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Comments for Enola: Prelude

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Jan. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) COOL GAME AWESOME GAME!!!!!!!!!!! XD

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) fullscreen dosent seem to work for me, and there was still an issue with ailments not disapearing/double stacking slow to essentially freeze the mobs even after you posted an update for it, having said that i think its a great game with incredible potential. theres a few issues that need to be adressed as many others have stated, lack of difficulty and customization, and maybe some diffrences in skills that will make lower level skills still (somewhat) usefull, poor dragon attack only got one use out of me before i retired it. lastly, you have mana regen, and a free spell to fully restore all your mana with no cooldown, that tends to make games waaay too easy, have it one or the other (with a CD on the mana spell) Gave this game 5/5 in the hopes that you listen to the players and make a truely incredible game

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Poison works surprisingly well on last boss, in fact it dealt almost as much damage as phoenix strike for me (and far, far more in terms of dps since it ticks often). It probably shouldn't be the case on higher level/with better weapon since poison seems to scale with monster hp, but still it was very entertaining to see how every `tick` chops a nice 12k damage. Anyway, I found the game entertaining, but a bit lacking in rpg part (probably shouldn't be even called that). But it's fun, so no complains - keep up with the good work ;o)

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Too easy. No choice in character. Only one equipment (your sword). Very limited in choice and customization. Fun for 30 min, then go on to next game that's better

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Beatifull Art. Good sound, specially the music. Poor story. Poor programing (Lots of bugs, spell effects remain on screen, etc) Unbalanced abilities and spells.

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) great game need bigger map, more items, more skill, and multiplayer hope next chapter has it all

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) My only complaint was that the game was way too easy. I didn't die once (not even close really, even against the last boss which was actually easier than the 3 healers wave, with the two skulls). I also found a trick to the last boss half way through the fight. If you sit in the back and spam ramei, he'll eventually (after like 3, 4 stacks) slow so much that he literally stops for a few turns. Then you can switch to the front row and spam regen mana+phoenix strike to severely hurt him. Or Ramei him permanently still if you want. Why did the game restart at the beginning with all the areas locked but no added difficulty?

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It's a good and entertaining game for a prelude. I give it 5/5 even though it was too short. But it is too simple, it lacks such things as "block", "dodge" and "miss" to randomize the combat a little, every single attack succeeds. Moreover, you need to fix the indicators (poison, regeneration, frenzy, etc.), because sometimes they stay even when their effects are gone.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Not sure if this is intended, so you'll have to inform me, but if you get slow up on a mob using Ramei, and then use hell thorn, and then Ramei again, you can double slow anything including bosses, and it trivializes any combat. I simply put slow up, poison, and slow again and just keep recasting slow while waiting for poison to tick down the HP of the boss. I have done this through 2 continues and has worked through the whole game each time. Also seems to be the only faster way to deal with creatures wih 4mil+ hp.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I've beaten the game, and forged all of the listed weapons, but it doesn't seem to want to give me that Create All Weapons achievement... is there a secret one that's not shown?

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Alright, I'd like to say I love it, but it just isn't that great. Firstly; why can't I build my character myself? You can grind, so if you built wrong you can always grind a bit, or add a respec. Because it automatically builds you; it has to build you right to win the game or else that'd be pretty bastard. Because of this, it means a very easy game. There's no fun in a game where it's blindingly easy. The battle system isn't as creative as you say; choose a skill, hit them at the timer. Skills are built for yeah; not very strategical. The story is sadly lacking; I'd have preferred a more developed story but this is a prelude. Art was great and music was nice, but overall, this hasn't reached its potential it should be. I'll be looking forward to the next installment, hoping you take notice of suggestions. I hope you keep listening to critics and reach this game's full potential; it's good but it's not great as of now. 4/5

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Wooden sword? Looks like glass.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Found another bug. In the battle with Desert Jannar, I used the Break Limit level 2 and the animation for it froze over the boss.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I encountered a bug. When I died, my avatar completely disappeared. The game still played as normal, but I was invisible. It was a little annoying.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I enjoyed the game immensely. Though the last boss got bogged down with Rami so it just became a bit monotous. I usually like boss which are just all high hit points, but have a super weakness based on a certain spell or weapon. Makes me pay attention more. Otherwise lots of other good comments here and ill definitely play the next installment.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) So, my father went looking for trouble when it was all peaceful, and now I want to avenge him... It doesn't sound like a good character. Also, I collect wood from dead enemies... why would enemies carry wood? Wouldn't be easier just lumber trees? And there's this strange fish that follows me for no reason, wich I don't know nothing about... Really, this game can improve much more.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) wait, do my attacks actually get stronger as I use them more?

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game. 4/5. I would of given 5/5 if there were some sort of "extra" character. And Beastiary. Also, My computer seems to stop for a few seconds after a win, does that happen to anyone else?

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) As much as I love RPG's this one is much to simple. There's no way to influence the development of my character, and there's no real reason to do anything buy heal yourself until your Limit Break is charged, as all other attacks are either too weak or cost to much MP to be worth it.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) great game looking forward for part 2 3 4 and 5 i hope there are this many, maybe more skills and alter net pets for different limits and stuff. many improvements and ideas cant wait to see.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) where is my saved game!!!!!!!!!!

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) you fixed the game bug and my save game is gone

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) OK I like the voice over at beginning and at the end but I miss it the rest of the game. More narrative would be nice. I would also like to see some sort of Character Choice when you level, right now it is all pretty automatic. Fun little game though, hope Enola when it comes out is worthy of this as the base

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Does regen only last 1 wave and will not bring over to next wave? if so please state it in the skill.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The final boss has a little ridiculous health. I mean, 200k+? Until I got him down to around 50k, I figured I'd poison him. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT SOONER?

