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Comments for KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People

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May. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) When you make a transistor it should label the Base, Collector, and Emitter leads...

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May. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I like the music, and this is pretty cool seeing I just did this in my electronics classike

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May. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Oh how I want this game to be in past, when I was learning Physical Basics of Electronics - only now I see how those things really work! Thanks for good game, Comrade ;)

+ - !



May. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Also, the levels are sort of "tutorials" in and of themselves: they secretly teach you the raw basics, by making you crawl through the mud to figure them out yourself. Then you can use and build on what you've just learned in the later levels. The fact that there're levels that give absolutely NO hint and you have to grasp at the straws to invent something makes me feel like I'm actually making my own discoveries, not just mindlessly blowing through a game. IMO it's about damned time we got a game that doesn't hold you hands through every little damned thing. Coming from a stint in WoW, this is a damned refreshing feeling.

+ - !



May. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Hmmm. I've read up to page 4 of the comments while searching for tips, and a lot of the complaints mention how hard it is to even understand the rules of this game. While the lack of a proper hands-on tutorial makes the learning curve look like Mt. Everest, the journey up that steep, steep slope constituted half the fun. The other half is finally figuring out a puzzle after you've learned just WTF each component does and how they work together!

+ - !



May. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) To draw P silicon, hold down shift. That changes "Silicon (N)" (#1) to "Silicon (P)". Similarly, shift will change "Delete Silicon" (#5) to "Delete Metal".

+ - !



May. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) how do you draw P silicon?

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Apr. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I thought nothing could top the Codex of Alchemical Engineering... I was wrong.

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Apr. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Apr. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) It hurts my brain... but why is it so fun?

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Apr. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Apr. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Apr. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) how do you play this game?????????????!!!!!!!!!??????? ARRGGHGHHHHHHHH!!H!!!!!!

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Apr. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Kongregate chat room Echo Hall has become an unofficial meeting place to discuss this game. There are about 5 Kohc players (including me) of various knowledge levels who usually hang out there. I am the most knowledgeable and I'm best person to ask for help, when I am not available you can try mentioning Kohc in chat there. There's a good chance someone else may respond.

+ - !



Apr. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) faved so i can play it once i understand WTF do iu do with a visa

+ - !



Apr. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I have no idea how to do this, and I cant do the first level even WITH the tutorial, but because it's by the makers of The Codex Of Alchemical Engineering, I have given it 5/5 and favourited it, becuse it's probably just as fantastic if I knew how to do it.

+ - !



Apr. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) eNrtmWFOwzAMhandPzsDV+A/Z+H+F0EqEo0d5yVz2Baq12lT0ec3J479VGD/2N9v X9vtc9vfMi8KKZwVyvCrEm5Dr1DYz9YU9rIBIc4GhShbR9jO1hW2sg0I42xDwijb oFCywmTG5B6TVU2eY7Jzkr2anI7kPCYdIOk5dHIKFxcej3PSvg6qquF7norY9YTp h4POzzaXNG4EDHLp4jjgr7isi/tbk4VxvPrm3s4WboWUbf6CmMaK52N+q/kTEM+y j5CpgOMH73nFkmuHOW71/Noy6pE22LLfIX8mfRbVCmhJPVZL1UFH1UJP1cCKaglr quLuLVV766kWd3dqYV64ZrhfWCtYZ3hG8Hw5CytTWuWzqfrLaiNYfHMAy7w1NKuq oF2zh25HDvr9Ogvx1dCJSkItzAvXDPcLawXrDM8Inm+nNzhHtMorUQ2IDj9XaASL QYscpBjSwF7KAa+9x5hDFWaNxadwpuTye0OTvJFCLcwL1wz3C2sF6wzPCJ4v7I1O X3EGaZX/zyrrZ4OzpTW6SEmDzhHTOZwyWuXVrDKehuqvc9EvWVhLem060xucwTWs 8jH/USIlJSXtUV3EkQatMn7PU7YHKSnpvfQFjvQN1zDOZQ==

+ - !



Mar. 31, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Finally damned level 15 is done!!!!!!!GRENADE LUNCHER NOW!!!!!

+ - !



Mar. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Tip for level 7: Start with a SET-RESET circuit (level 6 solution) and figure out a way to toggle it with just the one input.

+ - !



Mar. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Beryllium8, a or gate is equal to a couple NPNs linked one side to vcc and the other to the exit which are to be linked togheter, the p side is the imput

+ - !



Mar. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) stuck at lvl 7, DOH

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Mar. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Stuck at Level 3 (4-Input AND/OR Gate). I figured out the AND gate, but I can't seem to make the OR gate. Help!

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Mar. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Mar. 18, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) In a way, that this game (and the others by krispykrem, such as Codex of Alchem. Engineering) are hard to figure out is part of the fun. Anyway, great game!

+ - !



Mar. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @BettoRomeo Shift + click for P silicon and delete metal.

