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    Mar. 16, 2008
Space Marine Quotes Battle Litany of the Spacewolves We are the wolf that stalks The stars in the sky And swallows the star-fire We hide amongst the night When light is gone The Light is within us We run the ruin of Fire In the darkness Foes burn in our passing Book of the Astronomican p22 Ritual and Responses, Tome of Truths Foretold, Legiones Astartes, Library Copy Without the Dark, there can be no Light, We have purpose Without the Lie, there can be no Truth, We have purpose Without the War, there can be no Victory, We have purpose Without the Death, there can be no sacrifice, We have purpose Without the Hope there can be no Future, We have purpose Without the Loyalty there can be no one chapter, We have purpose Without the Emperor, there is nothing,... And we would have no purpose Book of the Astronomican p71 Adeptus Astartes, The Book of FaithAt battle's end, speak the Liturgy in a clear voice. Respect the bravery of the living. Give the Rite of Passage to the fallen. Honour the battle gear of the dead. To do all this with reverence, even when exhausted by battle and weary from the field, is the duty of a Chaplain. It is his burden and satisfaction. Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p25 Medic CredoDo not fail your Brothers. Though their bodies die, their spirit must return to the Chapter. That is your charge. Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p28 Attributed to Master of the Apothacarion Aslon MarrPain and death are illusions of the weak mind. While his gene-seed returns to the Chapter, a Marine cannot die. Without death, pain loses its relevance. He that may fight, heal him He that may fight no more, give him peace He that is dead, take from him the Chapter's due Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p29 CMarneus CalgarWe pray for our brethren who pilot the Dreadnoughts. Though they take new form, their souls, and their weapon mounts, remain pure. Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p59 Carab Culln, Red Scorpions Chapter on OgrynsIf my Marines are ordered to serve alongside these tainted half-animals, they shall do so. But upon their return they shall be quarantined and purified by every means in our Apothecarion. Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p52 GChaplain Gonzago, Operation Carthage (second pacification of Isstvan V)Bravery is stronger than Adamantium. One is the stuff of the soul-forges, the other an illusion of safety created by fools. Adamantium walls cannot keep us out! We have the courage of the Emperor! And in the Emperor's name... ATTACK!! ATTACK!! NO PRISONERS!! Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p22 MAttributed to Surgeon-Commander Grigor Markhava. Distributed as an exemplary text after he died during the storming of the Bourne slave pits (2150982.M41).The duty of the Medic, my Brethren, is a sacred one. We embody the Emperor's divine will and his holy purpose. We bring death and we bring life. Let those true to Humanity's cause give thanks for our work. Let the impure bow down before our swords! Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p28 NChaplain Fergus Nils - an address to the defenders of PortreinAs our bodies are armoured with Adamantium, our souls are protected with our loyalty. As our bolters are charged with death for the Emperor's enemies, our thoughts are charged with his wisdom. As our ranks advance, so does our devotion, for are we not Marines? Are we not the chosen of the Emperor, his loyal servants unto death? Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p21 PPoena Metallica BattlecryRide the Lightning Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p59 R'Commander' Leman RussListen closely Brothers, for my life's breath is all but spent. There shall come a time far from now when our chapter itself is dying, even as I am now dying. Then my children, I shall list'n for your call from whatever realms of death hold me, and come I shall no-matter what laws of life and death forbid. At the end I will be there. For the final battle. For the Wolftime.Book of the Astronomican p8 Leman Russ, De Natura Belli, Book XIVOnly in the Space Marines of the Legiones Astartes are courage and expertise perfectly blended. In other troops they are present in varying degrees and proportions, and many scholars have debated their relative merits. For my own part, I come down on the side of courage. For courage can sometimes make a virtue of inexperience. I myself have commanded Imperial Guard troops whose probitor units have achieved great things, because they were too inexperienced to realise that their goal was impossible. Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p45 TLast statement of Marine Psyker TroosArm yourselves, fools, the enemy are within us!Book of the Astronomican p66 Contents [hide] 1 -2 A3 B4 C5 D6 E7 G8 H9 I10 J11 K12 L13 M14 N15 P16 R17 S18 T19 U20 V21 W22 Sources - A fortress won't stop the Marines. But it may slow them down. proverb + Consider the Predator. Let your soul be armoured with Faith, driven on the tracks of obedience which overcomes all obstacles, and armed with the three great guns of Zeal, Duty and Purity. Anon +Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p85 Honour your Chapter. Space Marine Proverb + By thy colour will he know thee, By thy banners will he fear thee, By thy standard will he dread thee, Cry Marine, and let slip the weapons of war. + Unknown +Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p137 The enemies of the Emperor fear many things. They fear discovery, defeat, despair and death. Yet there is one thing they fear above all others. They fear the wrath of the Space Marines! + Unknown + They'll never get in. Even a chain fist wouldn't break down that barricade." A pale blue glow appeared in the corner You'd think they'd try though. I mean, they're not even trying to get in. The glowing blue mist rapidly coalesced. The crunch of metal echoed from behind them What was that? The dark shape, now solid, raised an assault cannon and tore the two men apart in one fluid motion. A communicator cut through the static. Teleportation complete. Targets terminated. Awaiting further instructions. + Unknown + At battle's end, speak the Liturgy in a clear voice. Respect the bravery of the living. Give the Rite of Passage to the fallen. Honour the battle gear of the dead. To do all this with reverence, even when exhausted by battle and weary from the field, is the duty of the Chaplain. It is his burden and his satisfaction. Adeptus Astartes - The Book of Faith + During the righteous pacification of the heretical insurgence on Iduno, Lysander (at the time still a sergeant) bravely led his squad in the stubborn defence of the Colonial Bridge. For fourteen hours Lysander and his men held against