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Dec. 08, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) That's cause I mostly use the name 'Darku' on games but lol anyways.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Hi Im DarkraiKing and I haven't been gimped or banned, but I agree that Delos is nuts as shit

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

That's because you don't actually play this game, much like most of the commenters. There is no character named "DarkraiKing" or "DarkraiPrince". There's one character named "darkrai" and it's not tied to your account. Your account is also deliberately private to prevent me from viewing your KongID and looking it up in the database. But thanks for giving a fake character name and proving it anyway.


Dec. 07, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) You still didn't answer the question.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

According to you I've never answered any questions no matter how many questions I've answered. By the way, do you actually play this game?


Dec. 07, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) guiz q is obvosli insan y duz he band all these ppl? he iz a haker! stalkrz r fak!!!!!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

This accurately reflects the general intelligence level of the stalkers as far as I can tell.


Dec. 07, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Whenever I blackout from using too much energy it gives me a message saying that hacking is bad

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

What exactly are you doing? If you're clicking a button repeatedly, that's why.


Dec. 07, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Delos, how can you be, I´m quoting: "Pretty personally impressive, and a lot of people are jealous of that and try to inhibit your life" If you spend all your time in front of a computer replying to any shit that anyone writes, mostly saying that you are a crazy bastard? How awesome can that be?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I spend like 5-10minutes a day responding to stuff about the game, and most of it isn't negative.


Dec. 07, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Hello, my name is HanLecter, I have not been banned and but I DO think Delos is Insane

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

sure, you haven't been banned. just hilariously gimped. sometimes I do that to the more amusing ones.


Dec. 07, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) This game isn't free, we pay the price of listening to Q whine about something every day, and then when asking about it get banned. If all you do is argue with people on the internet about how great of a coder, how much of a ladies man, and force your pretend enemies into your communities throats, then just quit arguing with them! Also, why do you have to shoot yourself in the foot and never explain anything to anyone? You have heard countless times no one has any clue what you're talking about, so maybe make the story a little more clear. And no, we're not idiots for understanding. You are told daily you're insane, so tell us the story from the beginning if only once.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Why don't you show me what you're talking about? Because I certainly don't recall arguing with anyone about that sort of thing in-game. I've explained things extensively, but sometimes people like you pretend I haven't explained anything. It's an interesting pattern. There's also nobody accusing me of being insane except those that were banned. Everybody else seems to have noticed a marked decline in strange happenings.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) about the walnut issue, why did they poison them but not lethally poison them? whats the point of making you drowsy and making your heart rate go up?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Part of a larger attempt to slander and discredit me by trying to make me look crazy. Some of the side-effects of diphenhydramine at high doses can be misinterpreted as anxiety or other things. Unfortunately for the stalkers: my doctor isn't a moron.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) And i'm changing the subject how? We're still talking about the walnuts. Anyway, if they weren't lethally poisoned, they could still be used as a way to frame you of poisoning someone. All they would have to do is collect a few hairs, and there you go. All the evidence your theoretical corrupted cop would ever need. On another note, i agree with KairePHD's diagnosis. Why would an organization that could do all of this even GIVE A CRAP ABOUT A GAME DEV WITH A LESS-THAN-1-MIL-PLAYS GAME?!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You changed the subject just like you changed the subject again within this post. You're still talking about the walnuts? Then why is half your post about a completely different subject, and why does none of what you said about the walnuts even factor in what I told you already? You're just asking the same questions over and over again and acting like you didn't get a response that completely refutes everything you've said. Which you have gotten. Repeatedly. As for why someone would care about the game: they only care about attacking it because they don't like me. Let's just say I'm pretty personally impressive, and a lot of people are jealous of that and try to inhibit my life and slander me as a result.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @gravity delos didnt steal anything. YOU gave him your kreds in YOUR free will for a useless item. it is YOUR fault you lost the kreds. not his. get over it.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

