2 days as speaker when salaries were 200k i can attest that salaries effect the amount of assassinations.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

What? Everybody knows that being on the leaderboard is the only thing that gets you assassinated.


Mar. 03, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) So, now we have a negative salary. It's a thing, I guess? I highly doubt it'll stop the assassinations or, indeed, do anything but screw over the newbies but we'll see.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

It's always been possible, but nobody's ever done it. I think it might be a bit too harsh for newbies, but we'll see.


Mar. 02, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I love the feeling when I know I'm being investigated but I've already hidden everything I've done.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I am the walrus


Feb. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) So, one of the Supreme Court Justice is "DECEASED" Is that the name, or the status of that congressperson? I remember back then when we have more than 2 "DECEASED" Supreme Court Justice

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Could be the stalkers, could be a justice named that. I'll look into it.


Feb. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Uh, Delos? I hope that's a joke, considering that post was four days ago. I'm not saying it couldn't have been stalkers, I'm just saying his comment doesn't indicate jack.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I have literally no idea what you're talking about.


Feb. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) So... the database is down. Are Stalkers back?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, either that or InnoDB mysteriously decided to stop being a database engine.


Feb. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) So, you messed with scientology and now are facing the consequences?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

um... thanks for admitting that scientology is behind the database error that happened just now.


Feb. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @Sir_Cadogan I had high stats in everything except Charisma. Then I used the Clout: The Game Wiki. This really helped me and now I have high stats in everything! Check it out, it has equipment stats.

+ - !


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