wave after wave of attacks by the hateful rebels who had forsworn the glorious Emperor of Mankind for the False Glories of the Fallen Gods. Well versed in the Rites of Battle, Lysander guided his men surely and strongly, bringing the vengeance of the Emperor in volleys of controlled, effective bolter fire. When Lysander and the survivors of his squad were relieved, it took several hours to clear the corpses of the shadow-shrouded recreants so the bridge could be crossed. Excerpt from the Liber Honorus Imperial Fists Chapter, Legions Astartes + Marneus Augustus Calgar is the renowned master of the Ultramarines, and his countless exploits while defeating the enemies of the Emperor (may his divine light always guide us) have earned him no small measure of fame throughout the Imperium. In particular, his stubborn defence and ultimate crushing defeat of the Tyranids during the 1st Tyrannic War has become the stuff of legend amongst the more vulgar elements of the population on those planets that owe allegiance to the Ultramarines. But fame and glory ever begets jealousy and spite, and these heroic tales, fuelled by Marneus' fierce (some might say intractable) pride, has earned him and his brethren many high-ranking enemies. While I can find no direct evidence, it seems probable that these enemies engineered the now infamous Court of Inquiry into Marneus' actions during the suppression of the uprising on Colony Beta//54, where Marneus was quite rightly exonerated of all charges, if his excellency will allow me to put forward my own, very humble, opinion. Recent reports that Marneus was slain during the defence of Ichar IV appear to be based upon nothing but base rumour and tawdry gossip, and all the reliable evidence I have found indicates the he continues to lead the Ultramarines to this day. 'Leaders Of The Adeptus Astartes', A Most Secret Report, Compiled For His Most Supreme Excellency The Paternoval Envoy By His Humble Servant Master Maximus Pliny + The final destination on my Warrior Pilgrimage to Rynn's World was my voyage to the Jadeberry Hill Necropolis. Upon that blasted knoll are to be found hundreds of hand-carved headstones, each one a memorial to a fellow battle brother of the Crimson Fists. Each stone is engraved with the battle honours of a hero whose mortal remains will never be recovered, his sacrifice an example to us all. I lingered at that bleak place for a day and a night, meditating upon the foes I had defeated and the terrible battles I had fought to return here and atone for my weakness. Come the morn, I was struck by a revelation. Though many of them had died here, my brethren had prevailed in the face of adversity. I would strive to emulate their example and prove myself worthy of the trust placed in me by my Chapter. Preface to Chapter V, 'Warrior Pilgrimages of the Angels of Death' + A Victory does not always rest with the big guns: but, if we rest in front of them we shall be lost. Commander Argentius - Adeptus Astartes Silver Skulls + The uniforms of the Imperial Guard are camouflaged in order to protect their wearers by hiding them from sight. The principle is that what the enemy cannot see he cannot kill. This is not the way of the Adeptus Astartes. A Space Marine’s armour is bright with heraldry that proclaims his devotion to his Chapter and the beloved Emperor of Mankind. Our principle is that what the enemy can see, he will soon learn to fear… + Chaplain Aston, 10th Company, Fire Hawks Chapter + B "Lead us from death to victory, from falsehood to truth. Lead us from despair to hope, from faith to slaughter. Lead us to His strength and an eternity of war. Let His wrath fill our hearts. Death, war, and blood; in vengeance serve the Emperor and the name of Dorn!" "Suffer not the Unclean to live", prayer and vow of the Black Templars Chapter+ 5 "Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle. Trust to him to intercede, and protect his warriors true as they deal death on alien soil. Turn their seas to red with the blood of their slain. Crush their hopes, their dreams And turn their songs into cries of lamentation." "Uphold the honour of the Emperor", vow of the Black Templars Chapter+ 5 "Smite now the scions of the Witch! Grant us the strength to pierce their unclean flesh! To cover their fields with the pale form of the blasphemous dead! To drown the thunder of guns with the shriek of their dying! To lay waste to their citadels with hurricanes of fire! To wring the hearts of their kin with unavailing grief! To send them into the waste of their desolate land in rags and hunger, broken in spirit, worn with travail and begging for the refuge of the grave. We ask it, in the spirit of wrath, O Master of Mankind!" "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch", prayer and vow of the Black Templars Chapter+ 5 "O Emperor, in wrath rejoicing at bloody wars, fierce and untamed, whose mighty power doth make the strongest walls from their foundations shake. All-conquering Master of Mankind, be pleased with this war's tumultuous roar. Delight in swords and fists red with alien blood, and the dire ruins of savage battle. Rejoice in furious challenge, and avenging strife, whose works with woe embitter human life!" "Accept any challenge, no matter the odds", prayer and vow of the Black Templars Chapter 5+ "No Fear! No Pity! NO REMORSE!" War Cry of the Black Templars Chapter+ "For the Emperor and Sanguinius!" War Cry of the Blood Angels Chapter+ "Knowledge is power. Guard it well." Motto of the Blood Ravens chapter + The Machine is strong. We must purge the weak, hated flesh and replace it with the blessed purity of metal. Only though permanence can we truly triumph, only through the Machine can we find victory. Punish the flesh. Iron in mind and body. Hail the Machine! Paulian Blantar, Iron Father of the Kaargul Clan, Iron Hands Chapter + Show me a fortress and I'll show you a ruin. Captain Eddan Bourne, No. 2 Assault Company, Silver Skulls + C Damnation starts with little steps, by arrogantly thinking that you are wiser than our great forbears, by tinkering with truth, by compromising, by departing from the straight and narrow path of the Emperor’s light. Marneus Calgar + Know this, son of Guilliman. The father of our Chapter watches over us always. He knows your soul, your strengths and, aye, even your doubts. The chain of command must not be broken or we are nothing. Discipline and order are everything on the battlefield and the army that lives by that credo will always triumph. Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines + We are the Ultramarines, the Sons of Guilliman. Whilst we draw breath, we stand. Whilst we stand, we fight. Whilst we fight, we prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath. Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines+ Warhammer 40k Rule Book 5th Edition Only a madman knows no fear. A warrior knows what fear is, he feels it in his stomach, he understands fear better than any other mortal can. What makes us strong is that we have conquered fear, overcome it not once but many times, over and over again, until the process has become instinctive. but no matter how many battles you fight and how many victories you win, your fear will never completely leave you. Learn to live with that fear. Learn to master your fear. But never forget that there are things in this universe that even you cannot face and live, abominations so terrible that their very appearance will sear the flesh from your face and shrivel your eyes. Such things cannot be fought, and to confront them would be nothing but a futile waste of life. In those situations remember your vows to serve the Emperor, and remember also that you serve him best alive and not sacrificed upon the altar of vain glory. Memorum Libris de Petronius Caligarus, Ultramarines Captain + The blasphemy of the Tyranids is such that only one solution is acceptable. Extermination. Chaplain Cassius, Ultramarines Master of Sanctity + Camouflage is the colour of fear... I have no need to hide from my foes... I have no fear of death. My colours I wear openly, they proclaim louder than any words, "I am proud to live - I am proud to die". Commander Carab Culln, Red Scorpions +Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p84 They are an effective force in their way, and I do not doubt the Emperor's wisdom in allowing tainted subhuman filth to serve Him. But my men shall not be exposed to the corruption of these beasts. Commander Carab Culln, Legio Astartes Red Scorpions on Beastmen +Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p150 D Wherever and whenever they appear they leave only destruction in their wake; they are the Lords of Death, Bringers of War. The Dark Angels You will fight in the streets, and in the habs! You will fight for the enemy's death, not your own lives! You will fight and you will drive this alien filth from the Emperor's city. You will do these things, or you will face my wrath. Captain Denon of the Salamanders' 2nd Company + The ethics of booklearning and scholarship I leave to the savants. But for what it's worth, I would have burned it without a second thought Brother Captain CyneWolf of the Deathwatch on the Necroteuch affair + Give me a hundred Space Marines. Or failing that give me a thousand other troops Attributed to Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists Codex: Space Marines (4th Edition)+ E They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear. The Emperor of Mankind, on the Creation of the Space Marines + G The enemy have been sighted. I am going to engage. In the name of the Emperor: Ravenwing - Attack! Attack! ATTACK! Grand Master Gideon of the Ravenwing + Bravery is stronger than Adamantium. One is the stuff of the soul-forges, the other an illusion of safety created by fools. Adamantium walls cannot keep us out! We have the courage of the Emperor! And in the Emperor's name... ATTACK!! ATTACK!! NO PRISONERS!! Chaplain Gonzago during Operation Carthage (the second pacification of Isstvan V) + It is the way of Fenris. We stay as long as we can. Fight as hard as we can. Kill as much as we can. Only when we can do no more do we move on. Skold Greypelt of the Space Wolves on Shadrac + You ask a lot of questions, Marlin. You know what I think? I think you need another drink. Skold Greypelt of the Space Wolves on Shadrac to Sergeant Marlin of the Xth Slavok Regiment + Do you ever go into a fight thinking there's no point giving my best, I'll get another chance later? We only ever get one shot, Marlin. Life is one shot. Making it count is all that matters. Skold Greypelt of the Space Wolves on Shadrac to Sergeant Marlin of the Xth Slavok Regiment + To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them. Chaplain Grimaldus of the Black Templars, hero of Helsreach + Let a wave of repugnance for the enemy wash over you. Let hatred fill you. Hate is good, for our goal is a Human galaxy. We are called by the Emperor with a sacred duty to conquer it in His name. Chaplain Grimaldus of the Black Templars at the Sermon of Harnoth + To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor. Roboute Guilliman + The warrior who acts out of honour cannot fail. His duty is honour itself. Even his death - if it is honourable - is a reward and can be no failure, for it has come through duty. Seek honour as you act, therefore, and you will know no fear. Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines + H Within dark and forgotten places hide the enemies of the Emperor. You have been chosen to enter such places and, protected by the best armour the Adeptus Mechanicus can provide, cleanse it. Take with you weapons, a valiant heart and the Emperor's blessing, and engage the enemy where it makes its lair. Acknowledge death as it approaches, but do not succumb to its touch, for your purpose is great. You have proved yourselves to be worthy of the status you now hold. Every one of you standing here, all of whom have declared allegiance to the Emperor and take his will as your guide, have shown your courage and have been rewarded for it. Those that stand before me, I charge you now, go forth and vanquish the foe. sermon made by Chaplain Hanius to Blood Angels Terminator Squads before the attack on Thain II + So it was in the beginning; so ever it shall be. Credo of the Iron Hands +Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p129 The galaxy is the Emperor's, and anyone or anything who challenges that claim is an enemy who must be destroyed. High Marshal Helbrecht of the Black Templars at the Battle of Fire and Blood + The Emperor extends His will to us when we destroy the wicked and impure to reconquer the galaxy in His name. The Emperor leads the galaxy to righteousness, and thus we must petition for His judgement on the wicked... for it is judgement without mercy.. High Marshal Helbrecht of the Black Templars, addressing his warriors prior to the Cleansing of Gemenon Majoris + I Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. Isador Akios, Librarian of the Blood Ravens+ Primarch! Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of Him on Earth! War Cry of the Imperial Fists+ J Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this... attributed to Mad Chainsaw Johnson, Commander of the White Scars + K A battle for supremacy against many foes is a battle of the best kind. There are few considerations, only those concerning where to place your next shot. It is war in its purest form. Commander Karziel, Ultramarines 5th Company + This planet is a graveyard - care to join me? Techmarine Keilor of the Deathwatch (from the Doom Eagles Chapter) shortly before blowing himself up amidst a genestealer cult on Pavia + Only faith in the Emperor and the training I am going to give you will save you on the battlefield. + Veteran Sergeant Kesser + Why, if it isn’t Brother Marius. The injuries from the last training exercise have healed well I see. And that new bionic eye should prove most useful for this next exercise. Tell me, how many hours have you had on Land Speeders up to now? Veteran Sergeant Kesser + L The Damned and the World read the first The Master of Mankind has work for us here. The Castle and Chaos read the second Our Lord guides us against evil. Fire and the Executioner read the third We have our duty. Death and the Emperor read the last The Legion of the Damned shall accomplish the Imperial will. + Space Marines of the Legion of the Damned consulting the Tarot of the Emperor + An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. Blood Raven Librarian saying+ Knowledge is power, guard it well. Blood Raven Librarian saying+ Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith Where there is shame, I shall point atonement Where there is rage, I shall show its course My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field. + Litany of Devotion + This day shall be our day of reckoning. Look not to the shame of the past, but to the glory of the future. We shall wash away the stain of our dishonour in the hot blood of our enemies. + Sword Brethren Lorenzo's address to the warriors of the Varl Crusade + M Questions are for the briefing room, not the field. Captain Malachai of the Black Templars + SPEED KILLS! Sergeant Malachi, Ravenwing + It's not just a speeding bike you need, Gamaliel - a quick mind is just as important for victory. Sergeant Malachi, Ravenwing + Knowledge is Power Mentor Legion2 + N As our bodies are armoured with Adamantium, our souls are protected with our loyalty. As our bolters are charged with death for the Emperor's enemies, our thoughts are charged with wisdom. As our ranks advance, so does our devotion, for are we not Space Marines? Are we not the chosen of the Emperor, his loyal servants unto death? Chaplain Fergas Nils - An address to the defenders of Portrein + Your honour is your life. Let none dispute it. Captain Navarre of the Black Templars + P Say what you will: I will not fight alongside these madmen. The past proves nothing, save that the Blood Angels are cursed and but a single step from damnation! the words of an Imperial Commander regarding the Blood Angels+ R You strive for victory. That is obvious. What may be less obvious is the nature of victory. There are circumstances in which you can destroy the enemy utterly, without loss to your own forces, and yet the victory may be his. In all situations, you must first decide on the nature of victory, and then take steps to secure it. Avoid the instinct of fight first and think later. attributed to Leman Russ, Meditations, Book VI + Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook p40 A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle. A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat. Do not forget the difference. attributed to Leman Russ + A fortress is built with blood and toil. Only by blood and toil may it be taken. attributed to Leman Russ + Beat your thoughts to the mould of your will. attributed to Leman Russ + There are those who undervalue the Penal Battalions. But they should consider this: should a man who has wronged the Emperor be allowed to wrong Him further? For each man executed is a man who can no longer serve, and to fail in service to the Emperor is the greatest of sins Leman Russ, Meditations on Imperial Command, Book XXI +Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p148 Do not underestimate the Squats. They survived for millennia cut off from the Imperium and assailed from all sides. Their determination and resilience is an example to all. Leman Russ, Meditations on Imperial Command, Book XVI +Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p167 Harden your soul against decadence. But do not despise it, for the soft appearance of the decadent may be deceptive. One need only consider the Harlequin dancers of the Eldar to see the truth of this proposition. Leman Russ, A Book of Admonitions for the Legiones Astartes +Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p194 Here I am and here shall I die. attributed to Leman Russ at the Battle of Rising Fell + S From the darkness we strike, fast and lethal, and by the time our foes can react... darkness there and nothing more. Kayvaan Shrike, Shadow Captain of the 3rd Company + While vile mutants still draw breath, there can be no peace. While obscene heretics' hearts still beat, there can be no respite. While faithless traitors still live, there can be no forgiveness. Legiones Astartes Silver Skulls' Catechism of Hate Verse I of XXV + There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector. Second Book of Chantings+ What is your life? My honour is my life. What is your fate? My duty is my fate. What is your fear? My fear is to fail. What is your reward? My salvation is my reward. What is your craft? My craft is death. What is your pledge? My pledge is eternal service Space Marine pledge + T All of creation suffers, young ones. Only in accepting our own mortality can we make a difference. Only in bearing the burden of our failures can we find the strength to go on. Only in detachment from glory, or honour, or jealousy... from life itself can we hope to spare others from grief. We are Doom Eagles. And we are dead already. + Librarian Secundus Thryn of the Doom Eagles + U Our presence remakes the past Inscription on the Chapter Banner of the Ultramarines + V Come all you Xeno scum and fallen heretics! Come face the one true might of the universe and wither under the Golden Throne's gaze! Chaplain Varnus of the Ultramarines 3 + I can pulp your flesh and snap your bones in less than a second, and without so much as lifting a finger. What is the power of technology compared to that? Chief Librarian Vel'cona of the Salamanders 4 + We commend our souls to the Emperor. Let the story of our sacrifice burn across history like a shooting star. For death and for glory - for the Ultramarines! Veteran Sergeant Lucian Ventris. 