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Jul. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Would be nice if consumables were not able to be crafted when you already have 10 of them. I just wasted an enormous amount of materials not knowing that 10 was the maximum.

+ - !



Jul. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I think it's a 5-star game all the way BUT the end-game crafting gets very tedious when 5 different items each need to be made out of 4-5 different components (that also require 3-5 components each). There should be an "auto-craft" button that will make all the sub-recipies automatically if you try to craft an item and don't have all the necessary components in place. That's my only complaint but I think it's a really big one....the challenge should be finding the ores/recipes, not wasting 10 minutes just to build one item after you have everything. + this so the developer sees it if you agree!

+ - !



Nov. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It glitches. I died, but used something to repair at the last second. Now I have the little explosion on my character all the time, but I'm still alive.

+ - !



Jul. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) When is Glean 2 coming out?

+ - !



May. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I'd be interested to see a sequel by which, once said robot has regained his standing in the Mother, He gains control and leads expeditions to further examine these mysterious creatures of the past. There could possibly be the need to gather resources to build/improve several different robots, like the sea and air one that was glimpsed in the end. It may take away from the overall aesthetic of the original, but would help advance the story and add a new sort of gameplay with familiar characters. Plus, the player could delve into the world of whatever the hell mother is and exactly how machines gained sentience.

+ - !



Nov. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Judging from the statement at the end of the game, I think there might be a sequal. Atleast, I hope so. I want more of this game.

+ - !



Aug. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I just noticed that when I decided to make lots of dynamite it used materials but I only wound up with 10 dynamite. If you can only hold 10, it should let you know you cannot hold any more and stop throwing your resources out the porthole. Better yet, you should be able to carry more than 10 dynamite. On a planet like this one, you need it a lot.

+ - !



Aug. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) If we are able to teleport the mining bot itself why not use it just to teleport the load instead of the ship when we want ?

+ - !



Jul. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) anyone thought of motherload?

+ - !



Jul. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) kinda reminds me of platformer obstacle courses, but with a twist. dodging lava, detonating gas geysers, annoying immposible-to-jump-up bits can all really restrict movement and that means you have to think about whether or not to risk it for the last bit of titanium needed... very good game, but needs random events like a rare meteor impact which created a crater on the surface and stuff. its kinda getting boring, no longer any strategy to it. just dig, dig and dig. gets repetitive. ya need to fix the repetitive-ness!

+ - !



Jul. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Finally completed the game, all objectives done. I've to say that I really love this game, I suggest everyone to try out this masterpiece, It's a perfect time-eater that will suck you to complete all of the objectives. I wonder if we're having a second part with that water-planet, I'd really enjoy it.

+ - !



Jul. 13, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I feel the Adrenalin in my stomach when the miner is free-falling a longer distance. lol ^^

+ - !



Jul. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Wireless wires...

+ - !



Jul. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) If you go to the very bottom of the map, you will not die, but rather stop all downwards motion. It's the same with the sides, the "invisible wall" is in effect. It is rather rare to see games that motivate the player to keep on digging. Also, the usage of resources for upgrades rather that exchanging them for money is pure genius cough*motherload*cough.

+ - !



Jul. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Ok, It's a really good game, I love it, but there is one problem I am having... After going to the 3rd or 4th planet, I start to mine and onec it destroys the block/ore my game freezes. I can still use equipment, view inventory, or go to galaxy map and switch planets (I tried switching planets and as soon as I mined on the other planet, it did the same thing). So, it's not my computer that is the problem, because the game still runs in a way. I'm thinking the game is crashing due to an interface issue... Any help on that?

+ - !



Jul. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I'm glad we can see through walls, otherwise it'd be challenging getting minerals and artifacts.

+ - !



Jul. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) We have implemented support for badges on our end. So all that is required for it to happen is as many plays, and as high a rating as possible. :D

+ - !



Jul. 05, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why is there an upgrade to reduce vibrations? That makes obtaining aberrant matter, an already extremely difficult task, even harder! I just use dynamite every time, since it's now impossible to get them. I can think of literally no reason to reduce vibrations since strange gloop is easy to get even at the start of the game.

+ - !


Developer response from okaybmd

Fixed in version 1.50K, should be now easier to get Aberrant Matter with upgraded vibrations. Also makes getting lava and Obsidian easier too.


Apr. 30, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) You always need at least one more atomic boggler than you think you do. That and screws. Holy moly do you need a lot of screws. You could make a bridge connecting every planet you visit made entirely out of screws.

+ - !



Aug. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) have you ever been to a planet which has 500% lava? Well... that's hell.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This game is awesome, such great attention to detail. Amazing animations, loads of fun. Love the YouTube videos. Underrated and underscored 5/5

+ - !



Mar. 15, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Finally, a game about drilling without a time limit and much rage quits. ahhhh... ^_^ Love the resource management but its a bit easy, I would enjoy a bit more challenging one.

+ - !



Jul. 31, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) Interesting game. I like the way it brought together the mining and platforming genres while adding something new to both fronts.

+ - !



Jan. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Wait, if I can only dig to 100m, shouldn't that put me to the other side of the asteroid? :P

+ - !



Oct. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Want a sequel :) good game

+ - !



