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Comments for Castaway

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Dec. 08, 2010

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+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) +1 if u think ther should b a hide button coz when ur on low health n ur trying 2 go back the creatures attack u -.-

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) the exit is at the top right cornner

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Am I the only one having trouble getting out of town after saving etc.? Where the hell is the exit?!

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Biggest problem: pet being a major tard and dying all the time.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I know this is a little picky, but from a composer's standpoint, it's really annoying when level up or quest finish music comes in over the background music. If there's no way to program a transition, at least make it so that the background music cuts out while the other music is playing...

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Not particularly fond of the cost of healing.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) there should be a feature where if you die, you can revive back at a town or something.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I think that you should be able to click where you want to go because you can click to get an item or fight, why not for quicker walking?

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 1: There NEEDS to be a button to save. I may have to randomly leave. What I can't save? Oh no start over. 2. Needs a actually map on way back to Castaways. I got completly lost and had no idea how to get back. Than I died. And start over again. 3. I really got annoyed after awhile. I had huge amounts of trouble with all of this. This is my 5th time restarting from very beginning. I think when you die you should just..get teleported to castaways with some money erased? Or a few items taken away. I'm serious it jsut plain annoys me to start over. Great game though but I don't like restarting so much. 3/5

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Glitch at the sand generator area. If you defeat the scorpion, complete the sand generator quest, pass the pillars (where the scorpion and snakes were at) to return to the town, then walk back towards the generator, you can't exit anymore. (i.e. you can't pass the pillars to go back to town).

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Overall I think the game has got potential to be very good. However, I do agree with other commenters that the controls need to be improved greatly. For instance, creating a hot key system for Attacks/Abilities/Inventory would be great. Non of this clicking back and for to get to stuff during battles. Also, while I get the convention that connecting land pieces jut out arrows would help greatly, as would objects becoming translucent when the character or an object is behind them. Last comment is on the leveling, so far its ok, though I can see how it might be frustrating at higher levels if the level rate continues at this pace. I'll post again when I'm through. Keep up the good work! +- (1809)

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Some annoying bad spelling spots...

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) What? Castaway have a item from SS2, but don't have badges. How Awful.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It'd be nice if behind solid objects like trees you could see an outline of yourself or an enemy. I've been killed a couple times by hidden enemies just because I couldn't tell where I needed to click!

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) How many people named their guy Link?

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Whats a "sadfasdf"?

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) With all the comments I see posted. This is game had the first interactive developer screen which was awesome I would like to see more of those. Specially for the ones that have like three different screens.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The Movement sucks

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Terrible. I walked around for half an hour getting killed while not being able to find how to get back to castaway. 1/5

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The game is quite well done visually but it's way too grindy for my tastes. Feels like a Korean/Chinese MMO...

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) did our pet evolution in monster??

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) just wondering does ur pet sand snake have a poison attack effect ?:S

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) also needs a bank feature

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) ...having a sand beetle shield and pet, then walking around in sand beetle infested areas pretending to be the king of the beetles.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Health Regen is soooo slow. It takes like 20 minutes to get to full health from 100 health.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i just started to play and i think its a pretty good game. some parts are a little hard but its still a really good game.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Absolutaly splendid game, where you adventure, do quests, buy gear, all with the help of a royal pet. 5/5, favorited, but only one problem. Your inventory is far to small, you should be able to buy bigger bag space, and your equipment should be removed from your bags once it is equipted. Also, needs badges! + if you agree.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) + up if you agree that we should be able to custimize our charater and pick the stats like instead 1 for each if we level we should get to chose to put some on str and defence or hp and defence and have more then one pet or switch them without leaving so then our pet won't die when trying to leave in a multi combat area

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Game kinda reminds me of pokemon mystery dungeons and the megaman games for some reason. Like they're mixed.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) ...and the doodads like trees and stuff keep blocking out the action.. I had a few of my pets die like this; very hard to figure out what's going on behind that tree. >_<

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) erm it wont save my quests. whenever i do anything they cancel

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Very good potential for a console game, kinda took me back to Mario & Seven Stars. It's plagued with balance problems though, at one point I just had it. 1.) Gameplay is hard and tedious. Why? 2.) Items/gear/rest inn are too expensive. >_< 3.) Inadequate inventory space. >_< 4.) No hot keys; searching & clicking for stuff in the heat of battle. 5.) Pet stats not viewable. If they could balance these out.. maybe I could play the game again.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Better yet: "WILSOOOOOOOOON!!!"

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) NOOOO! GIIIILBEEEERT!!!

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) where is the sand machine please post coment i looked through all three area's

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) they need help killing beetles that 1 person with a stick can beat.........

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) bad spelling sorry

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) does anyone notice that whaen you take damage your portrait near your health contaner get's bloodyer and more brused

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) BAD controls. If a monster attacks first, and gets so your figure is covering theirs, the monster is impossible to target without you first moving around to uncover the monster's figure.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @armenianNinja What autosave? i played the whole time without knowing that you had no saves and ended up losing all of my progress, to me that rates an instant 2/5. no amount of gameplay can make up for a seriously flawed save system.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) how do you get back to town

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Wonderful game it's just about perfect there are a few problems though, for one so far there is no monster that drops food for you avatar (only for you pet), secondly it needs more invintory space it's kinda annoying when you have to drop an item,and lastly at least for me equiped items shouldn't be in your pack instead make it to where it goes into an equiped items slot. P.S. outstanding game overall i am amazed to see there is still people out there who are willing to create games such as this one. Thank you for this wonderful game.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) help, I'm on tutorial still and cant figure out how to get out of the vilage once I got my first quest!

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I lost my pet snake ='(. could you make them just go back to the pet store with 1 hp instead of them dying forever?

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, but the walking is very weird (and hard to get used to) and the auto-save is horrible. Otherwise amazing!

+ - !


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