745.M41+ You carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows. Verses of Sigismund, Book CIV, Verse I + W Walls of stone and walls of iron, Fall down all the same. They may delay but don't prevent The hail of death and pain. + Assault battle-hymn of the White Scars + Books / Publications All of the worlds of the Imperium shall look to their own defense. They shall also look to the defense of the Imperium, and the prosecution of such wars as the Emperor in His wisdom shall decree. Therefore, each populated planet shall raise and maintain its own planetary defense force, and from the ranks of this defense force it shall provide the best of its troops for recruitment into the Imperial Guard, according to such requirements as shall be imposed by the Administratum. - from the Introit to the Codex Exercitus Warhammer 40,000: Compendium p. 142 Statistically, you will almost certainly die when assaulting a well-maintained fortress with a competent commander. You must strive to make your death useful. - Training Manual, Penal Legion, Suicide Bomb Squads Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. - Imperial Guard Tactical Manual The Traitor's Hand (Novel) A They died doing what they loved, that's all that matters. - Colonel Alathis after seeing several Hellhounds being destroyed by a large group of Tyranids Old artilleryman's saying Infantry win firefights. Tanks win battles. Artillery wins wars. - Old saying amonst Imperial Guard artillery officers Codex: Imperial Guard (5th Edition) p.52 Fifth Company, this is the moment of truth. You will not fear. You will not falter. You will not give a single step to the enemy. - General Lukas Alexander, Commander 1st Kronus Regiment Dawn of War: Dark Crusade Enemies of the Imperium, hear me. You have come here to die. The Immortal Emperor is with us and we are invincible. His soldiers will strike you down. His war machines will crush you under their treads. His mighty guns will bring the very sky crashing down upon you. You cannot win. The Emperor has given us his greatest weapon to wield. So make yourselves ready. We are the First Kronus Regiment, and today is our Victory Day. - General Lukas Alexander's address to enemy forces in Victory Bay Dawn of War: Dark Crusade B Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. — Commissar Groden Bevro Warhammer 40,000: Compendium p. 49 C Well then, I seem to recall a rather pleasant little restaurant not far from here. Care to see if it's still standing? — Commissar Ciaphas Cain after the Chaos attack on Adumbria +++ The Traitor's Hand (Novel), ch. 21 p. 756, part of Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium I thought the acolytes of Khorne were supposed to be warriors, not a bunch of pansies. — Commissar Ciaphas Cain, to a Khorne Berserker, during the Chaos attack on Adumbria +++ The Traitor's Hand (Novel), ch. 13 p. 659, part of Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium What do I ask of my officers? Merely that they do their duty with fire in their bellies and a prayer on their lips. — Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed +++ Codex: Imperial Guard (3rd Edition, 2nd Codex) p50 Although all documents surrounding the final fate of the original Mordant 13th - the “Lucky 13s” - have been sealed by order of the Inquisition, I, on behalf of the Cadian High Command, order another regiment to be mustered and given the name “The Mordant 13th”. The psyker cadre that advises my High Command have divined, through the Emperor’s Tarot, that just such a regiment will be able to protect the Imperium from all of its foes. It is with all haste that this regiment be raised and trained. We need these men to be hardened fighters in the service of the Emperor before the year is out. — Ursarkar E. Creed, Lord Castellan of Cadia GW Homepage USA Children you call them? They can pull a trigger just as well as veterans, and they have the spirit of a bull narthax. Call them children if you wish - I call them troops. — Colonel Marus Cullen, Pannonia 5th Infantry Regiment on Whiteshields +++ Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p. 41 D I have at my command an entire battle group of the Imperial Guard. Fifty regiments, including specialized drop troops, stealthers, mechanized formations, armored companies, combat engineers and mobile artillery. Over half a million fighting men and thirty thousand tanks and artillery pieces are mine to command. Emperor show mercy to the fool that stands against me, for I shall not. — Warmaster Demetrius, at the outset of the Salonika Crusade, 733.M38 +++ F Ogryns. If we time it just right, the Eldar will all be going "What the..." just when what's left of the Company breaks cover over here and piles into them. No spreading out, no fancy stuff, just smash through. Let's see how those degenerate sophisticates handle a healthy dose of pure unreasoning violence. — Commander Fleyitch +++ Warhammer 40,000: Compendium, p. 48 Give me a gun, a google-eyed alien to shoot it at, and I’ll die a happy man. — Guardsman Franx +++ “Gentlemen, today we will cover unique fire support options available to commanders of most Imperial Guard and Adeptus Mechanicus forces, primarily from Imperial Cruise Missile. These deadly weapons are unique in their long range, accuracy, and wide variety of warhead choices. It is the warhead choices that make these weapons truly unique. For Imperial Cruise Missile are one of the few in which commanders can tailor to meet their combat needs. Whether that need be creating battlefield obstacles, providing cover for your advancing troops, or smashing any enemy war engine to bits. Gentlemen, you must, however, analyze your mission and the enemy wisely before you make any warhead decisions. For once the warheads are mated to their missile airframes you will likely be stuck with them for the duration of an entire operation. — From the lectures of Commissar Von Fredrick at the Imperial Officers Academy, Bakker+++ Titans? They're just like anything else. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. — Captain Miklos Furnow, Hydrae 15th Guard Regiment +++ G If you will not serve in combat, then you will serve on the firing line. — Commissar Anton Gebbet, 1st Kronus Regiment +++ Dawn of War: Dark Crusade Beastman bad. Bad Beastman. Dirty. Emperor no like. Beastman love Emperor. Give blood to Emperor. Give heads to Emperor. Say sorry. — Packmaster Grasht, attached to 7 Company, Gratanor 14th Regiment +++ I have seen war in all its forms. I have seen feral world savages braining each other with stones, and I have monitored the death of a whole planet at the hands of a virus bomb. I have seen Space Marines drop to certain death, and win. I have seen Titans crush whole platoons underfoot. But there is no more stirring sight in war than the charge of massed cavalry. — Dravin Gratz, 14th Tharinga Regiment, Imperial Guard +++ Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p37 No problem. We showed them skinny Eldar. Come on lads, says I, we're gonna go over there and bury them in their own holes, no worries. There was no worries about cover, 'cos there wasn't any cover. No worries about timing, 'cos us lads were first in. Easy as breakfast. — Sergeant-Ogryn Graxugg, only survivor of an entire platoon +++ Men of Tanith! Do you want to live forever? — Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt +++ Gaunt's Ghosts (Novel Series) "Pain is temporary, Honour is forever" — Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt +++ Gaunt's Ghosts (Novel Series) "As the Emperor protects, so must we." — Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt +++ Sabbat Martyr (Novel) "Hold Fast!" "They're killing us!" "So kill them back!" - Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt to an unknown Fortis Binary trooper Gaunt's Ghosts (Novel Series) I have a reputation, Modile, a reputation as a fair, honest man who treats his soldiers well and supports them in the face of darkness. Potentially, that reputation makes me soft. It seems I understand failure and forgive it. Some, like Kowle, believe me to be a weak commissar, not prepared to take the action my rank demands. Not prepared to enforce field discipline where I see it failing. I am an Imperial commissar. I will enflame the weak, support the wavering, guide the lost. I will be all things to all men who need me. But I will also punish without hesitation the weak, the incompetent, and the treasonous. — Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt +++ Necropolis (Novel) Choose, for courtesy's sake, summary execution or a firing squad of your own men. — Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt +++ Necropolis (Novel) I am a Commissar. I am empowered to deliver justice wherever I see it lacking. I am empowered to punish cowardice. I am granted the gift of total authority to judge, in the name of the Emperor, on the field of combat. — Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt, prior to the field execution of his uncle General Aldo Dercius +++ First And Only (Novel) You've just been volunteered for the Last Chancers. For your crimes against the Emperor and humanity you will spend your life in this, the XIII Penal Legion, until such time as you receive the Emperor's Absolution from the Colonel or the Emperor himself. And of course the only way you can receive the Emperor's personal absolution is when you're dead... — Sarge Green to a new "volunteer" for the Last Chancers +++ "When you decide to die, remember to give your enemy the same honour." — Commissar Grenville +++ H So here I am, in a lose-lose position. Stay here and die at the hands of alien heretics - or throw in my lot with two superhuman psychopaths with a death wish! — Trooper Halvus on Colderon V on Brother-Captain Invictus +++ Been on a death world once. That was a bit like home. Most places are better, though. And there's regular rations. We get more if the Emperor's really pleased with us. — Sergeant-Ogryn Hrathlagg on the joy of life in the Imperial Guard +++ Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p49 K Marching through this green hellhole, getting slowly eaten by flies, drowning in our own sweat and choking on sulfur fumes? I can’t see why that’s not a good idea. — Kage +++ For seven terrible years the Siege regiments of the Imperial Guard carried out their onerous duty, manning the hundreds of miles of trenches and fortified positions that served to contain the archheretic’s forces. Success was measured in yards of ground gained, and every inch of that deadly ground was bought with the blood and lives of men. — From the official history of the Kaiserschlect Campaign, M41.745 +++ Of course they’d come to Mordant for the saviors of the galaxy! We’re the hardest gakking troopers you’ll find in all the Segmentums! I’m proud to lead these warriors of the Emperor where ever he needs us to fight. We’ll stand fast against the myriad of foes that batter at the gates of the Imperium. I’ve scoured the mines and shanty-towns for the fiercest low-lives I could find. As I speak to you now, my men are already suffering through the most rigorous boot camp you could imagine. No soldier of the Lucky 13s will be grist for the mill. — Colonel Jago Kallowen +++ GW Homepage USA I don't care how bloody sanctioned they are, a psyker's a psyker, and anything to do with the warp is more trouble than it's worth. — General Karis The Traitor's Hand (Novel) +++ I don’t know what effect they have on the enemy, but by the Emperor, they frighten me. — General Karis on the Valhallans under his command +++ For the Emperor (Novel) Trust? Trust’s got nothing to do with it. I just don’t want them out of my sight. — General Karis after granting full access to his command bunker to the local PDF commanders on Vortovan +++ For the Emperor (Novel) Weep for him - for his faith was not sufficient. Rejoice for yourselves, for my faith is bottomless! Forward, for the Emperor! — Commissar Krieglust after executing an officer +++ Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p151 And from the deeps there arose a mighty beast, of many eyes and many limbs. And the beast from the darkness did set upon the light of mankind with hateful thirst and unnatural hunger. — Kronin And the bounties of the Emperor shall go to those who have worked hard in his service. — Kronin And the Emperor’s thanks for those who have been bountiful in their gifts would be eternal. — Kronin And Saint Phistinius went unto the enemy unarmed and unarmoured. — Kronin +++ And the heretic priests of Eidoline came forth, bringing false images for the praise of the lost people. — Kronin +++ Last Chancers (Novel Series) Unto death I shall serve him. Unto life again shall he serve the Emperor. — Kronin +++ There are bounties and treasures aplenty for those of the true faith. — Kronin +++ There was rejoicing upon the Square of the Evernight, for the darkness had passed and the light had returned. — Kronin +++ There was a great light, and all around was the beauty of the Emperor. — Kronin +++ And there shall be space in the Emperor’s heart for all true believers. — Kronin +++ And they smote the enemies of the Emperor with a righteous fury, for they knew they were doing His work. — Kronin +++ All was lost. The Xenos scum, who smashed us for two days straight, were hurtling towards us again. We readied ourselves for death. And then Death came. Ten Space Marines appeared in the midst of the alien swarm. They were all in black and they set about the foe with the very fury of the Emperor himself! They saved us, and the whole damned Imperial line. — Guardsman Kyod, after the recapturing of Heliad VII +++ M What is the strongest weapon of mankind? The god-machines of the Adeptus Mechanicus? No! The Astartes Legions? No! The tank? The lasgun? The fist? Not at all! Courage and courage alone stands above them all! — Lord Commander Solar Macharius +++ Strike fast and suddenly. Attack without warning. Secure victory before the foe is aware of his danger. Remember always, a war is easily won if your enemy does not know he is fighting. — Maxims of Macharius the Second Lord General Solar, quoted in The Macharian Heresy by Lord Inquisitor Kryptman +++ I give men dreams and men are led by their dreams. — Lord Commander Solar Macharius Codex: Imperial Guard (3rd Edition, 