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Comments for Billy the Pilot

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May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Apparently you can travel around the world without once changing what country your in.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) ?¿ firts, a house moves around the world, second is a cardboard cutting edge technology?? The live of the autor of this game must be traumatic for make a game of werewolfs and not be frightened by a dragon that kills kids and following it from behind ...

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Man: OH NO a boy falls of the sky!! Me: Don´t worry he has a cardboard! Man: But...Me: STH! I wont see how he raises his arms and smiles both of which trigger nuclear missile...

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Welcome to Canada, bitches!

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why didn't I start flying backwards when I got to Russia?

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) So I've been to space, halfway across the earth but somehow I didnt reach america yet.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) never mind that isnt actually as strenuously painful/painfully strenuous to try, once you figure out how to shoot him more that 3 km

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) It makes you wonder why he dosent just walk all this distance, or take the bus with all the money he accumulates. Why he has to go to canada at any rate is very wierd.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) if i destroy the satilites, shoudn't my computer be shut off?

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Forget 80 days; if I need to circumnavigate the globe, I just hop in my cardboard box and shoot off into space - it's a lot faster that way. Take that, Phineas Fogg!

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) why are their so many people trying to help the werewolfs and only one 9 year old kid fighting them.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I'm from Canada, and I found the Canada part of the game offensive. The fact that you put in snow is insulting. The amount is just insulting. There's way more snow than that.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I think the meteors should count towards the kill achievement. My pet was getting most of the kills even before I upgraded it.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) who the hell is giving him 80 bucks for flying in a cardboard box?!

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) and WHY are there missiles coming at me?

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) yeah, so, one question. did this kid bribe the people every launch so he can go in their backyards?

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) *meanwhile at a secret underground bunker*Commander: "What's that on the radar" Subordinate: "It's a kid in a cardboard-box sir. should we send jets to guide it out of our airspace." Commander: "No our jets are not match for his superior technology. Prepare some cardboard boxes of our own to launch."

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) It says space shit instead of shirt... :L

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I love kill the dreams of the other kids. : D

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I think there should be a medal for number of meteors/asteroids shot

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I'm kind of wondering if I missed some sort of introduction, because I'm still a little confused as to why exactly this kid has a grudge with the moon.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) First time ever that someone didn't put monkeys or something inside Brazil =D Even if it is because he could not put something like that randomly at the screen... ^^"

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Wait. each time i shoot the kid i get closer to Canada, but I still in the same house.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) nice i always wanted a dragon as pet :p

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) at last i have saved the world from werewolves by destabilizing the moon and earth, thus causing possible tsunamis, now where's my medal?

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) "I wonder how kids get paid so much for risking their lives" Youtube endorsements you can't see it, but he is wearing Nikes, and they pay him to record this stuff and put it on youtube.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This kid is a psycho. xD 3 Satellites and the Moon, what's next? Mars? XDD And he's happy about it. xD

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I love how he talks in second person. "You ran out of fuel."

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) controlling the plane uses too much fuel =(

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i want box like that :O

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Speed is measured in MPH but distance is measured in (very short) km? hmmmmm

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Great graphic style, great gameplay, great game. 5/5

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Wait Wait, He has a pet dragon, and is scared of Werewolves? Last I checked Dragons > Werewolves.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Sir, we lost 3 of our communication satellites!' - 'How is that possible? Was it the Russians? The Chinese? Aliens?!' - 'Uhm, no, Sir, according to our sensors it was a kid in a cardboard box...

+ - !


Developer response from ErikSombroek

Like a boss!


May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Welcome to America - Game Over!

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This game demands a second part! TO MARS!

+ - !


Developer response from ErikSombroek

What a great idea! I think daddy needs to read him a book about aliens then!


May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Did his parents just pack up leave to buy a new house where ever he landed?

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Is it just me, or do a lot of the enemy planes look, at a glance, like Daleks?

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Achievement!!!!!!!!!!

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Congratulation! You destroyed moon, werewolves, humanity and solar system too!

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) So, even though I'm fully upgraded, the other boy in the cardboard box is STILL faster than me?

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Awsome game, should be one the main page. Im content with upgrades and it didn't take me forever.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Moar upgrades pl0x.

+ - !



May. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Secritary: Mr. Mayor, a kid with a flying egg and a mounted gun on a flying cardboard box who is trying to destroy the moon to get rid of wherewolves and is being shot down by other kids just faceplanted here and dosen't have a scratch! Mayor: THEN GIVE HIM $1356 YOU IDIOT! Sectitary: But sir- Mayor: I SAID GIVE HIM $1356!

+ - !



May. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Love the kids logic on how to kill werewolfs.

+ - !



May. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Should have an epilogue where the world is destroyed by the shifts in tides and debris raining down unto the surface.

+ - !


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