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    Aug. 06, 2014

An amazing quote: “History is written by the victors.” – Winston Churchill
Non curo si contempseris, aut umquam reputes ancillam tuam quasi optimum quid est res; quod omnes nos humano agitur inter se aequales.
(translation: I do not care if you despise me, or think i am the best person in the world, what matters is; is that we all treat each other as equals.)
I rest my case.
Characters below in a few minutes…
The Seven Stars
Name: Alkaid
Appearance: Tan skin, black hair, blue eyes, average physique.
Gender: Male
Weapon: Claymore
Personality: Calm and collected, gives second chances, and is not afraid to make a big mess.
Special Abilities: Extreme knowledge of battle strategy, can predict an enemy’s moves.
Name: Dubhe
Appearance: Dark tan skin, shaved head, large in body, has a serious presence, dark azure eyes.
Gender: Male
Weapon: Tower Shield
Personality: Monotonously emotionless and apathetic, no real life in his words.
Special abilities: Dubhe has no soul, and so, covets what he does not have, enabling him to track and sense powerful souls.
Name: Phecda
Appearance: Slightly tanned skin, long brown hair tied into a ponytail, light blue eyes.
Gender: Female
Weapon: Sword and shield (both weapons are sharpened, so she can throw her shield like a discus)
Personality: Quick, but rash thinker, and focuses more on the short term than the long term.
Special Abilities: Phecda can channel her energy into a single, destructive strike, decimating all foes caught in the attack.
Name: Megrez
Appearance: Tan skin, short, dark brown hair, steel blue eyes, slim physique.
Gender: Male
Weapon: Katana (Very long, almost 6 feet in length)
Personality: Perfectionist, despises mortal weakness and believes them to be foolish and unable to comprehend the power of the gods in any way, shape, or form.
Special abilities: Megrez wields his blade in a backhanded style, with the blade facing away from his enemy so he has more leeway to parry attacks away from him.
Name: Mizar
Appearance: Tan skin, short silver hair, bright blue eyes, slim but muscular.
Gender: Male
Weapon: Ring blade & spells
Personality: Hates abuse of power, and tries to use his magic and his weapon only when he requires it, but will not hesitate to use it, as his strength is quite low compared to his siblings.
Special Abilities: Only one of his siblings that can cast actual spells, his blade is controlled by his spells, and because of him being a mage, he can see through the veil and see spirits and the flow of magical energies.
Name: Merak
Appearance: Light tan skin, semi long, center parted black hair, blue left eye, and pale, faded white, “blind” right eye.
Gender: Male
Weapon: Dual daggers, one as long as his forearm, and another half as long.
Personality: Cold towards his enemies, and caring towards his friends, he will go to even hiding himself from everyone to keep those he loves safe from harm.
Special Abilities: He can turn invisible on an instant, and also see through solid objects with his “blind” eye
Name: Alioth
Appearance: Short blackish-blue hair in a buzzcut, tan skin, Blazing blue eyes.
Gender: Male
Weapon: Battle axe
Personality: Rough and power hungry, he sees fighting as the first and only option to a conflict.
Special Abilities: He can go berserk, leaving no life in his wake.
Now the Android
Unit Number: B-32274
Unit Age: 3 months (intellectually, between 5 and 30 years of age)
Appearance: Pale skinned Caucasian male, steel gray eyes and short black ‘hair’, average build and face.
Weaponry/Utilities: Phantom class plasma projection system in arms, eyes used as cameras and scanners, plus infrared, ultraviolet, and night vision modes, extensive database of battle tactics.
Abilities: Can learn to adapt to any situation, and can learn human body language, and can learn how to “feel” emotion.
Personality (when emotion and body language is learned): Usually quite quiet, but very gentle and caring to those he feels close to, he is also quite cold and heartless towards enemies and threats to himself and his friends.
Human “Name”: Kogan Miles
Now a random character I thought up one day
Name: Zai
Age: Estimated to be around over 400 years old
Appearance: Wears a large Japanese straw hat that covers his face and almost goes down to touch his shoulders, also wears Japanese armor for a samurai, both of his swords are sheathed on his left side. Zai has a slim build that belies his weight and size.
Height: 7’7"
Weight: 243 lbs.
Weapons: Paired Katana & Wakizashi (named Oni and Arashi) with his short sword wielded in a backhanded style like a dagger.
Personality: Prefers not to fight unless there is no real viable option that he can see, his cheerful demeanor when interacting with those he does not know, or those he cares about, hiding his calm and calculating side that is only shown during battle with enemies and arch-rivals.
Now the Kitsune that turned Zai into a statue
Name: Isan (name means legacy, his mother knew he would make a legacy, but really didn’t think too well on what kind of legacy, though.)
Age: Approx. 1000 years old.
Appearance: Anthro kitsune with blazing red eyes and white fur, His tail count varies by the amount of energy he has. if he’s full on energy, he has nine tail,s if he’s empty, he has only one tail.
Gender: Male
Abilities: Has the Sun and Moon gems, giving him power over light and darkness, and both gems are fused to his heart, so if they are taken, he dies, he also has superhuman speed and strength, and if he is full on energy, he can petrify someone, but it takes ALL of his energy.
Personality: Greedy and selfish, he prefers to take rather than give, looking at what he wants and promptly stealing it not long after, even if people are watching, and because of that, he prefers to stay away from anyone who could take what’s his. (i.e.: everyone)
Now a random dystopia rp char
Name: Ivan Adrian Tchaikovsky
Age: 25
Appearance: Normal white complexion, dark brown hair cut into flat top, has a very rippled, yet slim physique, he has a young, gruff face and hazel eyes.
Abilities/Weapons: Has five pistols he always keeps on his person, but he has one three-shot burst-fire pistol he has named ‘Land’ and a .500 magnum named ‘Sky’. He also has superhuman strength and speed, and has extensive knowledge of martial arts.
Personality: He is very proud of his nation, and also does not take insults well, but he is also very calm usually, but when provoked he is a raging brawler and a deceptively accurate shot.
Now my one and only dragon char
Name: Vagras
Age: 30
Appearance: Black scales, yellow eyes, and purple wings.
Abilities: Cannot breathe fire, but breathes a pitch black smoke, and is a master of dark magic, thanks to a tyrant’s spirit in a onyx jewel that Vagras has on a band going over his shoulder.
Personality: Quick to judge, and also believes that he is better than everyone else, since he is a prince, but the tyrant’s spirit gives him ‘advice’ on how to adequately deal with commoners, and this false advice usually leads him to use force over talk.
The Fifth Horseman
Name: Kramer Derrick
Age: 20 (in this life)
Appearance: Young man with sharp, intelligent features and short black hair.
Titles: Horseman of Cruelty, Cruelty of Man, The Fabled Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse.
Abilities: Being the Horseman of Cruelty, he can turn mortal against mortal in much more subtle and obviously cruel ways than War and Conquest, however, he can cause them to fight amongst themselves like them, but usually tries to make them doubt themselves. He is also capable of summoning a gray horse, or a gray 1979 Pontiac Bonneville, depending on the time period. He can also conjure either a crossbow or a magnum made of a smoke, depending on the period as well.
Personality: He relies on his silver tongue to manipulate everyone around him, and is generally indifferent to the feelings of mortals, and even the other horsemen. His indifference leads him to underestimating his targets, until he is hit. Then he begins to bait strikes, and acts cocky, belying his calm, calculating mind, and generally avoids overly-friendly relationships with anyone, which is one of the reasons he is not known, and is simply a fable to many.

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