Jun. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) "this strange structure opens like a flower to vibrations,but then permanently closes once they stop".you dont know how hard i raged when i stopped drilling to read the last part.

+ - !



Aug. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I apparently managed to repair myself at the exact same time as I died. Now I'm dragging around my death explosions, along with the death message.

+ - !



Aug. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) For those who lost their save files like I did, it seems like there's a secondary file location now: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\WritableRoot\#SharedObjects\RANDOMCHARACTERS\ Take your save file from: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\RANDOMCHARACTERS\ and move it to the new folder (dig_dig_final_1.04.sol should be the save file). Your game should be back.

+ - !



Aug. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I died of overheating while being repaired, lol

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) your inventory should automatically make room for special items

+ - !



Jul. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) One thing I would suggest is that the mini-map be able to be filtered. I don't mind hunting down the capsules for new research recipes, but after getting rather deep down, all i see are dots, dots, and more dots. It becomes very difficult to distinguish what I'm after compared to everything else. Adding the ability to filter the mini-map would be another fantastic feature to this great game. Thanks for making it, and continually improving it.

+ - !



Jul. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) So you need Compression Springs (recipe found 50-200) to make Coil Springs (recipe found 0-100)? Does that not seem backwards?

+ - !



Jul. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Like motherload, except you don't need to pay for fuel of repairs.

+ - !



Jul. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I think there should be a way to drop off materials into the ship without having to enter the ship because it gets kind of annoying having to enter exit the ship every time you want to drop off materials other than that theres nothing else i can think of and 5/5

+ - !



Jul. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This game is perfect in every way except one: crafting items is *extremely* tedious, especially in the last half of the game. Adding a build process that automatically creates required sub-items should be #1 on the feature list.

+ - !



Jul. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There seems to be a problem with getting enough abberant matter, once you upgrade the vibration reduction. How do you cause enough vibration to open those things?

+ - !



Jul. 31, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) Why is it an upgrade to reduce vibration from drill? It makes it impossible to get abberant matter without dynamite and makes it much harder to mine lava blocks by clearing around them first. I know the strange gloop is easier to get but it's not too hard at the start as long as you spot it quickly so in the end its just bad to reduce drill vibration

+ - !



Jul. 31, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) How do i win the game? i'm pretty sure i completed it 100%

+ - !



Jul. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Suggestion: When building utility items, you should not be able to build more if you have 10(max). Also, it would be nice if the modules crafting screen showed you an item count.

+ - !



Jul. 05, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I've become addicted to this game — great graphics, I love the mechanics, rich environment, a lot of choice about what to do next — but I wish it had clearer tech progression goals. For instance, now with the latest update, I can see that I can't make coil springs because I haven't discovered compression springs yet — but there's no sense of how to get to compression springs. At this point, I can't engineer any new improvements because all of them require undiscovered elements, but I don't know what those elements are. More clearly established goals based on discovery — like "mine some titanium to discover compression springs" or "find another lost item to discover fragile frames" would hugely increase the drive to come back and keep playing. Also, I second the request for a "back" button when building elements needed to build elements needed to build elements, so you don't always have to start over again back at the Engineering menu every time you build a sub-component.

+ - !



Mar. 16, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Auto upgrade should be a feature. I literally clicked for 30 minutes towards the end of the game on the higher tier upgrades. That is really overlooked while developing the game.

+ - !



Jul. 31, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) katstone: bigegr iron recipes unlock after you have enough smaller iron, special recipes unlock as you find artifacts

+ - !



Jul. 31, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) You find artifacts in capsules, once you find an artifact you also unlock recipes for crafting things like screws.

+ - !



Jul. 31, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) Am I the only one that cleared out an entire map/area?

+ - !



Jul. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I'm clearly not getting something here, because I've basically been doing the exact same things (Going down, getting minerals, returning to the surface, repeating) for about half an hour now and I don't seem to be getting anywhere. I'm supposed to do things like make an engineering bay, except that requires tiny silver nuggets that appear at depths 25-100. The problem would be that I'm overheating, or close enough that I can't even really use my drill, but the time I get to even 26 depth. I see no way to increase my ability to drill down deeper (which I'm guessing from the description would be one of the things that the engineering bay would help with), so I'm not 100% sure what I'm supposed to be doing here. I don't feel like I'm making any progress of any sort.

+ - !


Developer response from okaybmd

Different planets have different temperatures. Glacial planets are MUCH colder than volcanic ones, and you can go further down.


Mar. 15, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I thought this would be similar to Motherload, in a way it was, but it's still quite different and really fun to play. Started playing for the badge, continued for the gamplay. I must say that it isn't quite clear how one crafts more items after the first time crafting something, but I found it out eventually.

+ - !



Mar. 17, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Really enjoyed this game. The progression feels rewarding (the only problem with it is the slightly tedious crafting lategame, and it's pretty difficult to tell what items are what in the inventory (why are they all the same colour?)). I really wish I could see the videos so I could have some "lore", but it was still really fun without it.

+ - !



Mar. 16, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) "I think I won't like this game.." 3 days later.. "I won't be so judgemental next time! :'D"

+ - !



Jan. 13, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Honestly, all this game has accomplished with me at this point (other than the entertainment value [5/5 for that]) is a solid hatred of tubes.

+ - !



Oct. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) BEST GAME EVER

+ - !


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