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Mar. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) for everyone having problem with speed of the text in the tutorial, JUST PRESS PAUSE! It's in the upper right corner :)

+ - !



Mar. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) How to swithc silicon types? How to delete metal?

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Feb. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I would really REALLY like to be able to test my own inputs. the verification test is unwatchable. but great game

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Crucial tutorial instruction that just kinda flashes by: "By drawing N silicon over P silicon which creates a PNP gate which conducts current through the P silicon ONLY IF NO current is conducted in the N silicon. By drawing P silicon over N silicon, we create an NPN gate which conducts current across the N silicon ONLY IF current IS conducted through the P silicon." FYT (fixed your typ0)

+ - !



Feb. 24, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @krakenen: do you mean by memory bit a NAND couple? (one input to each NAND, and each NAND output inputted into the other NAND)?

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Feb. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Feb. 18, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i cant under stand the reset generator >_>

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Feb. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) wtf can someone explain this please?

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Feb. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Diodes would be nice. >.<

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Um...a problem on level's my design:eNrtmlsagiAQRpXhxTW0hd5bS/vfSIRooly8YGYe+bT6zgwY4/yOkb7rW/Osm0et qzUNxxM5qnWOtW3MKo444ogjjssco/eP/IiKWV3uaMs5Fd8sFZHgvp2amJmDqPYg 9tNw5Pc5OgNdieEZE/MytVADA9ND3iI0jDOxmxJRQazcmwhv5/xjNjHpWiwQ6TBB ob9N/avbN3CJ1afOiFoB6LQigbvu9xau6LeepahQKBR6bYpUpqkwG1BoASpI5V+L ofiYCx4KXUW9TDqlkCKV1I1QKFUlUrmNCkIKhZaoKq8hlZtXlPqV8OCJzaCjJ+GS NHO/O3+IodCD6TjTplSW0X3WuItIZXjfTmdXd98PsQz+35D4BYZ0gEJzUtlmvRTr +QBFegE+mcbZ What makes the 2 gates work differently?(Err, although it works...)

+ - !



Feb. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) To make a toggle, create a memory bit, then wire up a NOT gate to each input. For the condition input of each NOT gate, wire those up to opposite outputs of the memory bit. For the power inputs, wire those up to a single input. Then, whenever a signal is received, it will be routed to the input whose memory output is currently *not* on. If it doesn't work, try switching which inputs the NOT gates go to.

+ - !



Feb. 08, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) could someone please post a flip-flop or a latch, I can't, for the life of me, make the ones I draw work

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Feb. 08, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) does this game take into account channel/base width and length?

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Feb. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This right here is why i wasnt a Russian Engineer during WW2... the Russians wouldve lost the battle before it had started >.<

+ - !



Feb. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) You need to make it clear that this game is based on transistors and stuff, that way people won't get so intimidated by the tutorial. That said, the tutorial isn't that great either, you should just have a bunch of diagrams instead.

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I don't understand what to do! That video helps not at all!

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Jan. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I wanted to play, but the video is waaaaaay to fast to read, and the game is a bit hard to go playing blind. Better instructions please.

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Why are people freaking out about level 6? It's just a simple SR flipflop. Build two not gate with two inputs, and make the out put of each split, acting as one of the inputs of the other. Provide a short pulse from a +vcc set to block itself to get the system going without oscillating like crazy until the first input is sent.

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) because i played the game on zachtronic industries i know this its a bit hard but its playable

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Jan. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Just wish it had a "debug" level where you could control the inputs yourself. It'd be pretty useful for figuring out how to build a gate or circuit without just going and looking it up.

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Jan. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) NEVER use a tutorial video. Tutorial LEVELS do much more good.

+ - !



Jan. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jan. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) In Soviet Russia children make dual fixed frequency oscillator for fun

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Jan. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) lol, my design for power-on-reset has a score of 89, but matches the verification *PERFECTLY*: eNrtmUEOgyAQRQvDxjP0Ct33LL3/RZpgalRwmMICiA+iRl4+gwn+zGh4hefyccvb hUdNR4gQIUKECBGOKnTZborok24UVkd0yQpMz7gu7hz/jhsgpnP+ukUqItmjnepx oVDoCDS+s7Flqai0UrsOyn6Oro5kskooFAq9N8UqoVBoicrWK2Y+S/+Ke7xilVAo dOgCXLM7tQDPeKXZDHcFOFYJhULnySpFzRtFM8Ph80asEgqFtmWVpbxRNcN67U8j sxTg/OOGQu9dgGtFtF6eS2nmCyo+e+7mSEarzB/tlG0Jhc5A683Q275zplZ5GNzu ejnSF8f+xvo= Now go make a 1-Byte RAM :D That's my favorite but sadly I can't post it because then people will skip that level... :( Lastly, as encouragement to those who are struggling, the names of the classified circuts are really cool; like "Grenade Launcher Ammo Counter" and "Gatling Cannon Fire Controller". At the end you get to see what you've been building.....

+ - !



Jan. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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