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) For an RPG to even be considered such it needs to have some kind of customization so it feels like we have a character to invest in. There is currently none. For a turn based combat system to be good we need to be able to work out several strategies against increasingly difficult enemies (like Sonny or Sonny 2). The game is currently so easy and broken you can plow through the entire game without ever switching tactics. The restore mana allows you to use your specials whenever you want to and your heal spell insta-heals you. You have an area spell that deals tons of damage and poisons enemies on a mana recharge that can be instantly restored. You might as well be god! Add some more options and change these. Right now there isn't really anything noteworthy or even entertaining about the game. Everything it's done has been done before and done better.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Too short, too easy, repetitive and boring gameplay, poor story but good music and art 2/5

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I got a suggestion. when the battle with 2 or more enemies. you can click attack on their names instead of choosing on their head. This will prevent attacking the wrong monster from confusion which is which if there are 2 or more similar monsters.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Great prelude, good voice over (although a little too frequent in my opinion), fun combat and amazing music. Can't wait for the next one.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Using hell thorn breaks the game.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) its a pretty good game allround in my opinion it is mostly just the speed that is the problem and not just combat after you beat an enemy you walk to so and the intro takes to long still a good game so 4/5

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I realise my last comment was too harsh, though I couldn't give it a favourable comparing it to epic battle fantasy. The combat system might be fun and I look forward to how you might use it in chapther 1, but right now this game is too barebones to really be worthwhile. Combat might come into its own with multiple party members and strategically challenging battles, but now it seems like a movie. Also the restore mana command is absurdly broken (all your mana back for no cost? and a cheap heal sppel that heals you for far mroe than the enemies can hope to do? I remember when people got angry about Final Fantasy Mystic Quest being easy....)

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Great little light-weight RPG! (i.e. no spreadsheets needed for your gear.)

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) In the end you really end up doing a routine: Stack Frenzy at least 5 times *Check*. Spam Phoenix Strike until you'r out of mana *Check*. Full restore mana *Check*. Repeat until everything is dead.

+ - !


Developer response from grindhead

ailments are now fixed so they do not stack - your going to have to rethink your plans!


Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Crap story, turn based battles that require no thought to win, "rpg" with no freedom or custimastion. Poor.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Haha bugged out totally for me. =( In a fight the time just stopped. I can switch stance and all and use White magic. But nothing else. Even the enemy is standing still doing nothing. =P But so far very nice! Should have armor aswell.

+ - !


Developer response from grindhead

hopefully this is fixed now !


Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Sorry to say this, but the RPG tag is highly misleading. There's pretty much no decision making in the game, aside from battle tactics. Oh wait, I can decide if I want a faster or a more damaging sword. The battle strategy isn't deep, either, thanks to endless mana and life. I hope dequels will give us more choices in developing characters, because I enjoyed the graphics style and the voice acting.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I dont think that die,poisoned,armor and weapon shattered should be achievements because well...screw up dont makes sense understand?

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) in inv. ya its a wood sword

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Fantastic Game :) Would be great if it had a skill system implemented, and i have to agree with other comments, even though its a prelude, i felt it was a little short. Music is great, graphics are great, five stars for me :)

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) At first i was like this fish cant do anything,then when i saw the big sword i was like OMG HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 4/5 Fun game! One issue, after beating the game once, wave 2 on Sandy Point will have the energy bar either stop entirely or empty on it's own and never fill back up- leaving you to be beaten without being able to fight back.

+ - !


Developer response from grindhead

this should be fixed now


Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Scratch that: ever since that time, my character has remained invisible.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Just encountered a bug where, after dying and crafting a new weapon and then returning to the same field, I was INVISIBLE the whole fight.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Nice, you got rid of the bugs the game had when it was released on AG. Now it's playable and a lot more fun! Can't wait for the real game.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It's not that I don't like the game.. And I haven't finished the game, so it may change later.. But it says it's an exciting spin on turn based RPGs. I'm really not seeing anything different from standard final fantasy combat, aside from having only one character. Being completely unable to influence the development of my character also doesn't help.

+ - !


Developer response from grindhead

being able to upgrade your character is something we are working on for the sequel - thanks for your review! we really hope you like Limit Break level 3....


Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) PROs: (1) Voiced storyline. (2) Great music. CONs: (1) No way to know which beast is weak to physical/magical attack except by trial and error (2) No skill/attribute system (3) No class system like warrior/rogue/magician that can have different types of skills. (4) Bugs. the guy attacks even after the beast is dead if his turn comes quickly after they die of poison, PLUS the turn timer automatically slows down or speeds up,etc. (5) No concept of potions. (6) Balance issues with skills like rage. (6) There should be some story after every few levels or areas to keep the player interested, otherwise its just repeat battles. (7)The third battle in the desert totally skipped the last wave and proceeded to battle end victory...... All in all, the game was fun but could use debugging and a bit more detailing.

+ - !


Developer response from grindhead

thanks for your suggestions!


Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I thought I would like the game with the material drops and a system for forging new equipment. Turned out that I can only "buy" swords and that I hardly even need them.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) game bugged, the last bos was boring, just keeped healing my self when ever my hp dropped below 1500 and hit it for minutes. When finally it's hp dropped to below 8000 my attack bar stopped working and he beat me to death.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) there are 2 super spells: poison(hell thorn) and frenzy. poison deals incredible damage to bosses, you have just to block and heal, poison kills anything; frenzy allows you to attack 10 times stronger and 10 times faster, you just have to use it 10-15 times to kill a final boss in 6-7 hits

+ - !


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