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Comments for Snakes On A Cartesian Plane

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Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) arrrrrrggghhhh screw rattlesnake

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) this is just... amazing work, it's the most creative version of snake, as well as making it the most addictive (iv'e played it for quite a few hours now). congratulations for re-vitalizing this great classic game 5/5 +fav

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Cthulhu is bored by your primitive contraptions. ;)

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Is Mamushi a japanese snake ? I hope one day every language of earth will be mixed into one so that everyone can understand each other ^^

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Seeing 15+ looks really ugly to me, just some kind of different color in a corner would do. Besides, I think it would be better if it showed you the Dev score when you die. And, have you considered a Customized Skin? Other than that, awesome game 5/5

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

It would of been a decent amount of code for me to implement that at this stage but people really wanted some indication of which modes they had gotten the dev score on so I figured it was better than nothing. I'll probably add the dev scores on death in my next update.


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Minor Bug: If you score exactly the Dev score, you don't get "Dev+" credit, even though if you score exactly 15, you get "15+" credit. This happened when I scored exactly 20 on Python. I played again and got it unlocked by scoring over 20.

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

This is because you need to beat the dev scores for things to happen while you only need 15 for python unlocking. I probably should word this better.


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Holy crap, I beat a dev score? That kind of makes up for all the others being impossible.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Best snake i've played in awhile great job!

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) When I die i would also like to see the Dev score as well. I keep forgetting what I am shooting for and have to quit to the level select menu and look again.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Is 42 the meaning of Passage, or is Passage the meaning of 42?

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I've onlocked 5 snakes - no badge. pastel colors make my eyes bleed.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Anybody else realize that (most of) these snakes are also on tori? Aside from that, 5/5 for the name and for bringing back classics!

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Coral snake game is one of those lovely "turn-round-the-keyboard" moments..

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Close page -> Advance System Clock 1 day -> Reopen game -> Came back another day ! :D

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) What happens if a snake bites its tail and keeps eating it???

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Dear Developer, please drink a couple shots before going for a high score. Your scores put my feeble attempts to shame. Really fun game - never would've thought I'd end up playing snake again!

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

Will do :)


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I enjoy that it says the dv. high so I can try to be better than the ones who coded it.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Was ready to give it a 5/5 just for the music then I played the game... 10/5.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) 5/5 just because you integrated Samuel L. Jackson and math.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) It would be nice if you explained the rules for a level. I quit playing because I got bored of dying or not being able to control the snake, for reasons I couldn't understand.

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

The rules are hinted at at the side of the screen when hovering over. Doesn't it feel good when you finally manage to figure it out yourself instead of needing to be spoon fed? Also I think you might be talking of Viper, which like the character Zoolander you can't turn left.


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i love this game its like the classic snake with a twist 5 stars and favorited for me! :)

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Tip for passage (and really any snake game): Only use the right and up keys. Go mainly right, and when you are about to hit your tail, go up two or three. Yes it's redundant, but it works (got up to 76).

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) to easily get the come back another day badge just change the time on your computer. + to keep alive!

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I consider it an achievement that I got 15+ on everything else without unlocking the rat snake, ringneck or death adder, or passage obviously.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) turning your keyboard upside down makes coral easier if you didn't figure it out already

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This is an incredible game, if only for the creative spin you put on such an old, old concept. I'm jealous, really. Good job, 5 stars.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Anyone who is enjoying this didn't play "snake" until their eyes bled on their Vic 20 in the 80s because it was one of the only games available.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) that moment you get your head stuck in your butt on krait

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Ignore my comment. I just realized that the top area of the sea snake level is where you go up for air. 5/5

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) So I came back on a different day to find all of my progress erased :l welp it was fun while my save existed.

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

Did you let it use a bit of memory on your system? If you said no to that little pop up then the game isn't able to save any data. Also are you using the same browser as before?


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

Did you do it via the cheap unlock in the options menu. You were warned twice that it locks out badges.


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) gettin`Burmese like a boss!- on the next day 00:01 xD i love this game

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Great game though I found one bug. On the asp I was playing when the second seed spawned the seed wasn't inside of it but appeared somewhere else. Though the third seed has no problem.

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

If the pit is beside another deadly pill it does that as the engine didn't have moving death pieces (or really tracking them well once spawned) implemented so I just moved all the good pills instead.


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I've had it, with this motherf**king snakes on this motherf**king plane!

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Snake was great. This snake is greater.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Trouser snake, lol

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Very creative game! Really enjoyable and a nice take on Snake.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Just a small hint for the ones that are waiting for the "Come back another day"... Click your Clock and change the date of your computer, Refresh the page.. And done!Unlocked: Burmese! + To keep this alive!

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I have to say this a truly masterpiece of originality. Indeed, this is the best version of snake I've played and I guess I'll play in my whole life. I can`t help saying I loved every single level (except the boom one, which I think is insanity level) and they made me want to beat every dev record. In conclusion, my congratulations to the developer/s who have done an awesome work and in my opinion the kind of originality that we want to see in kong. This is the kind of occasion in which I would rate more than 5 but I can't. Hope the rating gets better because this is truly a materpiece.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) double points!? 15/5...without double points 5/5. Amazing game! Would be nice if you had a little "rules section" pop up right before each new snake. For passage make it say, no moving west or something.

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

Theres a vague hint to it at the side of the screen when you hover over. I think it's fun when the player has that "Ah-ha" moment and figures it out themselves, people are smart enough that they don't need to be spoon fed everything.


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The Rattlesnake needs serious repair, it's bugged :o

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, although a few things I noticed: 1. King Snake seems to bug up at times: I've had runs where after collecting a few pellets the "collectable" pellets stop moving, yet other times everything seems fine. I certainly don't want to rain on everyone's parade, so I won't encourage you to fix it or anything. XD 2. I managed finally to beat all the scores you set, and unlocked... uh, "0o0" at the bottom next to the menu buttons. And when I click it... I get some sort of password? Could you elaborate, please?

+ - !


Developer response from netgrind

I could... ;)


Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Haha... Trouser Snake wants to be the biggest one around if you know what I mean.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) *curses repeatedly* I was never good at the classics.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Re: Death Adder. AAAAAAARGH x.x

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Snake, Rattle & Roll!

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i thought the last snake would be a combination of all the previous ones

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Get around the "wait a day" by moving your clock forward 1 day, then refreshing the page. This game is fantastic. 5/5

+ - !


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