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Comments for Dungeon Inquisitor

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Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) how about giving the female characters something ... to dress you know.

+ - !



Apr. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) One thing I've reallized is that souls play a big part of the game, but we don't earn them regularly, but instead once every hour, and why is energy placed on the captured citizens when from retrospect it doesn't do anything? Their is also the fact that nearly every lower class citizen carries equipment that just end up cluttering my storage. Please take these things into consideration, but all in all, it gets a 5/5 in my book, and my book is looooooooong!

+ - !



Apr. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) vote + if you think that it would be cool if we could employ are prisoners, aka, have them work in the hospital or as a prison guard or something.

+ - !



Apr. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) very nice game

+ - !



Apr. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Klaus17 : **** you. Emok : Sure.

+ - !



Apr. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Hello i has question is it possible to add raids into the game like send some troops to a village and they come back with treasure and prisoners "note it should also trigger the crusades if you do enough in an allotted amount of time"

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) cool game!

+ - !



Apr. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) we need a unit that is highly restistent (if not immune) to magic

+ - !



Mar. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) oo yeah cool games needs a little more to it but good i idea i always wished for game like this

+ - !



Mar. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) they should add beast to this like werwolfvs or dragons something like that

+ - !



Mar. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Very confusing to navigate. Great idea though!

+ - !



Mar. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) who is your ruler? cain has a wife. i love that!

+ - !



Mar. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i have a problem while playing this game: when i set up trap and timer reaches zero i'm getting multiple windows popping up endlessly. is it only me? i like the game so far but with this bug it's quite bothersome.

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Hi, what's the browser you are using? You may try to use another browser. Let us know if there is still problems.


Mar. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) the game has many slow moments or gaps in which there isnt much to do... also be able to do some more things with slaves... maybe use them as workers in the facilities of the dungeon (smiths for the workshop, nurses for hospital, tax collectors for the treasure chamber) instead of just a meat wall against the comming future meat wall... also the idea of upgrading your units sounds kinda fun (from skeleton archer to grave archer and then to boneknight archer)... also, a greater ratio of soul gathering would be nice, at this rate, the game suggest me to check it only once or twice a week, not to end up doing a few clicks and finishing my part and a silly question: Which one becomes the mistress, the lady or the prostitude?

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

A mistress need a lady and a prostitute. And thank you for your suggestions. Cheers,


Mar. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i also like the idea of "crusaders" i think it would make the game even better than it already is.

+ - !



Mar. 05, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Mar. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) there needs to be more units to capture like maybe after archer there could be sniper (elite archers can come with a knight and will come with a lord) and for after knight royal guardsmen (a jack of all trade unit that comes with Lords) possible new summoning recipes sniper> Dark archer royal guardsmen> Dark guard doctor> healer's assistant (not as good as a priest/priestess)

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Thank you for your suggestions. We will think about them.


Feb. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Feb. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i think you should be able to disable units so some pacific units can train

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) new update...i like this one

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) in the Barracks descripition it says"It is also where the corpses of the dead from battle, torture or the prison are stored, to be eventually raised as various undead units under your command." i was wondering why it says that if you cant store executed bodies in it to raise as skeletons or something.

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

The barracks limit the max level of some creatures.


Feb. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) What would be great is if there was a second creature panel with the tamed prisoners or new monsters you could send on quest outside your dungeon. For example you bait a treasure hunter or something of the sort and get his treasure map you could send hunters and warriors to track down the treasure.Or a rich lord pays you to kill a certain hunter/huntress that causes him problems you could send archers or hunters to capture or kill the target. you could balance it out so that the outside quest take a little longer like 2 or more minutes because one of the great things about this game is that it doesnt take forever to do one thing.

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) torture games are very good

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) tutorial needs to b longer, i took the tutorial and was still completely lost

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

We are developing a new version. Thank you for your suggestion.


Feb. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Satinka : If you ask me, I will do anything you need. tristandlg : Who is your ruler? Satinka : Ah... Satinka is a huntress. tristandlg : Who is your husband? Satinka : Well... Satinka is a huntress. tristandlg : Do you have a brother? Satinka : Satinka is a huntress. tristandlg : Who gave you the basket? Satinka : I'm not sure, I only know that Satinka is a huntress.

+ - !



Feb. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) hope that this will always remain and i meen the fact that if ur gold reaches 0 even if u have -500+++ debts you stilll keep the units and you dont have to restart XD perty usefull when going off a few weeks in a place whit no internet

+ - !



Feb. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) not a bad game, takes a little getting used to though!

+ - !



Feb. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Honestly I love the game. Lets me only use a few minuets to do many things at once and then I can leave it set for a while and let my dungeon run itself while i'm running around. Great ideas all around. The only issue I have so far is the hourly rate for gold with the amount of gold that units cost. Currently i'm sticking with skeletons because they are so cheap. 20 or 30 gold for one unit instead of even the next level of units, the corpses, which are 100 or 200 gold an hour. The increase is drastic, and with my dungeon heart only able to get up to 1k an hour it seems to make it a very dangerous thing to get better units.

+ - !



Feb. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) A big compliment for this game, I'm still under newbie protecting, but I really like how it is right now and hope that PvP doesnt ruin it (bullies).

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Thanks. :)


Feb. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) How come we never have any willing followers? I mean, certainly people would come on their own accord to come join your dark ranks, it even suggests it in tamed dialogues/throne room >.> "Now that you have tamed me, I can tame the rest of your flock" "...It also helps to have a place to meet and greet potential allies, the odd acquaintance and rare friend..."

