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I have to keep the enemy guessing, it seems to head to where you are heading to meet you there. Constantly change direction.
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This game gets faster every 10 points. Starting at 30, point-cubes start spawning on the edge rows which further increases the difficulty. By the mid 50s you have to be in constant reaction without ever even a fraction of a second pause. The best way of measuring your skill and tracking progress in this game is not by your highest score, which is subject to quite high variance, but by your probability of getting one more point. I disagree with the advice to take your time. You cannot get on the first page of high scores without getting to a game speed that is constant reaction mode, so you might as well have all your game time be practicing that. Although it's trivial to learn to make the orange cubes orbit you at the beginning speed, it is a pointless skill that won't help you at all in the 40s & 50s, and won't help you get the edge blocks starting at 30 either, although it is still useful in the 20s to slow the orange blocks down long enough to get a mental break.
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I played this game for about 10 minutes before I ever figured out that you were supposed to try and hit as many purple squares as you could before dying. Then the game went from mildly entertaining to being the single greatest challenge of my life.
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It seems the AI has to know it can come at you in a straight line.... Just gotta keep curving. Best is 6, only 100 more tries until I get a good high score... 1.. *Die* 2... *Die* 3......
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The ai is interesting. Always calculates, where you will be in order to hit you. Apart from that, I just find this pretty frustrating :P 4/5 though
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please tell me someone has gotten past 6... im losing faith in my spatial awareness every second of playing this game
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Top things I say while playing this game:
2)How does it know im gonna go there?!? :(
3)Just one more go
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O.....kay. Any game where you start off with a score of 0, and get to a point where you shout, "Yes!" when you reach 10... is a game worthwhile.
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Tip for anyone having trouble: Notice that the drones do not aim at you; instead, they aim for the point where they will collide with you if you do not change direction. Try moving in the same direction as the drones, and they will accelerate more, which will make it easier to make them overshoot you (watch out for rebounds though). Also, it seems their accelerate increase with score, not time, so do not be afraid to take your time collecting points if it makes it easier to dodge them.
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This game feels like playing with two yoyos made of silly string, tied to table-sized blocks of slippery soap ... while dancing
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You want to get a good score? Be patient and instead of trying to make the score blocks your priority, make survival the priority and pounce on opportunities to get the score blocks