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Comments for KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People

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Feb. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This right here is why i wasnt a Russian Engineer during WW2... the Russians wouldve lost the battle before it had started >.<

+ - !



Feb. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) You need to make it clear that this game is based on transistors and stuff, that way people won't get so intimidated by the tutorial. That said, the tutorial isn't that great either, you should just have a bunch of diagrams instead.

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I don't understand what to do! That video helps not at all!

+ - !



Jan. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I wanted to play, but the video is waaaaaay to fast to read, and the game is a bit hard to go playing blind. Better instructions please.

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Why are people freaking out about level 6? It's just a simple SR flipflop. Build two not gate with two inputs, and make the out put of each split, acting as one of the inputs of the other. Provide a short pulse from a +vcc set to block itself to get the system going without oscillating like crazy until the first input is sent.

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) because i played the game on zachtronic industries i know this its a bit hard but its playable

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Just wish it had a "debug" level where you could control the inputs yourself. It'd be pretty useful for figuring out how to build a gate or circuit without just going and looking it up.

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Jan. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) NEVER use a tutorial video. Tutorial LEVELS do much more good.

+ - !



Jan. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jan. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) In Soviet Russia children make dual fixed frequency oscillator for fun

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Jan. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) lol, my design for power-on-reset has a score of 89, but matches the verification *PERFECTLY*: eNrtmUEOgyAQRQvDxjP0Ct33LL3/RZpgalRwmMICiA+iRl4+gwn+zGh4hefyccvb hUdNR4gQIUKECBGOKnTZborok24UVkd0yQpMz7gu7hz/jhsgpnP+ukUqItmjnepx oVDoCDS+s7Flqai0UrsOyn6Oro5kskooFAq9N8UqoVBoicrWK2Y+S/+Ke7xilVAo dOgCXLM7tQDPeKXZDHcFOFYJhULnySpFzRtFM8Ph80asEgqFtmWVpbxRNcN67U8j sxTg/OOGQu9dgGtFtF6eS2nmCyo+e+7mSEarzB/tlG0Jhc5A683Q275zplZ5GNzu ejnSF8f+xvo= Now go make a 1-Byte RAM :D That's my favorite but sadly I can't post it because then people will skip that level... :( Lastly, as encouragement to those who are struggling, the names of the classified circuts are really cool; like "Grenade Launcher Ammo Counter" and "Gatling Cannon Fire Controller". At the end you get to see what you've been building.....

+ - !



Jan. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jan. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Somtimes i get bored and just draw random crap :D

+ - !



Jan. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @ ewolfi & power on reset generator: score is now 80^^ eNrtml0OwiAQhO1OXzyDV/Dds3j/i9gfWrAsC1K1GKcETfwYILRMdov9tb+c7935 1vWnmkIhhRRSSCGFFH5N2Lkim+8CoUQiKRPGtEgoijA71S743E7fEMpU0h3+x5Mz hXOSviYKQK37qQx3wBjYnhbpu2l8M9rHmQfIYUM+o+oGy1bKNpFdLWQdw2wxQK2F X0s/Umqxc3y+wu38TGe1ttc9Hn90/Wh9h6NsKACEDR3FfAm8+C0GlbOv1K4q8lVS UtK/pyjVaraDMi3aXQ1aJSkpaWhVMCwLq+t9a1agVZKSkjYWNyZTcDEzcNmXgD/h DUXolYfGnLRKUlJS70tLMRNwO8U2Kcy4kQk4KSlp+3QM+ZaqWeXKXn3fWPqeM9Li txLwz5wokZKSNmaVYVhZe+iDmnHjiBRxCo4jHanQKvW6n/KhJSVt6ozbOrixDn2q 40YBVK37r5CqPcCRHrTbxz8=

+ - !



Dec. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This is a good game and it should be interesting to a lot of people who use computers every day but don't have the faintest clue how they work, but you really need to playtest it and tweak it to make it more user friendly, that isn't to say you haven't achieved a lot in this department already, there are already a lot of suggestions here, my suggestion is that you make it so you can switch signal gates and off whenever you want so that you can quickly see all the wires and silicons are connected to it and how they interact, so you don't have to go through a verification test over and over when checking things.

+ - !