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

We are considering a plan. Add some small character related games as the second choice of interrogation. And your human prisoners may join you as volunteers. But it is still in the early stage.


Feb. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) please, mr.aipioneer could you add the dark,evil science factor in this game, like researching enemy weakness, invent new trap for the nest...( new class scientist or use doctor to summon) thank you.

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Good idea. We will consider about it.


Feb. 15, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) the prisoners keep telling me stuff like "well... olaf is a warrior" when said "who gave you the shield"

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

When the prisoner can not provide your expected answer, it means he does not know. The shield is his own. No one gave him.


Feb. 15, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Thanks. Is there any problem when it runs in other browsers?


Feb. 13, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) amazing game for just out of beta! though needs alot more description for items and an wiki not seen on made yet lol

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Thank you for your suggestion.


Feb. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) But for the price of 1 corpse unit, I can get several times the skeleton units, and when you add the stats of all the skeleton units, they equal more then the 1 corpse unit. The only advantage I see of having better more expensive units, is using less space in your living area.

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

As you said, the living area is limited.


Feb. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Something I have noticed about this game is, Quantity over Quality. When I had about 7 skeleton units, I would alway capture archers/warriors, but I just failed to capture a team 3 archer with 4 skeleton units, and a mistress. Quantity over Quality. Does anyone else agree with me?

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

No, the quantity of your units will be limited by the gold cost.


Feb. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game but i would like to give some ideas : 10. Random Events : Title says it all besides i doubt that a creature that looks like it came from helll prety much has everything under control a wee litle bit of randomness could do some good 9. Upgrade complete : Yep whenev 2-3 building completes are finished it would not hurt to see a little bit of improvement on the images. 8. Monster Hospital : Why not ? They must be in top shape :) 7. Quests : Self explanatory 6. Minigames : Don't leaders from hell have fun ?? 5. Achievments : S.E. ( Self Explanatory ) 4. Traitors : people ho betray theyre masters :) ( may betray the inquisitor ) 3. Enhanced Descriptions / Interogation : S. E 2. Animations : Nothing complex but i would not hurt to se how the litle imps get destroyd by a countrywoman ( she kiled 2/5 but i got a blue archer XD ) 1. Creature Control : I realy would like to go from auto to tactical from time to time

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Thank you for your suggestions. Some of your ideas are on our development plan already. We will keep improving the game. More and more content will be added.


Feb. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) can you make it you can get certain bait for diffrent types of people

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Wedding rings can be used to trap husbands or wives.


Feb. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) nice idea and with some updates (battle animation, better building desciption (currently lvl stats and next lvl stats, etc.) this game can get a much higher rating.

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Thanks, we will try our best to improve the game.


Feb. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) can you make it when your creatures are dead you have to pay them because if there dead why would you need to pay them

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I need souls to put some gold on the floor? lol

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

It's a magic. :D


Feb. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) It might be because of my computer, my internet connection or whatever, but I just can't play, for it doesn't charge any page that is not the one of the first interrogation and its related Sickle. This is annoying, even because I really like the game and I'd like to play it further, but I simply can't. Hope there is a way to solve this problem

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

I saw that you completed the tutorial already. Was the problem solved?


Feb. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Maybe I'm not original in my feeling, but I think interrogations could be more "climatic" with more expressions. It will make game better if there will be more "Please don't eat me!" reactions. Secondly, why prisoners are telling about themselves in 3rd person? Thirdly why don't use people as a bait for example to catch members of the family or... every tired soldier will end up catched when he will see a beautiful countrywoman or huntress. Fourthly I think if pitfalls have hands in picture, why didn't they hurt invaders? Fifthly you can add a gallery of pre-built avatars, so the player could chose how his Inquisitor should look like. And finally there should be more "crusades". Some folks have gathered up to purge their lands of evil (that means player), and that could be funny. That's quite a lot, but I think it will make your game better.

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

We removed some details of interrogation to avoid the game too "dark". lol About the 3rd person, we will improve the natural language processing engine later. You can trap a family by items such as wedding rings, bangles or knifes. The hands in the pitfall is to hold your feet. :) The avatars is a good idea, we will seriously consider. The idea of "crusades" is great, we may add to the quests system in the future. Thank you so much for your suggestions.


Feb. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This is exactly my type of game , sadistic, dark, dreadfull and full of pathetic heroes to smash.

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) good game but when setting trap how can the game know how it will take for the person to get there and the fight . should be able to set traps in certain areas in the land and put monsters at the traps

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

If the trap is by gold, the intruders come from your explored areas only. If the trap is by an item, the person is from the same area with the item.


Feb. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Please skip the toturial if you do not like to follow it.


Feb. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Click the Set Trap at the right side of the page at first. In the tutorial, only the actions of the tutorial are active. However, you can skip the tutorial if you do not like it.


Feb. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I love your game 5/5 i was wondering if you were thinking about using people as traps like my archer is always saying Mayo is her husband could you use people to lure there loved ones into a trap

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

Thank you for your support. We do not use people as traps. However, sometimes there are some items between families. You can trap wife or husband by wedding rings, trap brothers by bangles, and trap sisters by knifes especially between ladies and knights. Actually, the families are useful for tame.


Feb. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) why are all the people u can get at the beginning humns

+ - !


Developer response from aipioneer

At the beginning, when you trap with gold, only preasants, countrywomen, hunters and huntresses you can get. The other people can be only trapped by the items.

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