What do you mean I can't spend money in an MMO, flagrantly break the rules, and then get a refund? Oh right, then everyone would just do that to get their money back after quitting an MMO. Well, that's one of the problems with that, anyway.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Hi there, long time listener, first time poster. So, can someone explain to me what a "poisoned walnut" is? Is it like Bitter Almond? I kinda missed it when it was current and now it seems like everyone knows what that is and why the dev collected them, so I decided to ask.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

It's a walnut... with a chemical on it that's intended to produce a negative response in whomever might eat it.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I am a doctor, and you are showing signs of paranoid schizophrenia. I took an oath to do no harm, and it does more harm than good to leave that unchecked. If you feel offended by this, it only reinforces that diagnosis.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No you aren't, and no I'm not. You do realize my doctor works at the Stanford Clinic of Medicine, right? I see her routinely due to having a genetic disease, and I've had both a CT scan and MRI since all this started in part to help prove to the authorities that there are no problems with my mental faculties (my doctor also never saw any signs of any and hasn't so much as suggested that I should see a psychiatrist). If you were actually a doctor, you'd know that trying to make a diagnosis like that over the internet is idiotic. You'd also know that schizophrenia involves severely impaired writing and general communication skills. Which obviously doesn't apply. So you can stop lying about your supposed medical credentials any time you'd like.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The developer has locked you out of the game. You likely got a couple warnings before this happened. You were probably multiboxing. If you feel your punishment is in error, contact the developer through the Facebook page or Kongregate PMs. Wow, I got all of no warnings, didn't multibox, nothing. I guess having an opinion is instaban.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Um, perhaps if you had read the rules you'd know there are a few more things that can get you banned. But maybe you should have even intuitively realized that slandering someone in the free game they made for people to play isn't the best idea if you want to keep playing the game in question.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Isn't the high score leaderboard "scandals released" too abusive? You want to stay anonymous, but then you're the only one who released a scandal and the target probably checks the leaderbord and wants to take revenge.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Facebook kind of throws a bit of a wrench in that plan... not to mention the fact that they way Kongregate's server and my server communicate doesn't actually ensure that events are processed and displayed in the order which they occur in-game.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, I guess you can make vague allusions to the quality of the game in the comments repeatedly while hoping that anyone cares.


Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Dear lord I thought this is over. Guys, Q is doing this as a publicity stunt (or possibly just for shits and giggles), this is pretty damn clear. Stop playing the game, find one with a better developer, and never check back. Then, you won't have to put up with his antics, and he can get cured of his paranoia, since no one is going to play his game, which means no one cares about him anymore, including the so-called "stalkers". Win-win for both sides.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

So is it a stunt or am I paranoid? You sound a bit confused.


Dec. 05, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Up vote if your trying to pass a bill-See one guy go against what your doing- immediately go to Subterfuge and investigate,slander,police payoff, and do whatever is legal and illegal to get that ONE person

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

That's something you can do I suppose


Dec. 05, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I hadn't been playing for weeks, now I'm back, and things are pretty much f*cked up :/

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, the nation stats certainly aren't great.


Dec. 05, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) DEVELOPER RESPONSE FROM DELOSFORD "Thanks for admitting that people collude to fraudulently downrate the game!" It's not fraud when the Developer ( that's you by the way Delos) bans people for no reason. You're getting a 1 because of your blantant disregard for the player's input. Also, Kongregate gave me back my Kreds you tried to steal from me in case you were wondering.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

No, they didn't. They threw you some Kreds to keep you happy at their own expense. There was no fraud, which is why you didn't actually get a refund.


Dec. 04, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Hey there, we’re sorry to hear that you had a bad experience playing Clout. We have deposited 225 Kreds in your account by way of an apology, and hope that you find another game you’ll enjoy! Ahh it seems that Kongregate can recognize mistakes, at least someone knows what they're doing.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Actually, you didn't get a refund. Kongregate just gave you some Kreds to keep you happy. Congratulations: you have the magical power of complaining to a large corporation at length.


