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Comments for Sands of the Coliseum

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Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I hate it when the enemy uses shield bash for every turn and gets to constantly attack and have a block.

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This game needs a way to turn off auto combat DURING battle and a way to end combat when you know you've lost or when all 3 of your guys are sitting there getting attacked while the enemy ai kills the ones on the ground a second time.

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Well as far as I see, the block status (after the shield bash attack) only stays for one turn. No matter how long the timer states how many turns are left

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I'd love a game with a similar dynamic but set in medieval times.

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) When I say "blood!", my main character RUN WITH ONE LEG to kill the defeated opponents...

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why is it when you delete all saved data, the goals for the coliseums remain checked and unable to do their job as goals?

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Ability to turn gladiator into manual or auto mode while in battle would be nice.

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) And apparently decapitation is not a death... I decapitated someone, and then they decided to coninue attacking her until they hit her, which put her head back on her shoulders.

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Needs Badges!

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i think there is a bug i reset my game and i still cant get metal to blacksmith is that a bug?

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) These are just some ideas :) Skills need to be explained more and how skills effect their overall stats. Opponents lvs should be around the lv of the gear they drop. Introduce set armours. The game needs a storyline also. See your schools influence grow with each victory, unlocking shops or merchant companies willing to sell their goods to your school. Have other schools which u can challenge them to tournaments and win rare gear. Introduce quests were u can do back alley or underground fights in cities. Introduce different races, such as Gaul, Egyptians, Romans etc and they excel in different stats or fighting areas. Travelling between cities and being attacked by raiders or rival schools and you having to kill them. Bumping into merchants which are under attack and can choose to defend them which will allow you to buy unique gear off them or join in on the attack with the raiders and share the spoils. All in all good game and I hope you make a second one, you have yourself a fan :)

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) shield bash owns?

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Speed up button.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) When you kill two of three of the other gladiators then die you should still get some xp for the kills

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The game is in Français! YAY! Thanks Berserk Studios! :D

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There must be a large learning curve on learning to make good learning curves >_>

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The Slaves Cost to much!

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) When you complete all the fights in one colosseum, it is impossible to fight the last 1 or 2 AIs because the scroll can't scroll that far down anymore... BUG

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) One of my characters has a speed stat of negative four?

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) when you reset the game, why don't the goals reset? i'm now at a disadvantage forever when i play this game because of my permanantly weak start.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Auto mode is so stupid, please add a functionality to toggle auto/manual mode in combat.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I think the balance issues could be very easily resolved by just allowing for (much) better drops and shop items. I wouldn't touch prices, since a little grinding can easily make you rich and with better item drops you wouldn't need to spend as much in shops. Skills could use a little tuning too, with some better bonuses against armor. The Slave Market needs to be revised, since you end up buying them in the 1st town and completely forgetting about it for the rest of the game. The only truly annoying thing is having to give orders to downed gladiators, either let us chose to select auto for those during battle, or give them some useful skills... Everything else in my opinion is pretty well balanced. And unlike Swords and Sandals it's a lot sturdier and better coded, without all the NaN glitchs, the free-roaming is a lot more rewarding, and the RPG elements give it much greater depth. Altogether a better game which just needs a little tweaking.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You need to seriously review the blocking chances on the enemies at later levels. You stand no chance if your enemy continuously uses the shield bash, blocks 9 out of 10 attacks and counter-attacks you on every single of his blocks. No chance whatsoever...

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) does the health % from cure also include armor? cause it really shouldn't. and it'd make way more strategic sense if it was limb-based with higher hit point recovery. Also, is the block counter from shield bash broken? because it says turns left, but the counter never changes, and whenever it's your turn, it goes away anyhow.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Hey Berzerk, any word on the next update? I'm too frustrated to keep playing as it is, but I think the game has good bones and would love to give it another shot when it is fixed.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, one thing that I kind of found a bit bugged... If my character in the middle got one her legs chopped off... and I win the fight, and I get to choose Mercy or Blood... and then I choose Blood... my one-legged character will RUN up to the enemy gladiators and execute them all, hopping between them... on her one leg. It's funny, but probably unintended? Overall great game though, 5/5

