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stupid erihnbtahnbtaerahntuy stupid game stupid dumb stupid i cant stand this is dumb stupid i cant stand oh my goodness this is annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( never playing this game again
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@darkbash -
age of defense is a newer game than this one, and the soundtrack is all made by an amazing music composer known as 'Waterflame'. look for his youtube.
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So.. let me get this straight. We start at the most important and strongest of forts.. but they can only throw a single wave of arrows and rocks and what not at the enemy? I'm sure their if atleast a bit smart than that..
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if any1 missed the deja vu from mission 8 (roman) the battlefield with an "endless battle" and red flags is the title screen. its the same terrain as the mission 8 battle
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Ceaser: Our Siege Engines cannot damage their base! Goes to dictonary.Defintion of "Siege". Phrases. lay seige to. To conduct a seige of a "BUILDING" Really? Really!
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if you are having trouble on the last level of the roman campaign here is a hint: fully upgrade your fire archers range becouse when you do the range is COLLOSAL and can they can kill most enimies before they evan get close to them. evan a behomith. so set upn your units as: one pesant [ max speed] two fire archers[ max range] and i recomend at least one calvery [even though i took two i prefer upgrading max helth] at the begineng just build fire archers and pesants, but only enough to hold of the enemy, then once you have enogh gold[ about the time all of the reanforcements arive] let them have it!
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the constant textings break up the game and are very frustrating, also the 2 level soldier selection is a pain in the ass. make hotkeys. and 2 rows for soldiers.