Dec. 04, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Dec. 04, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

It seems your definition of scandalous varies from the actual definition used in-game.


Dec. 03, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Yes, your slanderous forum thread. Everybody has seen it. Nobody cares.


Dec. 03, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) How do you poison pill a bill?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Use the button for it in the bill interface (near the ability play buttons) after you buy the ability.


Dec. 03, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Ah. I see. You don't want me to continue the argument. Here's the thing though:The feds may just treat walnuts being at your house, and walnuts being used to kill someone as a link. Have you told them that you lost them? At this point, they may not believe you, as it would give you an easy alibi to a murder, and the stalkers screw you over anyway. And again, i must ask:Why do you even KEEP poison walnuts around the house?!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Uh, no, you see that you're wrong and are changing the subject as a result. They're also obviously not lethally-poisoned, as I told you. How would I still be alive after eating substantially more of the dish than was contained therein? You're not making any sense and I'd appreciate it if you stopped leaving comments about this issue.


Dec. 03, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) But people seem to keep debating it in the comments. That's what I'm basing it on. I don't know about the effects of the game or what's happening outside. And if people are starting to get arrested, does that mean the stalkers will soon no longer be a problem?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

There's not really anybody debating anything. There's a couple people posting slander, and they're banned ex-players or people who don't even play the game.


Dec. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) You said the feds were "on your side". That implies heavily that you have been in contact with them. The only reason you would be in contact with the feds, to my knowledge, is the investigation that they're not involving you in. That has been stated before, by you. You said that in the comments, and i have a screenshot of it. Regardless of if the walnuts were lost or stolen, both scenarios prevent you from bringing them to the feds, which again, are the same feds you said that weren't involving you in the investigation. I'm simply asking for an explanation. No need to get angry.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Angry? You're really bad at reading people, and you're not convincing anyone of your idiotic lies. I go to federal agencies and I give them information. Turns out you don't get a phone app that lets you track the investigation in real-time in return. I also had those walnuts for about 6 months, and the feds saw them when I brought the walnuts and various sealed things to the FBI months before the walnuts were taken. So again: you're lying out your ass, you have zero information, and you're not even reading what I write. All your little attempted defamation friends are gone, too, so it's just you out here by yourself looking like a total fool.


Dec. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 1) Kinda sad for McJaeger not getting a Justice seat yet. :P 2) Just realized an ancient Chinese lady is currently ruling over Colombia. 3) Elmo is communist (duh?) 4) A hipster Starbuck-dweller is Supreme Court Justice. hahaeverythingisfineofcoursewhyareyoulookingatmeliketha'help*help*megetoutofthisplace

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Dec. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Just make it Clout canon. Then real life can write the story more than it already does!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Tell you what: I'll write a book when it's all over.


Dec. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I agree that a unified information center for stalker related information would be extremely helpful to those who do not understand the issue completely, and those who are slandering you because of such a misunderstanding.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

There was no slander going on because of a misunderstanding, I assure you. Everyone who got banned knew exactly what they were doing, and generally said things like "watch me get banned" before getting themselves purposefully banned.


Dec. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Interesting, you projected your habit of projecting your own mindset into other people unto me.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

That's probably the worst debate tactic I've ever heard.


Dec. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Yes that is a good idea. Mae a timeline of events with the stalkers and post it in the Cloutiverse. Then it's all clear in one spot since events that happened are seemingly being confused. Also explain who the stalkers are and why they are after you. You have already said information. Just having it in one place would be much easier and hopefully it would be clearer.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The funny part is that it's barely relevant anymore. The people behind it have started getting arrested, and the effects on the game are incredibly minimal at this point.


Dec. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Could you make a timeline of what has exactly happened with the stalkers? Just so everything is clear and in one place. Or at least who are the stalkers? What do they want with you/from you? Are people who hack the game stalkers? Why do you call them stalkers? Are there other people who have been harmed by these people? What exactly is your career? DO you work with the feds?

+ - !



