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Jun. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) there is a fire axe, machete and a chainsaw in the armory, WHY CAN I NOT USE THEM! I WANT DEATH!!!

+ - !



Jun. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) make a sequel,maybe TV zed,where you can upgrade the entire building,random passage of survivalist merchants,maybe even the use of suply management,like,a survival pass,hire him,put him on a group and send them to get suplys like ammo while you defend the place,and manage who stays to defend,search and hunting groups and managing the entire building like setting barricades inside it,in case,but still be abble to get out to defend like in this one,and another thing,fatal headshots,multiple spread shot guns (shotguns),piercing shot(rifles,semi-rifles,auto-rifles,etc...),dismemberment and be available 5 special upgrades(or more)instead of 3 (cause im an upgrade fan XD) and make weapons have 3 upgrade limit,at your choice,and evry of them cost the same to put,like,on a pistol i chose rapid-fire acuracy and ammo capacity mods. It would be one of the greatest outbreak survival games,ever!

+ - !



Jun. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) AUG?! OMG on kino der toten nazi zombies for wii you can buy it :D

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) need special,guns more players, maby multiplayer, needs to be able to move the people to the radio, more guns for the helpers, rate up if u agree.

+ - !



May. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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May. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) zombies:argggg....we are climbing up and up just for a radio........arggghhh......

+ - !



May. 24, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I hope its an FM radio....

+ - !



May. 22, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Overall a very fun a game. Though there are some details i think should be addressed to make this an even better game. First and foremost: a shotgun. Duh. Second: add ways to get extra survivors to help or something. It would make it more fun. Third: the female sniper does suck. Fourth: add things you can build, like turrents, grenades(idk), and spikes barricades. Fith: more stat increases for your helpers, later on they dont relly do much. Still, this was a very fun game. I look foward to a sequel. :D

+ - !



May. 16, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Good game but some issues...first of all the female sniper just sucks. I spend 90% of my time covering her ass. Once you get the saw the zeds are lucky to even get close to your baricades which gives me pause to continue playing because im just running through the motions again and again but it is a good game. Ill be looking for a sequel

+ - !



May. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) good game but NEEDS SHOT GUNS AND BETTER SNIPER RIFLES!!!!!!!!!!

+ - !



May. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Here is a board to show what each upgrade do to your character: Health: augment the health! Educability: augment the number of special point your receive! Accuracy: your bullets goes mores straight! Speed walking: You walk faster! Reload speed: Your reload faster! (i tough it only reloads faster after the third upgrade) Headshot damage: when a bullet goes to a zombie head, it hits harder! Luck: augment the cash your earn by killing zombies! I hope that board will help you all! P.S: all the information was gather when i searched. Like educability and luck that others found and i compiled! (Just to make sure some won't get hungry i stole their data!

+ - !



May. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great game so far! For one, there needs to be more info on the upgrades available in game(I.E what does luck do? How much more accurate?). The barriers are basically pointless after round 1 or 2, especially during the first clumped up wave. I really enjoy how the building self upgrades depending on how far you are. The weapons are okay, I just really miss the ol' faithful (shotgun me please?). Idk what the complaint about the weapons not being "different" enough is all about...... they're about as varied as you would expect in real life. Uzi has a big clip and is not very accurate, the sniper has a smaller clip and does a bunch of dmg accurately, the pistol is horrible, just like reality! The team is good, again they do about what you would expect in real life aside from the fact they have apparently perfected the art of hiding from zombies in plain sight.

+ - !



May. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) needs a way so that u can get more survivers to help u and be able to pick there starting weapons because is it just me or does the girl with the sniper rifle suck

+ - !



May. 02, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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May. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Apr. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Last gun just owns so much, Wave 40 none of the zombies reached my barrier on either side. Good game just way to easy with the last gun

+ - !



Apr. 24, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I Had a strategy, which worked wonderfully up until 15. Barriers:Not needed. Barriers bassically only slow the onslaught, which I find dosen't help all that much, and it wastes money. Just try and be keen. Player setup:Once you get to the third story building, here's how I do it: I Go up to the third floor. No distractions on first, on second, Willson starts killing zombies. the ones he miss, me and summer get. If we both let some through up to radio transmitter, go up and kill them. Skill points:Immediatly the first things you want to upgrade are headshot damage and Reload speed. I find the reload unrealistically slow. Damage is important in survival. Zombies:Try to distract them by getting near the zombies. they'll start following you. they Almost Never attack the CPUs, which I find good. Teammates:You definetly want to upgrade them. It'd be smart, and a help to your survival.

