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Comments for Words and Physics

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Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) way too much reliance on the physics engine when trying to push with a long string,and 18 takes way too tight of timing for a puzzle game with way too many things that can go wrong. Other than that, not bad.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Great lvl15 on a trackpad just can't be done.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) lv 18 wasnt even hard. don't know what people are talking about needing a balloon for it.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) So, is level 16 pure luck or how do people do this? The removeme block just jumps virtually every time on top of the letters and is impossible to push down. Is this dependent on the PC or what?

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Thanks Sakgeres, your solution worked on first try.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) "hehe, have fun guessing the right word suckers". 1/5. I should never be made to check the walkthrough because I can't guess what you want.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Your level 18 completely sucks and is incredibly unforgiving. I'll skip this badge. This game is terrible.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) last level impossiable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Easily one of the worst BotDs

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) I got an even easier way for lvl 18. Delete the first 3 letters below the bomb, and as the bomb starts to fall, type 1 or 2 letters to push it to the left as it is falling. Minimum effort =) +1 if it helped you

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Finally got the stupid word off the screen for Level 18 by lifting it off the screen with balloon... Great. Doesn't count for some reason. Get this garbage out of here, doesn't deserve to be BotD.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) This game has lots of potential but is too railroaded right now. We should be able to create fire and water anywhere and see them interact. A sandbox environment would make the game much more interesting and give the levels much more possibilities, and allow players to come up with their own interesting solutions.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) This game just gave me anger and wish to die,thank you.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) On the level 16 if i type fast the removeme will end teleporting to above the message and with slow typing it ends not having enough speed

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) To save time you can copy the word BALLOO then paste it where it goes.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) 18 can be easy. (SPOILER) typ something in the balloon field. not balloon. type somthing in the alignments. Push slowly. Remove the push letters. let the bom fall when laser is on the right.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Bugged level 18 is not fun at all as it always flips on top of whatever i type (so much opposite of what Walkthrough is showing) and going any slower won't work as it won't go fully on balloon so laser always gets to it.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) The last level is too hard, plus I found it illogical if you lose when laser DESTROYS a block called "remove me".

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) For those who have trouble with level 16: try using both hands and repeatly mash two buttons. This way you can regulate speed of button mashing to get desired speed (fast enough so target is pushed fast enough, but not fast enough to push it to teh top of pusher block)

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) You should be able to type things like 'MOVELEFTFASTERTHANASNAIL'.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) There are physics games where you feel rewarded when you have to actually think of how to solve the puzzle, then there games like this where the only thing you would think about is how did it get a badge in the first place.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Not responsive to keyboard or to mouse for the most part. Just poor coding.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) I hate Level 15. Not even enough time to think, never mind do stuff.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) The developer message really helped with lv 18

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) No fun at all

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Finally, I was able to able level 18. Ah so happy now.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Lasers fail your level by destroying your block? But the goal is to remove the block...

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) too far fetched sometimes and you really need a mouse for this game

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Level 16 impossible to complete. One star. Badges should be given to games that are at least not broken.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) please don't play this game

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Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) G A R B A G E

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Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) give me some game that actually is fun please for a badge.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) >goal is to destroy word >destroy removeme with lasers >lose level >mfw this game is a new type of moron, an oxy-moron.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) The trick to level 18 is to get the bomb to removeme as close as possible, delete "right" under bomb and while bomb falls down, slowly type in characters to push the bomb toward removeme. Then the laser blows the bomb up, causing removeme to fly to the left

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) I had it at 4 stars until levels 16/17. 1 star.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Played it for the bagde...hated every minute.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Dumb game, with inconsistent reactions.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty hard using my Smartphone only without a phyical Keyboard but I did it!

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Level 16 and 17 you type the letter "L" and keep the box half on, half off the text at an angle... at the end it will just roll off.

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Nice idea, horrible game...

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) level 16 is shit and is dependant on pure luck

+ - !



Jun. 23, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) We're expected to pull the word 'pin' out of our ass to pop a balloon. 2/5

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Level 16... holy sh*t

+ - !


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