2nd Codex) p9 Peace? There cannot be peace in these times. — Lord Commander Solar Macharius Codex: Imperial Guard (3rd Edition, 1st Codex) p23 You can waste as many Imperial Guard lives as you care, that’s your stupidity and not my responsibility. — Warmaster Menitus I'd check my instruments if I were you. No-one in his right mind would lay a minefield in a place like... — reported last words of Imperial Guard Captain Forgus Merd +++ Warhammer Siege Peace is not in my vocabulary. — Attributed to Jarra Mordiker, Commander, 13th/5th Support Regiment +++ Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p91 O - C and D platoons, move up. Follow the Robots. Other units hold position. Gardiner, where are the Ogryns? -In small pieces all over breakout zone Charlie, sir. Shurikens took'em apart. Only three survivors. -Patch me through to them. Hello, who's that? -Ordrogg. -Grathyogg still alive? -Nah. -Listen, Ordrogg, the Emperor's very pleased with all of you, OK? -Him? He's pleased? -Very pleased. He's watching you now. He says he wants you to go over to the Robots and stick with them. You got that? Yerr. On our way. — Transmission to an Ogryn unit Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p148 P As swift as a lash mamba, as sharp as a sineleaf, as stubborn as a wild grox. — Colonel Pannent in praise of the Catachan warrior +++ We hold them here or we fight them on the hallowed ground of Terra itself. I for one would rather see a million human lives lost here than allow a single Ork to set foot on Earth. — General Pavlov, Armageddon Command Guard +++ Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours. — Colonel Joachim Pfeiff, Krieg 14th Armoured Regiment +++ R A friend of death, a brother of luck and a son of a bitch! — Major Elim Rawne on Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt +++ Gaunt? He’s a despicable bastard who left my world to die and one day I will slay him with my own hands. — Major Elim Rawne on Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt +++ I hate last stands, there's never time to practise*1: them. — Major Elim Rawne +++ We've run into scorpions the size of battle tanks, three men died from Eyerot last week. I've sweat enough to fill a lake, my boots got sucked into a sink-swamp and the trees are so thick in places, you can't squeeze between them. Emperor help me, I love this place! It's just like home! — Captain Rock of the Catachan III 'Green Devils' commenting on Varestus Prime +++ They’re sending us where? The want us to fight who? Well, I guess the Emperor knows what he’s doing, because those bureaucrats in the Administratum sure as gak don’t! — Trooper Gage Rorsche, 3rd Platoon, Alpha Company, Mordant 13th, “The Lucky 13s" +++ GW Homepage USA S You're all here because you are traitors to Mankind and the Immortal Emperor. You are here because you have failed in your sworn duty to protect his domains and subjects, and you have perverted his trust in you for your own misguided ends. You have sacrificed your part in securing the future of the whole of humanity for your own selfish gain. To kill you would be to accept that you can no longer save your immortal souls. If you were to be ushered into the Emperor's presence now, the scales would tip badly against you when the deeds of your life are weighed up by his Almighty Presence. This is why I give you a last chance to prove yourselves worthy of the Emperor's forgiveness. This is why you are here - to save yourselves from eternal damnation. — Colonel Schaeffer to his Last Chancers +++ You will atone for your sins, and when you die you will thank me for allowing you to! — Colonel Schaeffer to his Last Chancers +++ You are all here because you are scum. But you are the Emperor's scum. You have skills that are useful to our Immortal Lord and whether you wish it or no, they will be made use of. — Colonel Schaeffer to his Last Chancers +++ Those we left behind were weak. To give in to alien domination is one of the greatest acts of treachery against the Emperor. — Colonel Schaeffer +++ They have seen more death and ruin than another soldier sees in ten lifetimes. — General Sejanus +++ Codex: Imperial Guard (3rd Edition, 1st Codex) p23 In war, best know what enemies are around you in your camp, before you step out to face the foe and wonder why you do so alone. — Warmaster Slaydo +++ Do not ask how you may give your life for the Emperor. Ask instead how you may give your death. — Warmaster Slaydo +++ Never! — Warmaster Slaydo's answer to the question when to order a retreat +++ Every position must be held to the last man: there must be no retirement. With our backs to the wall, and believing in the justice of our cause, each one of us must fight on to the end. — attributed to Imperial Warmaster Solon +++ Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition Rulebook p18 Captain, the reason we've got these tracks is to get us into trouble faster. Now I suggest you mount up and move out. The enemy is that way, don't stop 'til you find him, and don't come back 'til you've beaten him. — Colonel "Snake" Stranski, Commander Cadian 114th Mechanised Infantry +++ To each of us falls a task. And all the Emperor requires of us Guardsmen is that we stand in line, and we die fighting. It is what we do best: we die standing. — General Sturnn, Commander Cadian 412th +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault Although the Golden Throne of Terra orbits a distant star far from here, the Emperor's hand is on your shoulders today. You have fought and displayed bravery and loyalty far and above your calling as Guardsmen. You have faced the full brunt of an Ork Waaagh! as well as stared down the horrors of the Warp in the fallen Space Marines, and in that I am honoured to have led you. — General Sturnn, Commander Cadian 412th +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault - This is General Sturnn of the Cadian 412th Regiment Imperial Guard. Only fools believe that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Still, the Eldar proved useful enough to bring my men into position, admittedly at cost to their own lives. They lay outside, being cut to the last as I speak. I cannot risk helping them. I will not trade the lives of my men for theirs. - - You will fail this day, General. Without our soulstone the battle will be lost. The Necrons will sweep over you and drink your life out from the hollow vessel of your corpse! Without us you face your doom. - - Eldar! The Cadian 412th have faced doom before. We bested it then and we will best it today! Die well! - — General Sturnn's address to Farseer Taldeer +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault The most dangerous thing on the battlefield is a junior officer with a compass and a map. — General Sulla The Traitor's Hand (Novel) +++ T I cry out for troops and you give me