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Comments for Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra

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Dec. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) You need to fix the fight system I always lose no matter what because of the people listed have mods 300+ bigger than mine. and it should be made where people of higher levels shouldn't be able to attack you

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Mob size doesn't really come into effect until you hit higher levels and you can only attack other Mobsters 10% above or below your level. If someone outside that range is attacking you that means you provoked them and they have 24 hours to retaliate or until they kill you, whatever comes first. Check here if you need more help:


Dec. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Have you tried putting any points into Stamina and hitting Bosses, trying PVP, Battle Arena or Syndicate Wars? There's more to this game then just Jobs. :)


Dec. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I really love this game 5/5 and favor :)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Glad you're enjoying it and thanks for playing! :)


Dec. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) When will Pirate Clan come out on Kongregate? It shows up as an option at the bottom, but sends me to Viking Clan.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

That looks like a Viking Clan icon to me! :) Pirate Clan is currently on hold to come out to Kongregate although it is still in the cards.


Dec. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I wish there was a button that said "Send everyone on this list their top choices"

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We're taking a look at making Gift sending a bit more efficient in the near future. We'll definitely take your suggestion into account, thanks!


Dec. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i was only here for the badges and i think i actually found a game i can play forever with out getting bored (waiting for energy and stamina dont count)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Congratulations on the badges and we're glad you stuck around! :)


Dec. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Maybe A Leader board for Money in the bank?

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for the suggestion! You can see how much money someone has in the Bank on the World leaderboard. Generally, most players don't rely too much on the Bank to store their cash.


Dec. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) pD2YnACVG

+ - !



Dec. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Can you make a button so we can accept all gifts at once?

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We can certainly look into it! :) Thanks for the suggestion.


Dec. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 5/5 One of my favorite games!!!!

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Glad you enjoy it!


Dec. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Don't forget for codes to add!

+ - !



Dec. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Send to All who sent to ME BuTTon!

+ - !



Dec. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Hey devs/Kong, can you change it so bosses that are full or dead don't show up on the Raids tab? Thanks.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We hear that's a bit of a problem right now. We'll try to get that straightened out.


Dec. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) kano apps i got your message about mobsters but how do you get more people i need to no cause im like im doing great next second im goin to another game and back to this again and when are you next on and can i freind you

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

You can get new Mobsters by putting your invite code into the chat, you can find that on the page labelled Mob. Here is our invite code: TnSuTSa6VB


Dec. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Add me plox? 6uWNf8mo8 - pretty good for an energy game1

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps



Dec. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I happen to enjoy this game...and its badges.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Glad you're enjoying it! :)


Dec. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This Is the exact same as Imob 2, global war and OG. Just they are on iphone.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We've actually been around for quite a while on other networks, we just released to Kongregate earlier this year. We're planning on making some mobile apps, however!


Dec. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This game is entirely "nag your friends" and "click this button, once you have waited enough"

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Sounds like this game isn't for you! That's OK, thanks for at least trying it out. :)


Dec. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) in this game i would recomend a sort of chat like if kongregate chat is not working you have mob wars la cosa nostra and maby less energy consume like in missions or jobs use alot of energy so mayby less energy usage

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for your suggestion on the chat! As for the Energy usage, make sure to fill out your Elite Mobsters; the Mastermind will save you Energy on Jobs.


Dec. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i was thinking how about a slot machine update in mob wars la cosa nostra

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

It's certainly something we could consider, thanks for the suggestion! :)


Dec. 09, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Not very impressive for the genre. A lack of things to do, requiring inviting your friends to the game, a constant cost of money to buy good gear. Overall it is like the rest in the genre suffering from being P2W - Pay to Win, not to mention this one is significantly boring. 2/5

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Hey LordMaceX, you don't actually need to invite your friends to play, you can just drop your Invite code in the chat or on the forums (it's found on your Mob page). Additionally while purchasing items helps, the strength of your Mob is what makes the main difference. Thanks for playing, though. :)


Dec. 09, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Not much to set this apart from similar games, but I'm still here after lvl 315. Good game for wasting a few minutes here and there, or almost an hour at a time. I'm still not fond of games that force me to stop playing, but this one has something that's got me hooked for now. I really didn't think I'd be playing after I got the badges. I also like that the Dev takes the time to respond to most of the comments. Rare for a "pay" game.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for your comment, elitegundam2. We value our community and the comments we receive, even if they aren't all positive. :) Glad you're still playing the game!


Dec. 09, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I hate this genre - 4/5 because it's the best one from this genre that I've played and I am fair. :P

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Hey well thanks very much for the fair rating! If only everyone was as open-minded as you! :)


Dec. 09, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 09, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) fix it i put someone into the hospital while i'm still alive and ok and i lose??? how is that... needs fixing.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We agree that our Battle system can sometimes be confusing which is why we're working on improving what the player sees. That said, putting your opponent in the Hospital and still technically "losing" the fight can occur from time to time.


Dec. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) AWemMxUM9T LVL 432 active-ish

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) vPnSgldZrt

+ - !