Dec. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Can I ask how you got the nickname "Q"?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I got it from Satan at The Crossroads when I sold my soul for blues music.


Dec. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Wait. You said you lost the walnuts and that the feds didn't involve you in the investigation in earlier comments. Why are you saying the opposite now?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I never said I lost the walnuts: they were stolen. I also never said I was involved in the investigation. But please, continue to make things up and see if anyone believes you. I'm betting not.


Dec. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Probably nothing. If you don't have access to The Lobby you'll just get kicked back to the Kong main page and your Clout character stays unelected. The Lobby actually checks whether you have a dead character in Clout set to the current state when you hit the initial page.


Dec. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Can you please denominate me? I accidentally pressed the Nominate button.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I guess.


Nov. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) And they stopped why? If the stalkers are as powerful as you say they are, they could just sic the cops on you for a crime you didn't commit, and fabricate tons of evidence. Maybe the walnuts are relevant. They could've stolen them, to kill someone to frame you. Have you considered that they could easily frame you with that?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Oh they tried doing that, like I already said. I expertly deflected their lies and the feds have been on my side for quite some time. The cops not so much, but that was due to some other lies that it took me a while to discover (not cult-related, at least probably not). I also already brought the walnuts to the FBI, so that would be pretty much the worst plan in the history of plans.


Nov. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I assume you've heard of stimulants? Caffeine, maybe? Not all drugs are man-made, and even the man-made ones have side-effects. Like diphenhydramine, an OTC antihistamine that can cause tachycardia, arrhythmias, and even death at high doses. Acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) can also cause death in high doses. Good to know you're not only clueless but yet another person who doesn't actually play this game.


Nov. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Allow me to clarify then, Q: if you had kept the supposed evidence that supported your decision to ban me, you would have been able to justify yourself, and not be dealing with the current influx of angry comments. (Assuming, of course, that the evidence existed in the first place.) Something to think about for next time.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

There is no influx of angry comments? Why would I collect evidence to ban people myself?


Nov. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You posted something in team chat. I can't remember what. Not to mention your general annoyances/slander here.


Nov. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) If they wanted to seem like the good guys, they would just say you committed murder, or some other serious crime. It makes literally no sense to NOT go into hiding at this point, if everything you say is true.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Oh, they did try framing me for a lot of stuff first.


Nov. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Oh no!! Someone is investigating me! I don´t give a f.uck... this game sucks right now... you screwed it, Q

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Yeah, I'm sure the 2 or 3 banned people complaining in the comments spells doom for the game. woe is us


Nov. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Well it usually takes a lot of time for Kongregate to check out their reports, assuming they get a lot of bogus ones. And yes, you DO harass us. Nobody slandered this game until you started harassing us and banning us. I actually recruited people to play this game for you, until you started treating us like a stain on the rug. At that point I warned people of the truth.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I really don't think you understand the meaning of the word "harass". You also got caught in a chatlog trying to hack the game in damaging ways and did various other things in violation of the rules. What did you expect?


Nov. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) oh no, someone released my scandal of doing a ton of drugs to the press and my stress has skyrocketed. I better take some dugs to help with that...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I do think it's pretty amusing that the game does such a good job of simulating drug addiction in a myriad of ways.


Nov. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 1984! I cringe when I see that dreaded number. . .

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Nov. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Paranoia, constant lying for attention, delusions of superiority...Have you ever been diagnosed with bipolar disorder?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Not paranoid, not lying, no delusions and no. But thank you for making up random shit and believing yourself to be a licensed medical professional. That's amusing. It seems you might actually be projecting a bit, there, now that I think about it.


Nov. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Nov. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Just because it didn't work once doesn't mean they won't try another method. Why are you so confident that they won't simply try another poison, or hire a sniper/trained killer?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

This organization seems to have a need to keep their activities secret as well as appear to be the good guys. They've literally tried claiming that the things occurring are the result of god. Yes, I am serious. It's not just scientology involved, as I said before... though really I'm pretty sure they're running the show.

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