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Sep. 12, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) In my opinion IGG (Developers) left the actual software improvement of Go2 years ago. As they remade Go3 (A horrible remake) And as a company moved more into mobile games, hand held computer based games. Which left this to shallow in-side out slowly with icky in-game bugs and exploits (Ways to by pass). That could of been easily fixed.

+ - !



Sep. 10, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Time is flying, the game is dying, we are all crying. I have really enjoyed the game with all of you. Thank you.

+ - !



Sep. 23, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Goodbye GO2. I enjoyed this game with you for a long time. Thank you everyone.

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) As for Everybody discrediting my name (kcap or anomaly) I laugh, i seriously do. I mean i was a former enemy of anonymous. One of the most hatred in certain area's of PvP game-play. I'm happy enough to say that I kept the tradition going when i joined, When the Anon was collapsing in-side out. With no regrets on my actions of pass accouterments. But being in leader-ship in both parties, i do somewhat have respect for all of the players, and former legends that have played. I thankyou for the time and in-put. As to my former fellow friends. I did destroy Anonymous. As i said i would. Peace happened, which left no common enemy. The re-birth of anon was tasuli. And i honor and respect that. (Shout-out to that slacker!)

+ - !



Feb. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I would like to see the battles run faster, they are very slow currently.

+ - !



Mar. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The "coming soon" in Quest won't come i think >.<

+ - !



Mar. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) If you're not going to let us have more than 9999 Loudspeakers, disable them from showing up on our wheels and in our daily quest rewards when we have so many. On a related note, *stop giving us so many loudspeakers*.

+ - !



Sep. 09, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) started 1 month ago and was grinding economy, only got up to the good part and they shut down game. Will you let the fans have the game? I'll host it.

+ - !



Oct. 03, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) to everyone i wish you all well and i will miss everyone you were all great made the game fun even with the drama i enjoyed this server the only thing i didn't enjoy were the snipers hopefully there will be a game like this one somewhere soon much love and thanks to all who helped me no matter which side you fell on alliance or annon one thing i learned is you have to have balance it is key in any game we had that here that made this server special

+ - !



Sep. 29, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) I really enjoyed this game, as did a lot of other people I chatted with. I would like to see this game come back, or something similar. I checked out GO3, but it wasn't as good and quite boring. I liked being able to design my own things, as well as trading with people to help both. If the game is redesigned, I'd like to see it set up to where a f2p can actually compete easier, I believe it would make the game even more fun.

+ - !



Apr. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) "If at first you don't succeed, buy, buy and buy again."

+ - !



Dec. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @megamerz Generally, people complain about 1 of 3 things. The first one is the premium currency. The second is the 'Lucky Wheel'. The third is that, yes, IGG put their own time into this game, but they in no way care about the players. Instead of fixing bugs or adding frequently requested features, they prefer to add new content that no-one was really asking for, just to get more people to spend their money on the game before they discover all the annoying problems with it. Take the 'Space Raids' for example. No-one asked for them, if you check the forums not many people seem to be very happy with IGG for it, and although I haven't read it properly myself, I'm betting they've found at least 1 way to make it cost real money in some form. That's most peoples' problem with IGG. If nothing else, there's no harm in complaining about IGG in here, because as I've already mentioned, the day they actually care about these comments, pigs will discover the secrets of flight.

+ - !



Oct. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) We need to be able to mute the "[Character] has claimed [Card Type] [Card Name]" Because it's stupid annoying when they buy 400 of them in a row.

+ - !



Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) So why would you not open new servers for players just getting in instead of shipping them off into a server filled with level 50+ players that can crap all over their defenses....

+ - !



Nov. 28, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Accursed "lucky wheel" is an unlucky rectangle. Spent 3000 vouchers, nothing of use. If you try to switch to another tab because you don't want to watch and pretend it's luck while it ends up at the inevitable galaxy transfer or H3 boost, it takes 10x the time, they want you to be tortured. I'll come back when my H3 boost is over, which should be roughly a decade.

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) as the last surviving original SO1 player. FUK IGG

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Well, Bye-bye Go2. I have gone to great lengths to find a site where this game is still played. Kongregate was the last. I had hoped it would last but there are the huge problems with the time sink getting started, and so much longer to level with literally thousands of hours to wait for construction, makes this game a BIG BORE! After a YEAR of the game and I STILL haven't gotten strong enough to do a single Constellation. Missing that so very important Saturday morning event Champion challenge can ruin your week. It takes far too many one time events once a week to make enough to purchase the goodies that are so necessary to get strong enough to do constellations, and you need those constellations for the specials. In other words, it is an incredible time sink to play. Fun though when it does work, but I can never ever catch up to the big players.

+ - !



Sep. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) can there at least be 1 alert to show when one of your battles is going on

+ - !



Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) If you change loud speaker into Corsairs gold in the wheel of doom. The universe will be better. :3

+ - !



May. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i hate how the wallet warriors monopolize everything

+ - !



Jul. 31, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) They should abandon GO3 and get back to this

+ - !



Jan. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) the flashing Mall button is annoying.

+ - !



Mar. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) or just remove that loudspeaker thing

+ - !



Apr. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This game is very "meh" I already know the controversy with the lucky wheel, but I figured I'd throw in the experience I just had. I'm pretty certain getting a commander from it is an absolute 0% chance. You know how the wheel slows and ticks down before stopping? It literally slowed to a near stop right in front of a commander and then rapidly jumped over the commander to the SP card, because we don't have enough of those...

+ - !



Mar. 19, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) in all its a good game!!! ^_^

+ - !



Jun. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Why have loudspeakers at all. They are just in the way.

+ - !



Oct. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Sometime it feels like the spinning wheels goes an extra space when you should hit a good card.

+ - !



Dec. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Only three things this game needs is a polish, faster battle timers and to reduce your drive to make money. I mean come on! The system blares out every time someone buys cards, all your events are for people that buy MP and even if you buy MP you only have a chance to get a good card making you buy more mp. To top it all off you need mp to to turn commanders back into cards if you want to fuse them, skinner boxes are outdated you greedy assholes.

+ - !



Sep. 15, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) An option to send Corps-Fleets together to a Ressource Bonus Planet or other attacks would be great! Or being able to build and command Corps-Fleets

+ - !



Nov. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) it should be easier to earn blueprints rather than have a random (and low) chance of gaining them from treasure boxes

+ - !



Apr. 06, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Can you guys PLEASE put an skip or speed up button? It's SO FREAKING BORING to watch the ships shooting each other in instances. PLEASE

+ - !



Aug. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @fireofgod you don't control the ships they are computerised AI they move where they want (usually towards and enemy in effective weapon range ) you can influence this movement by installing transmittion engine mods (again depending on the effective range of you weapons )

+ - !



Mar. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I have a suggestion that will greatly cut time when speeding up our friends. The current system of looking through our friends takes time when our specific friend is on page 12 or 16, we have to click on the little right arrow many times to get to our specific friend. My suggestion is to have a system of typing in the name of our friend (like searching on Facebook) or having a button that lets us go to the page we want. This would be a small but great improvement for this game. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

+ - !



Apr. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Less spam from the system would make the chat less annoying ....

+ - !



Mar. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) trading center should include exchange of gold into He3 and metal

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) @avatar77, Your ID doesn't look as good as mine. (◠‿◕✿)

+ - !



Sep. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Wait just a gosh darn moment! You can have an MMO that doesn't require a metric shit-ton of money!?

+ - !



Nov. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You know what would make this game... not awful? Being able to control the fleets during battle, making strats or patterns or at least having anything to do with it.

+ - !



Feb. 07, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) mall points really sucks

+ - !



Sep. 10, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) 3 years man...gonna let all of that go down the drain now

+ - !



Nov. 17, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) What happened to the fun plain old simple flash games? What is this junk?

+ - !



Nov. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) What the advertising picture makes this game look like: epic space battle game where you control the ships. What it really is: idle space themed factory-timing game with idle final fantasy style battles that take forever.

+ - !



Dec. 31, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) You need high level commannders if you want to hold enough ships to do anything, so don't bother playing this game unless you're planning on putting money down, there's not much other than the "trial version" that's free.

+ - !



Feb. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i think he should implicate a feature were u can battle ur own fleets against eachohter like a personal arena to test them out performance wise as if ur going agaisnt somone ur own like skill lvl in the game

+ - !



Feb. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) when and where does IGG answer and solve these issues? where are their comments?

+ - !



Sep. 08, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Go2 the game, after nearly 6 years is finally dead and its been a long time coming too. This game was fun only in the fact the players who played it made it to be fun, the game itself has very little in the way of captivating features, everything in the game was such a huge time sink that f2p players have zero chance of ever catching up with the big players, and that in the end proved to be a part of this games downfall. A big faction in the game, The Alliance helped keep the game going, but only because of intervention outside of game could it stick around so long. But for all the battles this game has had, just want to say that while this game lasted on kong it was a fun time blowing up anon ships and interacting with everyone. Have a great time everyone who played this game till the end

+ - !



Jun. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Please increase the rate for the cards on the lucky wheel. Thanks!

+ - !



May. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Just as it starts to get interesting, the game slows down to a crawl, and you drive me away. Micro-transactions ruin games. At least it only takes a couple willing souls to spend money on a game to make it worthwhile for developers. Alienating 90% of the population in the process

+ - !



May. 31, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) i see IGG does not care anymore here is the tip of the iceberg events are crap, the coming soon stuff not gonna happen then please sell the rights to some company that does care

+ - !



Jul. 30, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) its good but needs more work

+ - !


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