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This is awesome. I've asked myself the same question but never thought it in this aspect. Also, I feel it would be amazing to have a multiplayer and one person is chosen to be the 'road', and the others 'drivers'.
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I wish there was an option where you can send commands to other cars, like take this car out, slow down, stop, etc. It would be fun, since most of the time the purple car is taking out the blue car(at least when I play this game). I would also like an option for changing what a car looks like, the type of car, and challenges.
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i used the badge master to choose a random "unity" game, i still don't know why i didn't acquire the badge, all i have to do is kill them.. right?
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+ for sequel damage each time car gets hit light smoke:light damage smoke:medium damage fire:heavy damage /about to explode
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ideas for the sequel: right click for alternate obstacle. Arrow keys for
obstacle selection(enter for regular obstacle alt:magnetic cube) up:water(causes cars to not be able to get up on side) alt:steam(lifts cars up) right:oil(causes skids catches fire) alt:fire down:lava(you don't need to even think of what will happen) alt:stone(blocks paths immovable) left:car(WASD to change type does stuff dangerous to others)alt:nuke(KABOOM!) mixed:(note uses regular)greek fire, ferrofluid(magnetic),****(any type) nuke.an that's all I can think of for mixed.
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Great game, however I wish there was more to it such as different vehicles. Also adding stuff like water or oil on the road is a cool idea. Just little things that will make this game so much more fun!
5 Stars!
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Hey guys, if you want t see a amazing review of,You are the road, then watch Nerd3's review on it!
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The red's car last emotion before it died was confused. "Hey. Guys. What's going on. Why am I running over a poor green box? Why am I flipping in the air? Why am I-"
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This game is fun and addicting and I sometimes play with friends watching and betting which color will win. Great game :)
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for a game made in only 2 days it is very good only downside I see is the AI is low cars kill each other with or with out your input hell I just try to pick the last car now and hope it lives
make a new one soon but rise the AI a bit and have the player try to have 1 car live