rhetoric - I plead for ammunition and you give me speeches - I ask you again, Commander, what can you pledge me? - A heroic death, Captain — Reported holocom conversation between Commander Gulim Tarrel and Captain Roima of the besieged Alharmo Garrison shortly before the final Ork assault +++ Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p81 Walls of stone do not a fortress make. But they're not a bad start. — Commander Rango Thaxx +++ When the Titan walks, only the dead have no fear. The brave warrior faces his fear and the Titan, and kills the enemies of the Great Brother-Warrior Horus. The Titan's steps shake the land beneath our feet, lightning is in its veins, and the sun is in its heart. The shadow of the Titan weighs upon our hearts, yet we fight against it. My knife and my gun-of-light will conquer, and the Titan's death scream will be my prayer, for my weapons shine with courage. — J'blann Threekiller, Tiger Lizards (12th/23rd Davin Regiment) +++ A small mind is easily filled with faith. — Commissar Exen Treuer, 23rd Moradia Regiment, Imperial Guard +++ Warhammer 40,000 Compendium p50 It is always better to find your enemy, before your enemy finds you. — Commander Tulathan, Vastadt 4th Independent Tank Regiment +++ Munitorium Swamp Warfare instructors may tell you the swamp is your friend. More Realistic instructors may claim it's just neutral. Let me tell you; the swamp is not neutral and it most certainly is not your friend. It's your enemy, and you'll soon learn to hate it. — Rifleman Tyla, Scout Company, Pardus 34th Regiment +++ U When you fight Tyranids you face not only those before you on the field of battle but the untold thousands which seek to surround you, which attack your supporting units and destroy your supply lines in perfect synchronicity. — Lieutenant-Colonel Uskra, 13th/23rd Tiger Lizards 1 +++ Victory is achieved through mettle. Glory is achieved through metal. — Uttica 1st Tank Company motto V Does the God-Emperor sit much? -Sergeant Ceglan Varl of the Tanith First and Only Traitor General by Dan Abnett The Emperor protects...and dumps on us from a great height -Sergeant Ceglan Varl of the Tanith First and Only Traitor General by Dan Abnett X Who told you to die? Keep fighting! — Commissar Otto Xavier +++ Y I have followed you too far to fail now Ghazghkull Thraka. I bear the gift of death. You cannot outrun me. There's no place in this universe where you can hide. I have waited a long time for vengeance. I'm tired but not so tired I cannot kill you. Maybe then I won't see the faces of the dead. Maybe then I'll be able to sleep. — Commissar Yarrick before the Battle for Golgotha +++ The green tide of Orkdom is upon us and we are alone. There can be no mercy. No surrender. If we survive this day it will be a miracle. — Commissar Yarrick at Armageddon +++ Codex Imperialis He was an avalanche from an unexpected quarter. He was a thunderbolt from a clear sky. — Commissar Yarrick on Ghazghkull Thraka +++ There will be no retreat from Hades Hive. We will fight to the end. — Commissar Yarrick +++ It is the purest folly to believe that an individual can save Armageddon. Wars are not won by heroes, they are won by firepower and force, and the application of strategy and tactics. — Commissar Yarrick +++ We stand at a junction, with roads leading to both abject defeat and glorious victory. In order to choose the right path to follow we need first to look back along the road that has led us to this point… — Commissar Yarrick +++ Heroes of Armageddon! You have withstood the evil savagery of the Orks, and they have nothing left for you to fear. So raise high the black banners of vengeance - now is our time. — Last transmission from Commissar Yarrick prior to departing with a Black Templars crusade to hunt down Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka +++ Z Competence on the battlefield is a myth. The side which screws up next to last wins, it's as simple as that. — Lord General Zyvan +++ The Traitor's Hand (Novel) Incoming fire has the right of way. — Old artilleryman's maxim The Traitor's Hand (Novel) +++ Another day nearer the battle, So drink up my lads and look brave, 'Cos every day nearer the battle Is another day nearer the grave. — A warriors' song of the Imperial Guard +++ Hurry up and wait. — Guardsman's traditional summation of the process of deployment +++ The Traitor's Hand (Novel) Whatever happens, we have got The Emperor’s blessing. They have not. — From The Guardsman’s Duty, a popular ballad For the Emperor (Novel) +++ When in deadly danger, When beset by doubt, Run in little circles, Wave your arms and shout. — Parody of the Litany of Command, popular among Commissar Cadets +++ For the Emperor (Novel) However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. — Ancient Terran General +++ Fear not. The Emperor will provide. — Commissariat maxim +++ Things can always get worse. — Valhallan proverb The Traitor's Hand (Novel) +++ From the skies! — Regimental motto of the Elysian 23rd Drop Troops Regiment +++ Once seen in battle, you never forget a Titan: the shaking of the land beneath your feet; the sound of its guns; the lightning-smell of its passing. But when you look at your comrades remember that they have the power to kill the monster. And remember this: the Titan's crew knows you have the power to kill them. — Unknown +++ Any Cadian who can't field-strip his own lasgun by age ten was born on the wrong planet. — Anon +++ We’ve been claiming this damned planet for the Imperium all of my life, and all of my father and grandfathers lives before that. I just wish someone would get round to telling those damned Orks to get off our damned land! — Anon +++ Please try to run. It would save me lots of problems. — Unknown Commissar +++ Last Chancers (Novel Series) Glory for the first man to die, charge! — Unknown Commissar +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault Stop bleeding and fight back! — Unknown Guardsman +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault Capturing it was easy. Holding it will be hard. — Unknown Guardsman +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault Those are Eldar? I thought they'd be taller. — Unknown Guardsman +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault Tanks! Where are the bloody tanks?! — Unknown Guardsman +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault Concentrate all fire on that big bruiser! — Unknown Guardsman +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault For every one of us who falls, ten more will take his place! — Unknown Guardsman +++ Dawn of War: Winter Assault 'The reinforcements were greatly appreciated... erm, have you got any more?' — Colonel Strickland +++ WD34 (CAN) Popular Valhallan folk saying 'It's never too late to panic.'

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