Dec. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @Ewolfi: Made my own, with a design score of 92. eNrtml0SgiAURpHLi2toC723lva/kUYpRL0QYuVPR0cjj580jZ65DLqru7T3pr01 ztSsBAkSJEiQIMFlwUZpFQbtrFUQbPp13CoI2v7UrqehVRys7tFG30x5kFvO+HLO ppeeioi6raf5fqFQ6CephMdPpzZNu8M+rVB/1Sg8oc+wQsPRWb89cUZeizNbO6lI llAo9A9UGnaLs51m/W5xVg7yX6FKKBS6XwmjSigUujNljfF8CB7G31pl6E+wiQF6 puaU3K/aT82JKqFQVPmeZnWXl6HYY8gQVUKh0K+KVIJK6yrS06iSWW4o9CQ0OUwO wkvMgU/G2InBu+SqSuXKg1+nmhVN0BsaqVCV+raecktDoT99XSgu72omX6SmqhxL cfy60Ky6jF4Xen7ItCLdwEgPW2LG/g==

+ - !



Dec. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) If anyones looking for a dual toggle latch solution, then i would suggest this device that i made that alternates current between two outputs. eNrtWVtywjAQIyt+OEOv0P+epfe/SEuIgx+7siFMYEB4mHZGyGuvjdBmj9/Hr9Pv dPqZjod7hogiirgTcZpH+d8Q0WbK+e95uFSPOC0fT/HcqCzitJJthGjrSBQ3Jsvq NZYT09+jP4YiXo8jyGuUnHx/h9Hj6O6PJ8eK3d4Q0bJFH24jTvFN5Zd82vLtkHSI +MHE2c5Z/JpRAO57O8rjCn0wijnzDP0/HB9dzi2foUAvc7volWorXKI1uZzZkNbm rDmFRrijywTujqol12g5cb0qK6jtzIgzSU9BN/Y1FWlIKoUKNTRfYoeLEK3UoeXC F7SRNSNE0Vtz+NPQjQvdjc9CJZVCB2XnuWuGsiFUUil0T2cIhsYF+EJFyEWpLVmJ bamGJu4OObmI2/GcqMxjVcxWxW7FBRNh9Dwn7vOcjdXVjZVUCn1J3wheYoOg+cPM tsTuoFlovwAHWzPCEjt6GtlE9QtwIsJhrhqVrVDDxkcZQiWVQp/oKmsL5rk7EFcZ i9JqHh1XmdpFREit23yJpNKIVHIX3cLD2VhohMvdrDznm0qletzvglK302hDXQgj LpNTB9yCDniaOe5xW+AqkeQQQYnNpBK1gpfij7i0B5gDB4xIJVo1VI/7oegzFGlQ Kv33dlQXYGf0bj+zSgftU/eaL2DP/djMCLmdAjyWrMaPtoKGzo4QZzJ2lej35YW+ niL9AVhjyBQ=

+ - !



Dec. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @bdasd5: Very Impressive improvements! I managed to get the score down by another 1 to 113 :) I think we could make it better by using a difrent power source... we use alot of metal traversing the distance... I'll work on it, but for now, here is the latest version! eNrtml0SgjAMhKXLi2fwCr57Fu9/EbEtv00D01hB3DI4Ol9304E2BKG9t7frs7k+ mvZSslFIIYUUbt+aMqErFV4sQseIjMiIwmosjPhexoUR98gAP5mQfTnn8s1TAOJu p66bFiFQOrZOO4xgaAHEdnjuv39/AOlmCyQ7zAycztcdOr7aIfwwWfgeydTLOESg WgSkDEPo4o/GxGac8Wkvt+i1ycrpTm4SLOvU0/iRPci9SfYYTa20UzUbjWAi9dA9 kFpMxxnmbIIxNBlH466Ny7tmhsxl5k2pm5T0cxTU/q0WFePWpkyVpKSkpEyVpAer G2GqK0DtsbXQterZh21uMFWSnusWm/TMFAbKG3BS0s1VJf/3O7N2pW7Ekedz9Sfy vM7+HbUsB4Da39YWXCihajHvUfEZ90dSpbzbKass1o2s0M6kRYF29rKQqF2+TLRD RnoBj7fISg==

+ - !



Dec. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) wuold be great if there was a mode, when you can see the state of your circuit it any mode/ Like you click at the verification plot and the game shows you all the voltage at that moment

+ - !