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Note on the hard levels a full moon is up. Wolf Zombies!

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Luck does something to the money, just noticed I had more after upgrading it to 15$ mark.

+ - !



Apr. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) eera, you're level 1. you're new. you're gonna have to a) speak clearly, b) be rational. also, please give reasons for your opinion. Great game 4/5!

+ - !



Apr. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) THE INTERNET WAS MADE FOR THIS GAME! I LOVE IT! Although it could use improvement. Like instead of just adding more zombies each wave use special zombies. I made it to wave 26 and there were so many zombies it became impossible. Also I agree to anyone who wants to add diversity to your weapon arsenal. Maybe add some melee weapons that you don't have to wait to reload. Melee weapons would also allow you to (unlike what i said above) just keep adding more zombies every wave. I think most people would agree with me on this

+ - !



Apr. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I can't seem to get the save working right... Is there a save?

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Good game! One of its problems is the fact there is no point of keeping playing when you have bought/upgraded every thing.. unless you want score.. add some sort of an ending?

+ - !



Apr. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) this is from tea games

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Apr. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Apr. 07, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) whoa whoa whoa, that wasn't 500, that was 5000

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Apr. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) it wold be good if you could do duel pistols...

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Mar. 31, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) educability makes you get moar special points :D

+ - !



Mar. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Want. Isometric. View. (Like the menu screen)

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Mar. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) could do with some background music...

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Mar. 30, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Stupid people,why didn't they just turn off the damn radio if it "attracts" zombies?!

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Mar. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) really good man i liked it but way to hard, as said above the guns all feel the same, and the accuracy upgrades didnt work me thinks, the bullets always went everywhere, and headshots didnt really work

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Mar. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) needs multiplayer

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Mar. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) lolz i jumped off the roof of a 2 story building and took no damage XD

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Mar. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I found out educability makes zombies follow you more and luck lets you get more money

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Mar. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i think educability makes zombies follow you more instead of going for the radio and luck increases the amount of headshots

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Mar. 18, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) What do educability and luck do?

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Mar. 16, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Mar. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) addicting game indeed but i have a few questions. Which one is wilson and which one is summer? What does educability do? and how many waves are there? overall this game rocks!

+ - !



Mar. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) lol, i was shooting heaps of stuff, then i stopped to reload and i heard: naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww..............lawlz..................

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Mar. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) boytionc is right because this says he made it he didnt

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Mar. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i mean im at wave 46

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Mar. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Kendja said that he/she fixed the bug that makes no more wave after the 45th wave and im at wave 45 and i just the game to write this

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Mar. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) great game, got to wave 40 some and my browser froze and i had to quit :( i had 40 achievements and at the end of the wave was going to get the last two... D: but yes, badges plz :D

+ - !



Mar. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Mar. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This game are gewd ! But need some news things .. Oh and the graphics are so kewl ! :D

+ - !



Mar. 08, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I like this game, the whole look of it is really good, but it really needs more depth to it, i got to wave 41 and i'm now to bored to go on, but the idea of the game is great, it must have a sequel and this time with a good story line behind it...

+ - !



Mar. 08, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) you know when you walk of the edge of the building to get to the bottom then by accidently go past the barricade.... but dont worry you can just walk past it.... oh wait you cant and a horde of unstoppable zombies attack you.... brings meaning to the phrase between a barricade and a horde of zombies....

+ - !



Mar. 02, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) yknow this odly reminds me of The Last Stand only this is way worse and you cant get your guys to pick up a different weapon, by the way, Summer sucks with his sniper, he would be better off with an AK like his friend but guess what? YOU CANT CHANGE THEIR WEAPON. I like the idea but needs alot more content and maybe a storyline? How about searching the town or something.

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) should be a multiplayer, like one online person, playing as Wilson or Summer and then u fight off together.

+ - !


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