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) As for mercy vs kill, I think it's not as important as some people are saying, but yes...loot is a large portion of your gold income. But by halfway through the game you'll have 50k gold you can't spend until much later cities, and MP is probably more important. Also, later on, drops fall off to almost nothing. Sometimes even taking the extra loot option will give no drops at all and the gold is less important. My advice would be, mostly always do whatever the crowd wants for the MP boost. An extra round or two of special attacks is more important than the extra gold, and later on gold is MUCH easier and faster to get than MP gains.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Now that I'm 7/9 of the way through the game, I'm finding that a lot of complaints and advice people are giving in the posts is invalid. The gold problem is nonexistent. Just keep playing and you'll have more gold than you can spend. The grinding and build advice....not so much. Right now my glads are levels 31-34 and I'm beating teams full of level 47+ glads in Athena consistently. If you need to grind excessively, try changing your build instead.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I wanted to give this game 3/5, but then I decapitated an enemy with a shield bash. 4/5 )

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The AI for player gladiator is maniac, it likes to mutilate dead enemy's body. it only take 2 minor limb to incapacitate enemy but the AI will continue chopping off enemy body and sometimes ignore other living opponent.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Here's a little suggestion. Multiple save files. 3 at minimum, 10 tops.

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) ok so speed makes you act more often right .... then why dose it seem like my seem only character isnt acting all that fast ? Whats the point of the speed if it only hurts you if you dont have alot but dosnt seem to give you any benift ?

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The 'delete all' button needs to clear achievements as well. It's a 'delete all' button, not a 'delete some' button.

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Does speed make it so you attack more or attack before the others?

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i did not realize that there were so many air horns at the gladitorial games....I thought it wa all Vuvuzallas

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Hrm, only strategy I can see is to attack each dudes leg til they can't fight anymore..

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There's a bug when your main character loses a leg and delivers a death blow when you win. He runs up on one leg to deliver it.

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) if you start a new game achievements should reset, otherwise it doesnt make sence

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) If I already cut their leg off and they cannot attack, I should not have to finish fighting.

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) you should add a feature where we can toggle auto/manual control in fights. it's really annoying to have to keep pressing "crowd appeal" when one of my fighter's legs gets cut off.

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) When you cut off a limb, it should have stronger bleeding then a disabled one.

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) whats the point of having stats on slaves if they reset when you buy them and u shuld b able to add and subtract stat points and then finalise the choices

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) sword and sandals just got serious

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Could be fun, but lots of problems. Resurrecting gladiators kill the suspension of disbelief. The armor system is terrible, just hack away at the exact same limb until you disable it, leave the gladiator to bleed to death while you repeat on the next one. Even more inexcusable, the AI is too dumb to exploit even such a glaring system weakness. Energy not regenerating over time makes skills useless as they don't provide of a benefit to justify the 'appeal' move. Limbs that fall to exactly 0 hitpoints can get marked as 'disabled' thus untargettable while remaining functional. Various graphical display bugs. Keep working on the combat system though, it is really your worst problem right now.

+ - !



May. 31, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Honestly, what it looks like here is that there were previous features that got hastily scrapped and never quite fully fixed or rebalanced. For example, when one uses higher level shield bashes the icon indicates that the blocking effect will last for multiple turns. Well, it doesn't. The icon disappears and you stop blocking as soon as your turn rolls around again. The amount of damage done to armor doesn't actually seem to convert on a 1 to 1 ratio, but I'm not sure if that's intended. Another thing, what's up with rows and alleged 'row penalties' or w/e it talks about on the throw skill? Because literally the only effect the rows have that I've been able to discern has been that you can't melee attack from the back row to the other back row. That's it. Otherwise rows seem to have no effect at all. Of course I could be missing something, but as is the case with most of the things I've said, I have no idea what's what since we're provided very few details.

+ - !



May. 31, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There are a shocking number of tech probs here considering the dev. Also, the descriptions for what certain stats/items do are extremely vague. Speed looks utterly useless as turns go in order no matter what. It might affect who gets first turn, but that's hardly worth investing in. In the case of defense I'm not exactly sure what 'increases your chance to block' means, and just based on the description defense doesn't look useful in beyond blocking in wait for someone to bleed out or shield bashing. I'm seriously hoping, and am pretty sure, it also decreases your chance to get hit, but there's no guarantee because we get little to no actual indication. I'm not 100% sure what charisma does either, and whether it just increases the 'crowd appeal' action or if it has some other function. I'll have to use another comment box here...

+ - !



May. 31, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Stuff is too expensive...I feel "pushed out" of the game too soon without investing serious coin in it...but it's a good game (some balancing issues here and there)

+ - !



May. 31, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You really need a fast forward button. It sucks when everyone is incapacitated and can't attack anymore

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) The saving mechanic doesn't work for me. Any advice?

+ - !



Dec. 24, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) I just yeeted this lady's head off with a shield. No comment.

+ - !


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