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Comments for Cosmic Clicks

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Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) It's a shame the balance isn't a bit different, as it stats it's just a rush to h-drive and h-drive upgrades. I get that the developer wanted to make it able to be finished in one setting but much of the content is redundant cause of how OP hyperdrives are.

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Great game even though it is a bit unbalanced. One thing that bugged me was that the math isn't quite consistent with the descriptions of the one time upgrades: for example when I upgraded hyperdrive to Lvl 6 my speed per second became almost tenfold even though it said it would boost 200%. But that's nothing major and I like how the ship gets new parts with every upgrade from the left!

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) why are the scanners only 10?

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) nice one!!!!

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Does 100% unlock all of the skits?

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Loved the game, Even though it was a Idle game. But the only thing I would like to see in it. Is a option to change the speed of the dialog. I can't read as fast as others. And I feel like i missed some good jokes their. Either way still a good game. Also Wish they could just ramble talk for that grinding point in the game. Need something to look foward to even though i can't read fast enough haaaaaaaaaaaa!

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! OK - you bring up a really good point. I never thought about that one. Most people want to move faster! Thanks for the idea and I think you gave my an inspiration to perhaps have some sort of speed tuner for the player to adjust the talking in the game. Thank you also for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The stars suuure move up too slow for all the speed upgrades I did since speed 100.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

HAAAAAAAAAA!! Yah. Those friggin stars! The bane of my programming. I had individual stars flying around at one point but the game was grinding. You can imagine how well that would have gone over. HHAHAHA I think a new edition of clicks will have more warp effects! Also thank you for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 32:54 minutes. Cool game but not much else to do after that

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yep, it's a relatively short (for clicker type games) loop to finish. Oddly enough this exact game was originally 2 plus weeks and that was probably WAY more time than most people would have stuck with it. I think a more robust sequel with things to do and maybe some RPG goodies would help full it out! Thank you for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Nothing but a black screen.......

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Strange! If a new browser of a clearing of your current browsing cache doesn't work - feel free to mail me at hello (at) donleytimefoundation (dot) com Apologies about that. I do try to fix any loading bugs quickly! best, -Tim


Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Finally a fun idle game with a point. Only real complaint is it's really fast with an autoclicker and really really slow without one. Had a complete game in 58min 12sec using a 100click/sec rate. Complete being all upgrades.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yeah, I actually had to program the game to allow autoclicking which was strange. I thought it would just 'work' but when I used an autoclicker the game didn't respond until I jiggered the code. WEIRD! hahah. Thanks for playing and I appreciate the comment! Best, -Tim


Feb. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The game starts of quick, but then slows to a crawl as prices get way out-paced by profit gained. That is a good time to introduce some sort of mini-game to help pass the time, and since this is a 'one sitting' game, this is a bigger concern.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Hello and thank you for that. I agree there were a few questionable design choices on my part. It's weird but when you work somewhat in a vacuum you can seem like a genius to yourself (as I often do) but in reality be pretty blind to what is going on. I think you're pointing out a flaw I introduced when I did some tunes to make the game shorter and more 'playable' overall. It worked but the game became weirdly balanced at times. I'm learning and would love to do a sequel to this as it was a blast to make and people seem to enjoy it. Thanks for playing and if I do a major update to this (as opposed to a sequel) I will mos-def adjust the gameplay. Thanks for playing too! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I really enjoy this idle game a lot. Just one thing, why do the beams seem to be much higher priced then everything, including H drive??

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yeah - that is due to my whack pricing scheme. Made sense when I put it in but overall probably needed a better tune. heehee. Thank you for playing and for commenting too! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 5 stars for the Niven reference.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAA!! Thanks for that. I figured some would get the part about General Products hulls! Thank you also for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 35 minutes. 175 hyperdrives and six upgrades.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

That's a bomb time! Well done! Thank you too for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Idle with a point? :O

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yes, a point and a pause. Kinda strange, eh? haha Thank you also for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! That was fun. Really liked it. : )

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Thank you for that! Glad to hear it! Thank you also for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Perhaps the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. Cleaning lint from electrical sockets would add more meaning to my life than did this.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Welp, thank you regardless for playing and for commenting! Perhaps next go-around. I appreciate your time! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 3:12:10 pretty good if i can say so myself

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Great time! Be proud! Thank you for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Wait a second... why the heck is it cheaper to get the 160th hyperdrive than it is for either the 100th beam or shield? I understand that the final upgrades for both are locked behind that 100th copy, and the entire shield chain is also behind that 100th beam, but even fully upgraded those 100 total copies produce LESS speed generation than four hyperdrives at the penultimate upgrade.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yeah, the costs of some upgrades get a little off at high numbers and it starts to show in the end game. That's all due to some balance choices I made which at the time seemed good but in the long run were, possibly, questionable. HAAAAA!! That said, thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) wow. Ok, I feel like I could have done it faster, if I'd planned my upgrades, but with mousekeys on I got done in 00:52:23

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

That's a great time - no joke!! Thank you for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The fiddly bits are up to you. Robot mBot = new Robot(); while(true){ mBot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); mBot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); mBot.delay(5); }

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

WHOA!! Look at that! Is that a new idea I see!!! can I come to you with programming questions. My programming fu is not as high as it could be! Also thank you for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Loved the humor in the dialog - made me full on laugh out loud

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

HA!! Thanks for that. Makes me happy to hear the game was enjoyed! Also, thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I LOVE the Yogi's Ark reference! (I learned about it on Boomerang TV.)