Dec. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i already played Mobsters and Mob Wars on MySpace 5 years ago. Why would anyone want to play this cheap ripoff of a money grubbing idea? Boo to you and the so called developers aka game thieves.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

I see that you have a D beside your name, which means you're also a developer. While I appreciate that this game is not for everyone (and is hardly money-grubbing or a rip-off since it was designed with the input of the original Mob Wars creator) I am somewhat saddened by your lack of support for a fellow developer. We're all in this together, you know.


Dec. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Not sure where this goes... wptF4nVyj

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Try putting it in the Add-Me thread:


Dec. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I Overtook the Level 10 Moretti Family Territory, but I did not get my 10 skill points!!!!!!!!!

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Please submit a Support ticket and we'll get your straightened out:


Dec. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Hi! I play everyday since I started ; a great game, thanks KanoApps ! I'd like to suggest something (no, don't punch my head, pleaaaase!): Is it possible to choose the exact number of items in the"Stockpile"? Like typing it ? Sometimes, I have to click a "thousand" times to remove/buy some objects, because of the numbers that don't finish in 0 or 5. Oh, and i'm sorry, I'm not a badass in english. I hope you'll understand something ;) Bye

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Hey, thanks for the suggestion, and thanks for playing our game! I'll run it by the developers. :)


Dec. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) bring back old skill point allocation system

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Any particular reason why you prefer the old one?


Dec. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Not sure if i'm going to be able to keep up with all these multi-player games anymore lol.... It sure is a plus to see badges on this game though

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We're very stoked to have badges! If you rated us highly before, you helped us get them so thanks a lot. :)


Dec. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) kano, since you respond to comments, i have a question for you. I saw a thread that said something about reverse blueprints, and i was wondering how you did that. thanks.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

You have to make an item Elite or Optimal before it can be reverse crafted. This thread should help explain:


Dec. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Came for badges, stayed for fun. I think the complexity of this game is great, once you get the hang of it. Good job developers, it is obvious that a lot of hard work needed to be done to create such a game. Sorry for all the cheap shitstormers who seem to expect a PS4-like gameplay in a free browser game.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Hey ferdi317, thanks for sticking around, and we're glad you're enjoying the game! :) It's true that there are a fair number of people who don't care for Energy games, I guess they'll never know what they're missing out on!


Dec. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Game needs an Accept All button... Its to tedious to accept every present every day every time i logon...

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for your suggestion, Dalorian, I'll pass it along to the developers.


Dec. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Well, I decided to stick with this game and I gotta say, it's way more fun at level 272 than it is at level 50. My main complaint is still the long 2 day cooldown on bosses. Sure, you can do other people's bosses on the Raids tab, but each player is operating on a 2 day cooldown for each boss and you can only join if they share their boss fights, so you can't always find the boss you're looking for. Plus the long cool down time means it takes weeks to unlock new bosses, since you need to beat the prievous boss 5 times to unlock the next one. The whole pay2win thing turns out to be a non issue, since you can get plenty of free Favor Points from doing Turf War challenges, and the number of friends in your mob has a bigger impact on your fight strength than your equipment.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Hey chefcook90, glad you kept playing and that you're enjoying it! The Boss cooldown is something that gets brought up from time to time, so we can certainly look at addressing it. Thanks for your feedback! :)


Dec. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Easy as hell took me 1 day. Pick the energy character and MAX out energy every single time you level. ONLY energy.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Congrats on the badges! We set them fairly low so people can get a fairly decent example of what our game is about and decide whether or not they want to continue.


Dec. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) do you put easter eggs in all of the pictures cause they are cool

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We don't have too many Easter Eggs in our pictures (we do have one very noticeable one in Zombie Slayer, however) but I can always see if we can add some in in the future!


Dec. 01, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Great game.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps



Nov. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I really think low leveled players are missing the fun, because i got in an awesome fight with a person that was online. We attacked each other 80 times, got four levels and a new mobster.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Things do get very exciting at the higher levels! It's worth it to watch your Mobster grow and become more powerful, and you can get in some pretty intense fights.


Nov. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This game fails a big "so what" test in my opinion. There's nothing to hook one to play the game - some sort of interactive PvP, or simulation aspect or a storyline, or etc. etc. It simply feels like I'm staring at numbers grow at the moment, which isn't very engaging nor fun. I literally just clicked random buttons for about ten to twenty minutes and then I became bored to hell. The game has most of the bases covered - the screen size that people complain about, isn't as big as an issue for example; it works fine and mostly lag-less. But it just a standard multiplayer game. Nothing more, nothing less. and that's a horrible quality to possess for a game or any sort of entertainment.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for giving our game a try Helena! There's a decent number of people who enjoy the type of multiplayer we offer, but it's completely understandable if it isn't your cup of tea. :)


Nov. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) good game. I am glad it has badges or else I might never have found out about it

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We're glad you're enjoying it! We're very honored to have badges on Kongregate, and that came from our community rating the game highly. :)


Nov. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Well thanks for playing anyways and congratulations on the badges!


Nov. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) all these negative comments should've went towards legacy of a thousand suns instead lol

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Hey now, that's not very nice! We don't want others to suffer on our behalf. :)


Nov. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I wasnt planning on playing this game, but after seeing how awesome this developer is I think Ill give it a shot.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks very much for giving it a shot, glad we could change your mind! :)


Nov. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


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