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Comments for Free Rider 3

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Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It zooms while I'm in the air? How am I supposed to know how to land? Possibly the worst planning I've ever seen. Sorry.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Did you know you can turn on Steady Cam (click on camera icon or 'C' to toggle on/off) and can Zoom Out with Wheel Mouse or +/-, with Steady Cam on zoom position will stay for the race. Does that help?


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) its a good game, il give u that.. just, what is the big difference between 2 and 3? except for the new menu and that u need to go to a different site for more tracks..

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

OK, need to put this into the description which we will do next but here are the major differences: improved performance over FR2, larger playing area, player saved replays (3 per track), player best times per track to race against friends / compete against leaders, 1000s of community tracks with hundreds added daily, improved track editor and most importantly a dedicated / active development team! Coming soon - checkpoints!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Take an example from happy wheels, please.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Also, for next version we are looking to add a "Training Wheel" bike and level(s) where the rider never bails so that at least players will be a little less frustrated. But please check out pkbelgs best time there are a lot of great riders out there and it is "easy" once you get the hang of it.


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) A game which punishes all but the most touchy fingered of gamers. Yes, that's what we needed. Smh. I don't even know where to start with this. It feels like you're in superspeed and don't have the reflexes to match. At least make the game fun to play, instead of crashing with the slightest mistake.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

What track are you having issue(s) with? Just like riding a bike it does take a little time to get the controls down but once you do you can do some pretty amazing tricks. Check out pkbelg's 100 jump best time replay:


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Thanks for taking the time to check out the game. Do you have any specific feedback on what was a let down / failure in your mind? We love feedback and work hard to act on it, but generic negative statements are pretty difficult to react to, would appreciate specifics.


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Did you pay Kongregate to call your game "hot new game"?

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

No. Free Rider is a popular game that was first released mid-2000's and since then millions of tracks have been created and rode, do you have any specific issues or constructive input on the game?


Feb. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Thanks for taking the time to play FR3. What specific issues do you have with the game? Riding a stickman on tracks created by other players isn't for everyone but if you are having gameplay or other issues we would love to hear about them.


Feb. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) So how do I change the direction I'm facing?

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

'Z' key. You can access all instructions through the "?" top right of the game while playing or track editor.


Feb. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Has anyone ever tried Canvas Rider? Sure, tis game looks better, but performance wise, the gravity is too high, the bikes aren't sturdy enough (if you tap left or right when you're going really fast, you fly off like a bomb just exploded), and when you fall, for some reason, you zoom across the ground for a very short distance and then stop. Personally, I enjoyed the ragdoll-esque body to this unrealistic animation you have in Free Rider 3. Don't get me wrong, I love the graphics better in this game, and the clean layout reminds me of Windows 8 (a good thing!), but there aren't enough pros to balance out the cons. I definitely preferred your franchise for the various vehicles, but those have disappeared in this game. I think that when you started the game, you took a step in the right direction, but when you finished, you took two backwards. You're almost there, but you just need to take a couple tips from Canvas Rider! Thanks, best wishes, you have a game full of potential here!

+ - !



Feb. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) And also a zoom buttom would be awesome! And a drag one too!

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

You know it! Some useful shortcuts: 'C' toggle steady cam on/off, '+/-' OR Mouse Wheel Zoom In/Out, AWSD to move camera in both track editor and play mode, click + drag works in only play mode. For more shortcuts / actions click on '?' top right of game in both play and track create mode.


Feb. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I hope the developer reads this: We need more vehicles like in Free Rider 2, I understand most of the tracks were created for Bikes, but still, it was always fun to play with the other vehicles! You guys should add all the Free Rider 2's vehicles and try to put some more. It would be awesome! Well, I know it may be hard for you guys to do this, but if you can, so please do!

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

We could look to add them to the creator and see if people use them, but our previous data showed very little usage.


Feb. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Too many bugs ...

+ - !



Feb. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Skateboards & Scooters would be cool!

+ - !



Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) On the first level right after the big hill there's this invisible wall that just slams me down through the track... This game had a lot of potential, really it did, but it's ruined early on when you can't get past the first level because of a glitch.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

We will switch out that track today with a different one, we added a couple new ones yesterday. What is happening on that track is if you do not have enough speed going over the gravity you can get sucked through the track, the author that created that track placed too many gravity boosts in certain sections, comes with the joy of player created tracks!


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i like falling into an endless white vortex and spinning like an idiot for about 20 seconds - this entertains me long enough to think of something better to do

+ - !



Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The physics are definitely not the same, they are much much worse in this one. don't try to fool me I have put at least 50 hours into FR2, this is so blatantly obvious within the first minute. Horrible Physics is the #1 reason this game was getting low ratings and should be your priority of fixing. It's a shame because FR2 got a 5 from me but in it currents state I can't bring myself rating over 2. It is borderline unplayable.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

@dubesor FR2 and FR3 physics engine is identical, the code was left untouched. What differences are you noticing in the physics? If there is an issue we will fix asap, doing a diff on the code maps 1:1 and playing same track in FR2 and FR3 plays identical, only difference is the playing area is larger in FR3, some rendering optimizations (less choppy) and camera does not zoom out as far since we increased the playing area. We would love to fix any issue with the physics but we cannot replicate any differences.


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Everyone, + this comment up if you want the old vehicles back. They have responded to me saying "if there is demand for new vehicles or ones from FR2 to be re-added we will consider it." So if you want more vehicles comment or + this comment up.

+ - !



Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) something to add to free rider 4 or a add-on to this,make something where we can make our own vehicles!! pretty plz

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

:=) being considered for FR4!


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I don't really thing anything at all has improved from the last game. The interface is clunky and laggy, the character is much too fragile, the controls unfortunately too responsive to a fault, and the game over all is just so horribly laggy.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Playability over FR2 has not been changed. Physics of riders are identical, it was important to leave this in tact to allow for same re-playability over the millions of player created tracks out there. What has been added / improved: improved performance over FR2, larger playing area, decreased the camera zoom, player saved replays (for sharing with friends / watching later), player best times saved per track (race against friends), official track listing, improved track editor (add/remove lines) and an active development team behind the game. Have you checked out some of the other players best times on the leaderboard, watched their ghost rides? Not a simple addition to get all those things working properly. With respect to to the lag, do you have the latest flash player version and a decent computer? If FR3 is lagging for you where FR2 is not for the exact same track there is something wrong that we would need to look into but in our tests it looks like an improvement.


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Unless they add more vehicles, the only pro is the easy level browsing, but hey, there was already a website dedicated to that, so, I'm not impressed. I'm not disgusted, I'm disappointed.

+ - !



Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I said nothing about time travel or the previous Free Rider games. It is this particular Free Rider that so resembles Happy Wheels.

+ - !



Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Based on feedback we have just released a new version with the track editor in game. Uploading of tracks is still only available at Kano Games. We will hopefully have another update shortly that will fix a bug for outdated flash players.

+ - !



Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) No matter what I do, on most tracks the bike behaves totally unnatural almost all the time my bike spasm out and I fall through the track. I don't find it enjoyable at all, compared to FR2 this is rubbish. Looks like no one actually tested the bike behavior.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Just like in FR2, if you don't have enough speed / momentum going over areas with gravity you can get sucked through the ground! What tracks were you getting sucked through the ground and were you going full speed? The physics is exactly the same as FR2.


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) No sound :(

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

What would you like to hear? We have been considering some basic bike sounds for future versions, nothing too crazy as we find majority of players enjoy rocking out to their own tunes.


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) checkpoints on the race can ease a lot the restart pain^^

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Agreed! We are looking into checkpoints this week, we hope it is something we can tackle easily.


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) what about Y changing direction?

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Any particular reason why "Y" would be better than "Z", currently "Z" switches direction.


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @FunnyFarm Free Rider came out way before Happy Wheels did.

+ - !



Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I Notice i can find ALL of these tracks and a lot more for Free Rider 2 on Free Rider 1&2, are way better.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

What features do you enjoy more in FR1 + FR2? We are looking to add the track creator into 2 hopefully today. Besides that, the track database on Kano Games is the only official Free Rider track DB.


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) lol, ill give ya 4 stars for the witty comback, but...the game isnt too good

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Figure some kind of response is better than no response at all! Have you played Free Rider 2 before or is Free Rider 3 your first intro to the game?


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Yes please! Please tell Jim about our time travelling abilities (see response below), he would likely be very interested to know that time travel does indeed exist and Free Rider is it's proof!


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) they tried coyping happy wheels

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Oh no you caught us! Free Rider was developed by time traveling to 2010 (when Happy Wheels was released), copying happy wheels then jumping back in time to 2007 to release Free Rider and then again to 2008 to release Free Rider 2, and now finally 2013 for FR3! Come on now, if we could time travel we would do something far cooler than "copying" a flash game.


