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Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Completing the game made me realize one thing. I want more. It's a great turn based tactical shooter with good graphics. There are, however, some suggestions i would like to make. (1): Implement a level editor and support so that people can share these with each other. There are other games that allow this and it keeps the games enjoyable for a lot longer, even after completing the story line. (2): A class system. Maybe while leveling up, you can give them different roles, but at level 8 they all have the assault rifle, maybe 1 sniper, but other then that, there is no difference between them, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, just stating that classes might give the game more dept. (3): When there are no more enemies in the area (or only behind locked doors), maybe it's an idea to drop the AP for walking around. This will speed up the moments when you need to flip a switch or restock on ammo from the boxes. Well thats it. Hope there will be many more like this. Keep up the good work!

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) this game WOULD HAVE BEEN great if you could skip the enemy turns, it's so anoying to wait for all those creatures to move -.-

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) A perfect short game for me! Turn based, RPG, Shooting and magnificent graphics.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i love it

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) how about add a suvival or a challenge mode? this game is fun, but it's too short.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Reminds me a lot of Incubation. I loved Incubation. Thanx for making this :) 5/5

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Enemies need to become stronger. It was too easy after I leveled up my characters.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Too speed up the enemy movements, try making groups of monsters move at the same time.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Awesome Game! But more levels please ;)

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Units max out too soon. Would like to see more flexibility for customizing characters. All characters have the same stats at level 8. For example all stats should not be maxed out when your at the top level, so different characters can focus on different stats.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i just started so im not sure if this is already in there but maybe a pass clip feature to replenish ammo

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, but really needs a native English proof-reader. The English is very bad.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) When I started this game, I thought it would be laggy and suckish, but it turned out to be great. I loved the animation and the actual game. I am looking forward to more.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great game! I loved Incubation. This makes me wanna get back to it after abandoning it cause of the extreme difficulty of the wilderness missions. ^^ Anyway, a game with with great gameplay and graphics such as yours needs a story and more variety to make it shine! Please oh please make a sequel!!! 5/5

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) To undo skill point allocations: Start a mission, then exit to briefing screen. Equipment buys and stats will be back to what they were just after the last level was finished.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Btw, if you place 2 marines above and by the side of a sewer grate, no more skay'ger (:P) are generated... Also the bayonet should have accuracy just like the normal weapons (incubation style).

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) made me get incubation, which I never played before. great game, though level cap at 8 is a bit lame. plus, in levels with a lot of enemies, you spend most of the time waiting for their animations to be finished.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) On the level where Magnus joined my team, i just sat next to sewers with my squad members that had Bayonets and defended until they were level 8 not wasting ammo since bayonets are 100% accuracy and those little things are easy to kill... I get the unlimited spawn, but the bayonets might need an accuracy just like the guns. Level cap 8 is kind of lame too, wouldn't have sat there til level 8 if i hadn't known 8 was the cap from other comments.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) At first, I was skeptical about the comments of a 3d Flash game, and I just figured that the author was using isometrics (think Diablo 2 or Starcraft 1), but no. Complete 3d with a rotating seamless camera. Definitely a true 3d flash. Very impressive.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) So, by "remake of the famous game Incubation", you really mean "remake of the remake of the more-famous game X-COM," correct?

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Too short!!! Great game!

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Best fun I've had in a while on Kong!!! Really well adapted from the original Incubation game, graphics are very nice, music and FX are good and game mechanics work great. The addition of some story/plot similar to the simple one in Incubation might be a good extra, though. Still, an absolute and solid 5 for me.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 2 short :( Very catchy otherwise.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty good... the graphics seems like its made out of starcraft or something... the turn-based gameplay is awesome but the game is gonna get easy once you get at least one of your team to lvl 8 and I would really want a sequel and if possible, a multiplayer will be great too.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Excellent game. Wish the animations were faster. Protip: Make sure you kill everything on every level, including waiting for spawners to stop creating new enemies. This will ensure that your whole team is over-leveled for the entire game, making it a cakewalk. Also... Stat priority is" Max Accuracy->Max Ammo->Max Range, then play with the others as you see fit. Missing several shots or running out of bullets will both make the game much harder than it needs to be.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) + if you try to reach (and manage to reach) the "almost unlimited" number of ennemies on the level after you find Magnus ^^. (it just took like 25 turns to kill them all ;) )

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 5/5 for entertainment, a couple of things you could add in this or a sequel could be higher platforms, bridges and stuff that go above the ground for snipers and that. also more levels, i want more! :D

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) wow, great game ! 5/5

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) awesome graphics good game play i gotta say 5/5.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Ho amato Incubation sul pc!!! Sei un grande davvero!!!

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Completely unbalanced. Level 2 is hard, once you get accuracy and power all the other levels are way too easy. I was rolling my eyes and sighing every 5 minutes at the tediousness of the last level.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This game its ramake of PC game from 1999 "Incubation" Its cool game Thx Konge for Flash version :)

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Needs more customizations. Once you hit the max level, the rest of the missions are a piece of cake.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) allrite all of my soldiers ran out of ammo. HOW THE FUDGE AM I SUPPOSE TO WIN NOW ALL THE BOXES ARE TAKEN!

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The "survive 20 rounds" mission is way too long. ^^ I barricaded myself and let the turns pass by, but it still takes forever because of the many enemies.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) A white square keeps blocking my view of stuff below the game screen + if you get this to.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I can't wait XenoSquad 2 and good gameplay,stories,and weapon 5/5

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) "reviewed by jayisgames" who cares, i keep seeing that on various flash games like its something special.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) More please.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) its good but its pretty short, wish it was longer. Half of my playing time seems like it was spent on the last level.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) more please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Two Words: Level. Editor.

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Icubation!

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Very nice 3d! Sequel would be awesome. Great how you can upgrade stats in different ways: the red one is my scout, can move a lot and with a lot of power, kind of like a ninja. green one is my "tank" has tons of health and some power. Blue one is my sniper. Would also be a great MULTIPLAYER game! still turn based, and with ranks, many more weapons, and a ton more levels (in the same skills)! Think about it!

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) great graphics... but as always with games with a nice graphic: no story, game is way to easy... short fun, but entertaining

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Fantastic! Need more turn-based strategy games!

+ - !


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