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I love how the protagonist is like "OMFG! zombies" , but a few games later hes like "Oh look zombies... again Ā¬Ā¬ what a drag"
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you know, i absolutely love all of the Decision games..... but i would love them MORE if an update came out featuring Fullscreen :D
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Zombie's using Guns.... Surely if you have the capability to use something like a gun.... you could be considered some what alive...
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The Minigun "upgrade" actually feels like a downgrade. Slower reload, less damage per shot, and maybe it's my imagination but it seems less accurate than the M-60 as well.
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It's a little bit easy to complete this game... I only used the bazooka, basically, it's a killing spree all over the place. Not really challenging. But overall still fun and has potential.
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ristnme if you're speaking about this game you got to farm. If you think the next mission is is too hard you can go to an easy zone and spam the clean up mission I think.
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Think I found alittle bug after someones context is going on then you hit next at the beginning and when its loading the level you can still hear the guy talking just something I found at very start
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Good game! Love the gore! The controls by the arrows is much better. We could chage the guns by the numeric keyboard too, would be more easy. And baby... grenade is life! --Dammit, the zombies got better aim than me--
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The fact that some of these zombies can use firearms makes me wonder if there are any zombies at all, or if this guy is just crazy, and gunning down loads of real people.
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What's the point of buying the Minigun, when the M-60 does 4 more damage and has 0.8 faster reload time. Sure, the Minigun has 2x as much ammo than the M-60. I personally reload like every 3-6 zombies I kill anyways. So a Minigun would seem quite pointless. And on top of that, a M-60 is more than 2x cheaper than the Minigun. M-60 beats the Minigun 3-1.
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I wish more time had been spent on the writing, lots of grammar issues that make for a choppy read. And grinding for money in order to advance gets tedious.
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Just makes me wanna play Zombies Took My Daughter, again. Much less gindy. Not everything costs money in that game, nor do I need in-game money to access MANDATORY LEVELS; I should be saving that money for needed upgrades or to unlock OPTIONAL levels, not to progress further into the game. FAR too unbalanced for me to give anything more than a 2/5; grindy game is grindy.
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Okay we've got zombies, zombie dogs, plank throwing zombies, deadly explosive barrels that have 100 pound in them but the scariest of them all is the shoe zombie.
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"alright finish that last zombie off" "uh why arnt you pulling your trigger? you need am..." "no its for the tittle" " you do relise that things still alive" "WAIT WHAT!" *facepalms* *friend gets eaten* "well that went well"
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So many games teach us there is always someone who will make you better for money, even if there are zombies all around.
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Let's see.. This guy possess dark vision, naturally induced rage symptoms, an endless supply of self sustained stamina, ability to carry multiple weapons (complete with quick reload capability for each), the power to turn combusted petrol into cash, and you don't even wanna know where he keeps all that ammunition hidden! If only things would be this easy in a "Zombpocalypse" scenario. xD