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Aww... i had high expectations, maybe more playable vehicles or something new, all this is is free rider 2, with an easier way to get tracks, and only the bmx bike =/

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Both the MTB and BMX are playable, bikes are just selected by the track creators. We eliminated other vehicles as +95% of the tracks are created with either the BMX or MTB.


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Its way too fast, thats the only way I can describe my gripe with the game. I feel like I'm on the edge of my seat and have to focus way too hard on playing, when in the last game I could just relax and play some Free Rider 2, but now I can barely even see what I'm playing because it feels like it goes so fast.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Hmm, the speed should be the same. We did modify the zooming of the camera though. Have you tried disabling camera mode and zooming out a bit, does that change the feeling of the speed?


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Its... Ok. Its more or less of a glitchy fragile person verson of Happy Wheels... I like the old oned much better.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

What do you like more in FR2?


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This is a very nice game, but it seems unpolished. I can usually only spend 5 minutes on it because the lack of soundtrack makes it feel empty, and there are lots of missing features here that other similar games had.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Staying true to Free Rider we didn't want to add music, etc that could take away from the experience, we find players usually enjoy rocking out to their own tunes more. We are looking into add some bike sounds into a future version though, would that be something you would like to see/hear? As for the missing features, can you be more specific? We loaded FR3 up with new features: saved replays, best times to race against others and updates to track editor are just a few of the many new features. We plan to add checkpoints to this version and will look to start tackling that this week. Thanks for the feedback.


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Does anyone else feel that this game is like Happy Wheels?

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Hmm well since Free Rider came out before Happy Wheels, could be the reverse of what you just said :)


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Why only bikes? In FR2 you can select more vechiles not only BMX and mountain bike. How about adding more vechiles?

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Over 95% of the tracks made were with either BMX or Mountain Bike, if there is enough demand we will consider adding new vehicles.


Feb. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) "Long awaited sequel" it says, with a rating of 3 stars....

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Looks like the rating is getting punished for having a track editor offsite as well as a bug that is impacting players with outdated flash (about 6-10%). We should have an update out today to fix both those issues.


Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The arrow keys seem to stick a lot, don't know if that's my fault but awesome feature to have pre-made tracks right there in the menu though!

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) All I think this game lacks is the ability to save tracks and play them on kong, Also a possibility of badges would be nice.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Unfortunately the development effort to add that to the flash version was just too much which is why it currently only exists on Kano Games. To improve performance we have a version in development that will be re-written in HTML5 where we plan to bring to Kong and will give those features.


Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It makes me sad how everyone rates down because it's a little slow or hard.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Well you know what they say riding a bike isn't easy at first but... Definitely good feedback though as we will look to add a tutorial of some kind for future versions.


Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) great, I was reading all the comments and thought to myself: sounds like fun! actually it is fun...but did anybody try to press "Down" to slow down? Right, you do a face plant. every time. funny the first time, but why include a suicide button?

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) on the second map i die from landing on the ground right away...... WHY?!?!?!?!

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

In Escape the Cave? What buttons were you pressing? You should be able to land fine by just pressing up.


Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 100 Jumps Fixed: k, only 100 *5 mins. later: k, jump 20 after 10 tries 1 hr. later: k finally made it to jump 20 ?: still loses at jump 20, looks at time: I'VE BEEN HERE FOR 3 HOURS! FUUUUUUUUUU

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

It is a super hard track, takes a lot of practice to complete that track. We are working on adding checkpoints so hopefully we will have an update here shortly. Check out @pkbelg's run over on KG for some tips:


Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This game is impossible on a slow computer. Especially with a cat on the computer table. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game. These are more of my own problems.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

We can't do much for the cat but have a version that should perform well on the slowest of computers, understand that doesn't do much for you right now but should give you something to look forward to!


Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) *sees Free Rider 3 on the frontpage* me: omfg :D *click*

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The eery silence.

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Very fun! all though No. 2 I found was a bit better like the built in track sharing! And glad Free Rider was added to Kongregate!

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Based on some of the initial feedback we added the track editor to Free Rider 3, if you have any more feedback for us let us know!


Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I'm a fan of the free rider games, but what happened to all the vehicle choices? Those were perhaps the most fun part of the game. I also seem to have a problem with the change direction command, it only does it when it wants to. I don't know if it's just me, or if everyone has this problem. i'm just saying you might wanna check it out.

+ - !


Developer response from kanogames

Do you have the latest version of flash?


Feb. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This is like the old palm os game ''bike or die''

+ - !


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