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The irony is that getting 25 big diamonds is the easiest trophy in its row, and the hard badge basically requires me to keep refreshing the page until I get all the others. It's frustrating, but at least there's a "Laugh" option on the menu!
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@Neosublimation ("Oh, what a coincidence. I ran out of fuel after collecting 24 big diamonds."):
I was laughing. Then the exact same thing happened to me, too. Coincidence?
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Very nice game, but the drops are quite messed: if in the very first days you can get enough money to properly upgrade your mole, you're gonna waste more days than you can afford in the effort to reach the 300,000$ you need.
At least, allow us to decide where to start digging since money is randomly placed.
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It's a pretty good game but wow, I am terrible at this. It's really hard to control it even with full steering and it seems like I have to be really lucky to come across the good stuff sometimes. It's a good game, but way tougher than it looks. 4/5
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@qwertyuiopazs: Diamonds, in real life, are artificially scarce, not naturally scarce: they are one of the most common gems and are only worth a lot because the companies that own the diamond mines only release a small percentage at a time to keep the prices for diamonds up. If all of the diamonds mined were actually released on the market they would be worthless compared to what they are currently worth.
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Actually, if large diamonds were buried as densely underground as they are in this game, a diamond almost the size of a car could easily be worth less than 750$ due to the laws of supply and demand.
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know what this game needs? a link to kong so that I can open up kong in the middle of a game that i'm playing on kong
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okay i did everything i could like going straight down and on max everything cant hit the max feet drilled. cant collect 25 diamonds. NO WAY IN ALL OF KONGREGATE CAN YOU GET THAT MUSH $.
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Wait a second, how are you supposed to get the final depth trophy (2600) when, with all the upgrades, you get "too much pressure" after 2500 feet?
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The 300k badge should be rated inpossible and the medium should be rated hard. The most I got was 23 large diamonds trying with all upgrades maxed after week 15. I finished with 150k. How the hell was I supposed to get those 300k? o_0
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Sorry, the effective one is actually at depth 1870s, I once get $36000 in a single run, and end the game with $329125 (after tax).
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*cough cough* after you've maximized everything, the place to get maximum income is just when the music change on the place lots of giant diamonds, 28000 per run if successful.