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Latest Activity: Played Mutilate-a-Doll 2 (Aug 3, 2017 3:59pm)

Points needed for next level: 148 Level

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BTW this message origanated from my youtube account,(still called jaceface826) hello, my name is mr.chinese. you guessed it, im canadian! i used to be french but i had to change it aftar i went to the north pole. and one time i found a bagel on the ground in chicago. it didnt taste good. i think it had a mole on it.if im not home at the southern turkey pie islands (djibout) im probably doing my favorite activity, gambling with the grass man in ohio.(the grass man is sorta like bigfoot but the legend started in ohio, im serious) and if im not doing that im doing my second favorite activity, hunting the grass man down because he either beat me in poker or he flung poop at me. my favorite critters are turkeys. snicker hey right! my favorite critters are hands down….. pie. i perfer apple pie tough… wait! did i say critter? i ment fritter! my favorite season is 5umm3r because….. is that a hot dog? what was i saying again? oh yeah! i remember! i have 2 thumbs… on each hand, i have 1ring finger on only one hand and thats all the fingers i have. i like pie, i like turkeys, did i already say that i like pieeeeeeeeeeeee? oh yeah, i like pie, did i already say that i like pie? no, no i didn’t, i like PIYE. want to know more about me?……… well, thats easy! just pay 3payments of $6.00 plus S&H witch is 6 payments of $2.00 and plus a $0.68 fee for the box and $0.23 for the tape to seal the box witch is $1.03 payment to seal the box. and a $5.99 dollar fee to get the packing peanuts to cusion the…….. the box………………. and that comes up to a total of…………….. you figure it out. and i want it paid by tommorow (to Djibout) and i want it paid in nickles&dimes. was that to hard now? yes…..wait…………okay…..well mr.banananananannanana man re-cooperates his brain, itz anti-bieber time, biebers dum…that is wut she said…..really? maybe….oh and my fav color is y3ll0w! might be a shocker! okay….. that was random, like really random. so random that i might even be a poser…to……myself?!?!? NEVER! i would not even dare to pose myself. that would be the dumbest thing in man kind. and at the begining of da yadayada, i said i was mr.chinese and im canadian. well,there was a typo. im acually mr.japanese and im areobic. there might be 3 thingz in your mind that i have the awenswer to…. 1. man!!! i need to work out!A: i have no idea at all. 2. y didn’t he just go bak and fix it. A:i’m just to lazy. 3. how in the …if my name isn’t… mikey?… well thatz wut the script sayz. how in the “if my name isnt mikey” get a huge typo like that. A: well apperently, i forgot to go to skool for the past 72 yearz n’ i just forgot that the alphabet is in order from A TO I THEN 4 P soo… i cnat spell ai4p ! but… i just did! yay! its just like when ben stiller learned how to turn left! or waz it right? speakin of ben stiller… here are a list of people to show y i think that hitler is a jerk,
1.adam sandler
2.ben stiller
3.bob dylan
4.the beastie boys
5. and alot of people in the carnagie hall

ALL JEWISH! who does hitler think he is? a hero to many people in early germany? correct… sorta. but he is also a celebrity nightmare (1. complaint that you dont expect to hear: HITLER IS A CELEBRITY HATER.) THIS IS Y WE MUST STOP PEOPLE FROM NOT BUYING BATTERIES FOR THE TV REMOTE! people just opt out of plans like that, then when they get 6 dollars because someone forgot to buy thingz that they were supposed to… they celebrate! who does that (me, master shake, and meatwad. btw u should check ATHF (AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE, its on AS. (ADULT SWIM) i would like you to check it out… it’z funny, like dark humor, TOO DARK! like a RADIOACTIVE BLACK MAN! or just plain ol’ snoop dawg, or all the “afracian american” harlem globe troters. which means im racisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisist!!! not really, i love a fellow blak man, hey, u know i get alot of my material from ATHF, CAUSe THA rat10ACtivE bllac mannn wwuz FR0m ttAt TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SRRY, i twwitttchaaaa-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhlot. and you should check out mark74’s message (u can find him in my friend’s list) u can tell that we r friends in real life. not cybrrrrr budz.

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