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I can't seem to get further then before the first lord, it requires 2 battalions and at least 50 men, 50 men is no problem but the 2 battalions require a building i can't find and all i have left to attack or whatever is yellow battles, pls help...
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the Ultimate skill for warrior = "Rampage" Sucks it takes mana more than casting 3 "Beat Down" skills , so it costs more mana and far less damage = sucks and disappointing
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Ugh... far too long and repetitive... from the werewolf mother onwards, i forced myself to play it for the hard badges...
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This is a really great game and the developers should really take the time to go through these top comments and just tweak the game a bit.
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i dont get it the top lvl of all time says its lvl 477 when in reality i hold top level of all time with lvl 650 so why wont my record stay as the top record its really frustrating
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You know there might be a balancing issue in difficulty when a raptor is significantly harder than the lord you fought 2 battles ago. Either that or just healing is overpowered.
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Not bad....but it's very repetitive. Normally not so bad, but it just drones on, and leaves a very...slow feeling to the game. A number of places it can improve, but overall not a bad game....just too repetitive and slow-paced for my taste.
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Well, finally finished this. Some tips to finish (hopefully) a bit faster: Only focus on attack skills (and to a lesser extent mana and HP), and Jagged Edge upgrades with the souls. Silence and Blood Siphon are both amazing and necessary until 3/4 through the game when you can just spam Rampage combined with the Disease spell. The endgame is made even easier once you unlock the shrine, which you should build in all available spots (it will allow you to one-shot everything up to the end). For sieges, I found that early the best method is focusing on a unit at a time. Later, it's best to just take catapults and the dragon and destroy the fortress while the frontline tanks the hits. Hope this helps!
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Gradually I learned Silence and Blood Siphon are the two abilities that will help you make it through the entire game. Past that, the other skills speed up the process. The game was rather lengthy for such simplicity. Still, the world-building was probably the best feature of the game.
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It would be helpful if you could give some kind of preliminary info about the enemy before we enter the fight, rather than me hitting a fork in the path and having a 50/50 chance of getting stomped by something way stronger than me. Maybe just tell us how tough the fight is, so it's obvious which path will be easier in such an instance.
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ya know it would be great if you could buy souls instead of having to fight and get one or 10 at tournaments i have like 50 million dollars .....what the hell am i gonna do with 50 million if i cant spend it on anything
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i seem to have explored everything i'm allowed to explore, am level 5, but still don't meet the minimum requirements for attacking the castle ...??
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When you click continue while a character is speaking it should automatically finish what he says, clicking then will switch to the next part of the conversation.
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I like the character growth a lot. You put some serious thought into it, soooo im givin you 5/5. Also the length was beautiful.
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pretty cool game but we should get some money when removing a building and sometimes two fight slots open in one line which only happens before a boss battle but never after a castle
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i dont have space to build my second type of unit so i cannot attack, i built firstly potion, market, then shipyard, there is not any other space except of shipyard - bug
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My building strategy for the hard badges. Fill most build spots with small markets, then markets, then shrines, as you discover them. The markets will keep you flush with cash through the beginning and mid game so you can afford the 5k HP pots and building replacement. The shrines are for the end game; filling the map with them will increase your damage output by like 4x (I went from 4.5k damage with Rampage to 16.5k. The only other buildings you should have are an alchemist for pots and one or two buildings to support your siege strategy. + this if it helps you. Thanks.