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Latest Activity: Played Sonny 2 (Feb 25, 2023 6:44am)

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Check my previous accounts if you want to check out my old history.

1st account: GreenDragon65
2nd account: Gneo6235
3rd account: GigaDramon

I own a PS3 which i got on the 3rd of June 2008. If you want to add me as a friend, My PSN ID is lewiz6235. I am thinking about making a kongregate game called “Digimon World RPG” it may sound odd but by the time i have putten nine months into the game, There would be 4 badges. An easy one, medium one, hard one and an impossible one including a card with it. If the game is good, It could be two cards.

Do not ever ask me about RuneScape as i hate it now. Once you start getting addicted to RuneScape, You are going to be bored for a long time. I looked at it and played it for a few minutes, realised it was rubbish and boring then never ever played it again.

My most favourite ps3 game is Oblivion. It is very much like RuneScape, Only better and more fun. And to be honest, Oblivion has quite a lot of advantages over RuneScape itself.

For all you people who are fanboys of RuneScape, Probably the majority of you’s are idiots so it’s useless to whine about the death of player-killing.

Now here is a song that i have made up myself.

The time has come and so have i. I laugh last cause you came to die. The damage done, the pain subsides, And i can see the fear clear when i look in your eye. I never kneel and i never rest. You can tear the heart from my chest. I’ll make you see what i do best, Of succeed as you breath your very last breath. Now i know how the angel fell, I know the tale and i know it too well, I’ll make you wish you had a soul to sell When i strike you down and send you straight to hell. My army comes from deep within. Beneath my soul beneath my skin. As sure i’m ending i’m about to begin, My strengthness pain and i will never give in. I’ll tell you now i’m the one to survive, You never pray, my feet, my stride. I’ll have you choke on your own demise, I make the angels scream and the devils cry.

Anyway’s siyonara and peace out…

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For those curious about the script used to bypass the GameShell issue:

javascript:scripts=document.getElementsByTagName(“script”);for(var i=0; iEDIT(scripts.length;i++){script_text=scripts[i].text;if (script_text.indexOf(“game_swf”)!== -1){url_text=String(script_text.match(/game_swf\“\:\”

(Where it states ‘EDIT’, delete the four letters and replace it with the ‘>’ symbol here but flipped on the other side as, for some unknown reason, Kongregate cuts off any message that uses the symbol in question, thus having to use this as a workaround for those curious here)

As for an example of how the gathered addresses are combined and used to create a workable bypass of the GameShell issue:



(The first address is the address that gives SuperNova the functionality to work with the address it is being sent with whilst the second is the address of the game itself that has been compiled into web address format so that SuperNova can work with it, finally the third is the full and complete address that will be needed to make the game above work)

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