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

WOW, you got that?! I was wondering if anyone was going to comment about it. I think a few must have got it but I think you are the first to actually say it! THANKS! Also, thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 43:00 minutes.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

DANG - great time!!! Thanks for playing and for commenting too! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Great fun quick idle game. Balancing was very strangely done but it seems to have worked out for what you wanted

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yeah, that was lucky on my part right?! HAHAHAH Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) got it done in 2 hours and 33 minutes... Totes didn't use super fast autoclicker. This is one of the best idle clicker games i have played simply for the fact that i feel like i'm actually accomplishing something. Your only competition in my opinion is idle mine.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Well, that is really nice of you to say and I have indeed checked out Idle Mine. That game is pretty darn awesome and I think it's creator did a bang up job of making a really deep and fun idle game. I think Cosmic Clicks is a really fun game and thank you for the nice comment. I learned everything from many other awesome clicker and non-clicker games out there. Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 1:45:15 and I thought this was going to take weeks....

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Naw, it ORIGINALLY took over two weeks and that was WAY long for this game. I did some tunes at the end to reduce the time and make it a lot more accessible and 'finishable'. I figure with the fact there is somewhat of an end game I wanted people to enjoy the ending and not have to wait 2-3 weeks for it. Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Finished the game. Kind of funny to watch the numbers continuing on at this speed. Simple things amuse me.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yeah, I think that is the draw of the clicker game. I LOVE watching the crazy numbers on Cookie Clicker and the like! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 10 engine, 5 hulls, 0 scanners, 2 computers, 2 beams, 1 shield then hdrives to the max. didn't even click the whole time cuz of a couple of stupid ppl in chat, rara69 and reecybroo69, prolly the same teenage troll wannabe. regardless of that or those losers though, got a time of 1:04:11

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

That's a fantastic time and thank you for playing. Really means a lot to me when people take a moment to comment on the game! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Careful not to move the autoclicker outside the area of the ship.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Bad stuff can happen out there..... hehe. Thanks for playing and for commenting too! I appreciate your time! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) A developer who reads comments and then comments a response back? Best developer out there 5 stars

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Well thanks. I think one of the big joys of making a game is connecting with the people who play it. I do my best and thank you for the play and your time! Means a LOT to me! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 3 hours 4 minutes. DON'T MOCK ME!

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

HA! That is a great time. You may have read my first runs were in the WEEKS! You did awesome! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) think im done

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Awesome - that is a lot of stuff to do too! Thank you!


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 1000 of everything XD

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

YES! HAHA! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I feel a lot more accomplished with Cosmic Clicks than I do Cookie Clicker. The games upgrades end!! lol!

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

HA! Thanks a lot! So glad you enjoyed it and my take on the clickers. Those are awesome games no doubt and I am glad I can take something and do a little spin on it. Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) This was apparently designed by someone at Logitech or Microsoft to wear out our mouse buttons to increase sales of replacement mice! ;-)

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

HA! I was using an MS mouse too... but it wore out.. WHOA!! hahah! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

THANK YOU and thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Has 50 of everything. Beams and shields cost more than hyperdrive.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

HA! yeah, one of the last tunes was to reduce the quantity of some requirements and that threw off those numbers. It's on me but I learned! haha. I'll adjust that in a sequel or major update to this. Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Thanks and I appreciate it! I'm glad you like the game too. Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I have 0 shields and 118 Hdrives...

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Fast ship, eh? Thanks for playing and for commenting too! I appreciate your time! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) for some reason, the scanners are more expensive than drivers

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yeah, the costs get a little whack at high amounts and it starts to really show in the long game. That's all me and due to some balance choices I made that at the time seemed good but in the long run were, how shall we say, questionable. HAHAHAH That said, thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Awww, a cookie clicker "clone"...

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Well, I can only say I would never have never been able to make this without those games. They are pretty awesome and I did see what they did and add my twist. They are masters! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) By them saying "snookie licker" they were referring to cookie clicker, another mouse only game

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

HAHAH yeah! That was their shot at yukking it up! Thanks for playing and for commenting though! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I recommend you reduce the scaling of upgrades just a bit, later on 1 engine costs more than multiple hyperdrive upgrades.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Yeah - that was the result of some odd calculations I did when I was making the game. One of the last tunes was to reduce the quantity of some of the requirements and that threw off those numbers. It's on me but I learned! haha. I'll adjust that in a sequel or major update to this. Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) To make the lesser upgrades worth buying, why not add some non-linear upgrades? Like upgrading the hull lets us change ship color and shape. Scanner lets us zoom out farther with each upgrade, so we can see some random planet or star. Computer lets us know random stats about those planets. Things like that.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

GREAT IDEA! Yeah, you may be surprised to know the OG plan was to actually have some neat add-ons (like a folding couch and weird adds to the ship) as you mention. I think when it was done and out in the wild I saw a lot of the things I could improve on. Of course that was all AFTER the dang thing was done. I'm learning and really appreciate you taking a moment to write though! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate your time! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 01:27:13

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

Great time! Certainly better than my early runs! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Little personal achievement: I played 1h48m and finished at exactly midnight.

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

WHOA! That is awesome! Thank you for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The mouse overs could use some work, they tend to not always show. I'm interested in some extra stats as well. Maybe add output per speed spent numbers on the purchase buttons?

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

You know - that is something I noticed too. They aren't so precise and it's a little annoying. I debug'd as best I could but yah, needs a little more love. Good suggestions and I can always use some UI observations! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim


Feb. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) upgrade a few engines then save for a computer, then you have so many resources you can buy a hdrive quick

+ - !


Developer response from Dark_Timmy

I think that is the trick (at least that I use). Get all the engine upgrades and go for the HDrive. Makes a huge difference. Nice find! Thanks for playing and for commenting! I appreciate it! Best, -Tim

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