Dec. 13, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @Ewolfi: Here you go. Power-on Reset with 114 eNrtmkESgjAMRSFhwxm8gnvP4v0vIrRYQNJQG0Covx0cxpefRCgxDDT35tY+6/ZR N1XOhBBCCCFMn3WekHKFiIiIiLhxRMqN2MuOjWg4qhctyK6do/hwlJnFzU6JmsoH WubWaUMGYXgwjNNzt398AstpCyR7mDkgna97cGtC5X4/bkDfBBiXnawfvtcceBJP QbSY+hgXetxLsFhzk5TLaCr/oI4NH7Gj+vagnLjgSDkzWiKSQYaHaY5evsAchoy9 436MF/KetTBWg5OKNCjodpSh/Vst7xh3b4pSCQoKCopSCXqyvpGhLVnLulalbMkZ pRK0tFts0JIpGyhuwEFBkzsWaEvWWnrOS5TKrZ8o4V+47L6CDJShvbQ2p5CyquW5 xY7PuDcplfJmp+iyyqN658CWuOjQitTOXhYStZ8vE/2gIr0AS0XIIA==

+ - !



Dec. 13, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The KO229 Power on reset generator, perfectly done with only 122 score. If you can get lower than that (With perfectly on the lines) send it to my page... I wanna see! eNrtWlsSgjAMlC4/nMEr+O9ZvP9FRPowQFqRUp5bhhlxd5PUxDQzWj/qe/OqmmdV 3+ZcFFJI4XGF1cpCQ4/0SI878WjmevzIZgoPlI6DHgHdOGfiq0MBqHc+atocW0fj 2FptiCAsC7i1e7x7vX4A4yvPUZevAe5z5OQxgqdMYKC0DV9UkiPLzz/2rThGcGMp AyOW5DiBOjQkWSHonimBJHb2BeJZiHG0kPqulM25TaVqov8h6/mSpvyzkrJYCU8l pi26N6CWPPyKfGUgEmx9qSy/M8hYSnbRWPee1N6JEv0HBbWX1WKzyimNslUSJUqU KFsl0RLnexKFofbEWqS1SM+cxXbEVkn0cK2S6KlRZKB5UXGqJHouFNReV4utKmcf rXLpX5R4Ru9/NjDUUrtY20GyJvFTi8IdacFWqd/5KGewrVCUO8E5ZV1Zq6IQ//aZ Y1mot+pIb9msyKQ=

+ - !



Dec. 12, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) the lost instruction to this game.. press shift

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Dec. 12, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Excellent game for aspiring/actual engineers =) Everyone else should probly bail tho ;)

+ - !



Dec. 12, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Now I understand why communism collapsed.

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Dec. 11, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) In sovjet russia, Game loses you. >_<

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Dec. 11, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) In soviet russia, the game plays YOU

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Dec. 10, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) O.o Awesome idea, but i suck at third level... nice game 4/5 (More instructions!)

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Nov. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This game is amazing but i'm already stuck at lvl 4 :s

+ - !



Nov. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I better get a college degree from completing this thing.

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Nov. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) God, you need to know rocket science to play a simple game nowadays...

+ - !



Nov. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Oh gawd... What is going on...? T-T

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Nov. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I don't come to a game site to do work...

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Nov. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This is like young tehnician kit (Набор "Юный Техник"). But in flash.

+ - !



Nov. 19, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Agree with shower9. Somehow, the thing did not understand it was supposed to stay on.

+ - !



Nov. 14, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) one problem: it doesn't save, at least not for me

+ - !



Nov. 13, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) ONE day, when i got no job and no girlfriend and i cant move anything but my right hand, i will return to this game and beat it! im the meantime i got IMPORTANT things to do. yay.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I bet if I actually tried to understand it, It'd be fun =P.

+ - !



Oct. 28, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This will have the "Truly impossible" badge :/

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Oct. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Oct. 24, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I got to level 7. A fun way to understand bipolar transistors. I learned shit. Thanks man.

+ - !



Oct. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Wtf 95% of kongregate will not understand this game =/

+ - !



Oct. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) There's a video tutorial in help tab. Thumps up so the other people can find it.

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Oct. 19, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Oct. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Superior minds conquer earth. I hope there's more of you, krispykrem.

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Oct. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Oct. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Oct. 10, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) hardest thing ever... needs like 3 impossible badges xD

+ - !



Oct. 02, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) "initial levels do not teach you the basic building blocks of the game (as they should)"- castorquinn. The beauty of this is that it is a game where you have to actually think, rather than just making you put whats in the instructions into the building frame. The game is perfect as it is.

+ - !



Sep. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I can read russian, and i have an isssue with the title, a constructer isn't the same thing as an engineer....0.0

+ - !



Sep. 24, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


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