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Comments for Dragon Rescue

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Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) level 5 flying speed should be much faster than level 3's not the same

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) its frozen after first boss!!!!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) seems like a great game but 1/5 until the glitch on the first level gets fixed.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) did you test it? i cant understand, 8th level is harder than 9 and 10! i replayed at least 20 missions to get enough money for upgrades and beat 8th boss, got 9th on first try, and final boss on second try... also kamikaze mobs are annoying

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The game froze after killing a boss. It started to happen after i refreshed the game so it looks like there are some errors in your last update. Also the health and DXP bars now behave normally

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) game froze after the first boss.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Needs badges

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Dragon Spirits seem to stop working after a short amount of time; they won't be fired anymore. I'm not sure it's just on the highest Rate level, but this problem definately occurs since I got it.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 1/5 bugged for me after first boss. sorry.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) There is a bug. When i continue from my save game and try to buy ability after choosing the level the game stuck

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) after i beat the first boss the screen froze thumbs up so the developer can see this!

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

The problem is SOLVED now, thanks for reporting this quickly. please CTRL+F5 this page.


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i was with you until the level 5 boss.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) At the end of the first boss the game froze. It got stuck after the motorcycle went off, with two pictures of the one chick ( never got past to know her name ).

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

The problem is SOLVED now, thanks for reporting this quickly. please CTRL+F5 this page.


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) My fault with pause) Usually it's "P". There is a small bug when dxp attack is not launched but still sound of it is played. Also there is not very comfortable change of lifebar and dxp bar

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) what is the yellow bar that goes across the screen

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) the first time that i played it, it completely froze right after the boss fight on level one

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This game is basically an easy touhou remake, very nice game!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Good game, but improvements are necessary: 1) Pause when mouse travels outside of screen, 2) DXU message remains on screen for a while after you use the ability, 3) Health and DXU bars are bugged - sometimes they flash between full, empty, and actual 4) The ability to upgrade power and duration of DXU would be good 5) Check grammar for in game text, 6) A better balance of income gained each level - Level 5 you can grind for 300-400 while every level after provides significantly less - Just some food for thought.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Crash after the first boss. Outch XD

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) this is exactly what NES games where in 1988. Right down to the "kind of makes sense" dialogue and the bosses that flash when they're almost dead. You have reinvented nintendo

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) could be better if i knew what i was buying Lol, maybe a description of some sort to help provide what i buy do, because everything seems the same

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Decent graphics, Familiar story, and simple controls, 4/5. I found a bug on level 6 where no enemies spawned, i believe that it should have been the boss, im not sure how it triggered

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) anyone else get the glitch where you just stop shooting?

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Also the game needs pause button and there is a bug when i click mouse outside the game's window.

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

oh... but you can pause pressing ESC


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The yellow line appears after killing a helicopter. It does nothing.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) You should make the ability button more noticeable because I didn't see it til the 3 to last level

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

thanks, we just updated that menu adding exactly a more noticeable abilitiies button.


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Is it just me or is the lyrics of the song only numbers?

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) There is a strange yellow line which appears on the third level. Is it a bug?

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) how the hell do you kill the 4th boss? (lazor dude)

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

is not too difficult :O, we'll upload a video of that :)


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) A button to access the store between levels (if you accidentally leave too early, or fail a level, but have enough gold post-death to buy something) would be very nice.

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

we exactly added that in the latest update :), now the store is the last thing you see before playing a level.


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Pausing when it's saying "Get Ready" crashes the game and you have to refresh the page

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

OMG i'll check that


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) "DNA got mixed up." It should've been a dragon girl then. ;o

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) sadly the newest update killed saves and made me less inclined to finish this :( but as developers its awesomee that you have been constantly readign and updating all of this.

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

we're really sorry, but this update was necessary and any future update will not mess the saved game.


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I like how you are actually going threw the trouble of looking at your comments and replying. More people should do that.

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

thanks friend, we really want to make a great game... so any feedback we can get is totally welcomed.


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) this game seems neat but what I"m really inpressed about is that the devleper is lishting to our problems and acutaly fixing them

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

thank you ;) that's we are trying to do!


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Yea, the bug where it stops firing, still going on. Was replying the levels and lv 4 just would not let me attack at all, normal shots and dragon shots both stopped after the heli at the start. Also sometimes the bars glitch out, show full when infact they are not.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The bug on the boss on the level where he splits into 3 isnt fixed, I kill the boss but cant kill two of his clones ever, then when I replay the level they keep shooting at me from the start at the level but are invisible....

+ - !


Developer response from Trutruka

a new version is uploaded so we hope this is the end of the evil cloning boss bug from hell


Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Kinda lame. =/ Graphics, story... "Yes, everyone wanted their extreme powers... Unfortunately, no one knew they existed..."

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Yeah the bugs - dragon spirits not working (not just with using dxu) and the speed powerup not working make the final boss way too hard. Remember when you update (if you update) not to change the name of the flash file or it'll wipe out our saved games.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Experienced the bug at the splitting boss, it can't be killed and he appears on stealth after restarting the same level :-(

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) It seems like many of the bugs trace back to using the DXU. The dragon spirits sometimes stop spawning after you use it and when you use it on the clone boss it occasionally makes clones invincible (but not the boss itself).

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) As for easy-to-code improvements, on the ability scree, you should split it into "physical" and "spiritual" groups so you don't have to draw new icons (just erase the "+" by the health upgrade and call it physical). This lets you add subgroup abilities for them: under the heart (physical) upgrades you get - health, speed, regeneration and under the dragon icon (spiritual) group you get magnetism (to draw powerups to you), DMX power, DMX regeneration. All of those except for magnetism will require very minimal additional coding and should make the game much more fun.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I find it funny how a newborn dragon can totally decimate armies upon armies of people with extremely advanced technology.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Okay, the clone boss bug is still there (I hadn't encountered it before the update). Basically, I killed the main boss before a clone was dead - I think that triggered the bug. After that things got haywire since I had to kill myself since the clone wouldn't die. Some of the enemies were invisible, the dragon spirits stopped spawning, etc. Also, I don't think the speed upgrade works....I upgraded it to maximum, wasting a bunch of gems, and didn't notice any real improvement in my speed - this makes the 4th boss way too hard since it is impossible to avoid his lasers.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) next to last level has a problem with the bomberplane boss, it freezes upon death. otherwise quite fun!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Too many bugs. 1) Flickering health+DMZ bar. 2) You stop shooting randomly 3) level 4 you pretty much can't get past without buying 80% of the upgrades.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The whole glitch on the duplicating boss is not fixed as the creator said, if 1 of the copies is still alive after u kill the main boss, the last copy will turn invincible

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) the level 5 boss keeps splitting. I've gotten up to seven rounds of splitting before dying. Either this is a bug or you've made this boss WAY too hard.

+ - !


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