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a game is a good platform for a political statement as any. he did say it's a not-game and there's a lot of such on Kongregate (yes, a gaming site, but as said, it can be anything; place where you meet friends, discuss things, learn) , so you can't go and just downrate and trash it like that, Mr Best comments.
I thought it was rather interesting, and 5'ed it.
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3.2? You guys can't be serious... To my mind, this game, even if it is not actually a game is better than most of the games I have played before. Because it covers a real and strong idea in it. I wish there were more games like this :( Simple but meaningful.
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Brahma - it's the entire world's issue what is happening in every place.
just because you live in a circle doesn't mean everything outside of it doesn't concern you.
if a neighbor's can't solve a problem alone then it is yours as well. empathy.
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I'm not sure I'd have been so entranced by this had it not been s uch a simplistic style, perfect for hitting home that point. I'll probably remember this one for a long time.
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It's showing us the difficulties faced in Korea and it also shows us that life is not a game and should be cherished.
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Not sure what the political statement is but I've served over there and have been up on the DMZ where Freedom Bridge is. The picture you show at the end of this "not-game" is not Freedom Bridge, it is merely the railroad bridge that crosses the Imjin river traveling from Seoul to Sinuiji, which of course the train now stops at the DMZ. I really wish people who try to make political statements about anything, would really do an in-depth research on the subject and look at both sides. I don't care if you agree or disagree with something, that's your right that others and myself have served and fought to protect. I just ask that you at least take the time to understand what you're talking about.
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I think games with political messages can work really well. It's clear that's what this is, so if someone doesn't like it, it's their issue.
I do think the game could benefit from better graphics and more information and details, though.
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아 슬프다
A i'm so sad
난 한국인이다....나는 남한과 북한이 통일이돼었으면 한다.............
i'm korean...i want The unification of North and South Korea..............
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Is this a political statement? It certainly is not a game. I suggest providing information about your agenda instead of leaving simple game players to sort this out. By the way, it was very depressing. Job well done.
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I think it would have been better off without making a clear message, but that truly was fascinating and very moving. The final shot was genuinely moving, something about the struggle could be felt in the increasingly slow movements and growing blood
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you really missed your target audience with this one. this is a gaming site and most people don't care about world politics.
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Why are you uploading a "notgame" your own description Mr. Developer on a Game site? Making a political statement isn't the reason Kong was made. Go and upload this where people care, not here.
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My first impression: Walls can keep people in. Walls can keep people out. I had a feeling I wasn't going to make it. Very simple and poignant.
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The two countries are locked in lots of political tension. The barbed wire prevents any of the people from either country getting onto the bridge - so, I guess the bridge is technically 'free' of all the people that are locked up in war?
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Listen, I can understand a political point can be made in a game, it is done regularly though less blatantly but as a game or interactive thing at all this was boring, tedious, and redundant. Meh, I got nothing out of it (especially considering what Wallace13 pointed out. Do your research people.)
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This would be interesting from a tower defense genre style also, have the game elevate throughout the korea war, defending the bridge as different factions, then after peace is declared continue gameplay with people trying to escape the north being gunned down by your end game strategy. Then the reveal. Cartoon enemies would help the impact.
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I actually found the final shot on the bridge kind of hilarious in a really grotesque way. Probably had something to do with the fact that I was making burnout tracks and generally playing around with the blood on the way. It's a bit like slapping a fly that's annoying you - "stop it."