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every flag should have 100 coins gave every get and pls throw away the rating of you cause it suck when player so ure rating so VERY LOW i dont like ratings in you PLS CHANGE IT
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plz make single player i find not being able to play anymore :( its a good game it needs a reboot to the top all of us need to find a way to make this game popular WHOS WITH ME CLICK + IF WOU AGREE
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plz make single player i find not being able to play anymore :( its a good game it needs a reboot to the top all of us need to find a way to make this game popular WHOS WITH ME CLICK + IF WOU AGREE
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if u guys wanna play this game then write the time at which u mostly get online according to GMT so we can play together
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plz make single player i find not being able to play anymore :( its a good game it needs a reboot to the top all of us need to find a way to make this game popular WHOS WITH ME CLICK + IF WOU AGREE
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it would be nice to be able to own 2 of the same type of ability or gun. Also, some guns should be made better. (like the antimatter, the most expensive gun in game)
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But how would we invite more people to this game? the only way is to add badges or get it into a very high rating and get it on the front page, i don't want to see this game die
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pls bring more players & publicise this game in chat rooms of whichever other games u play.This game is really awesome