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Feb. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) have you seen that bug where if you are on while your spin comes you can spin that and refresh and have another spin.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Please send me a detailed explanation by private message :)


Feb. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) they are working on it

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I am having a bug where i cant see my words in my chat until i refresh. started happening today D:.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Hi, chat was down, sorry for the inconvenience.


Feb. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) There should be a penalty for quitting a quest before it ends, or a price for starting a quest. If you start a 5-player quest and 2 people quit or lag out, leaving 3 people to finish the impossible, then those left to finish the quest should receive the fine\entry fee from the players who quit to compensate them. How much time is wasted by failed quests that fail only because half the players suddenly disappear? It's frustrating and wasteful, and other than having to coordinate reliable game partners, there's no solution as is.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

I understand your frustration, however there is no perfect solution. If we make it too penalizing, people will just hang around if they don't want to play. Afkers & leavers are always annoying. Team up with friends to avoid them :)


Feb. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

AWESOME! I'm gonna keep that one! :D


Feb. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i hate doing duels now, because someone is always going to kill you with over powered equip and ships becaused they flashed their money, scavange uranium and try not to level up too much

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Hi unknown, in order to perform as well as possible you should always have your research, weapons and gear at the maximum level possible for your current ship's level.


Feb. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) mr.sublinet, you cant kill soeone ofower leveli get form other coments, so what if a lower level steals your stuff?

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Loots are reserved to the killer for 5s :)


Feb. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) anyone from nix

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Didn't get that :p


Feb. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Would be really cool if we had rare loot. Id suggest rare equipment and weapon components drops and a system with which they could be crafted

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

We'll be adding very rare gems soon :)


Feb. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) My position is fixed after some time, thank you.

+ - !



Feb. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) game is cool

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Thanks ! :)


Feb. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I am stuck in the Arena, my opponent "novaBot" keeps dissapearing, and coming serveral minutes back with other ships. I am stuck now, could you please restore my position? IGN Rickydan

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Sorry rick, this should be fixed now.


Feb. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) still unable to access al but my(our?) newest reactor(s). Its a major problem. Depend on them for way too much to play without them. Please isn't there anything that can be done to fix this?

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

This has been fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.


Feb. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Seems very similar to DarkOrbit...

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Same genre, indeed, but different games :)


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Very laggy but otherwise good game. I like the flow of the game-play and graphics. Could use some more options as far as ship customization and more weapons and maybe a pet type thing.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Hi and thanks for your feedback. Please use "F" to see you fps and PM me with: your network type (adsl, 3G etc.), country and fps :)


Feb. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Why does the uranium I put i my uranium safe keep disappearing?

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Part of it can be stolen, only a fraction is protected.


Feb. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The BEST game i play so far

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Thanks samer ! We love this kind of feedback ! :D


Feb. 06, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) there is this thing always annoying me when i don't see the game: no way to tell if the sounds coming out are me or someone else being hit.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Maybe I could increase de distance-volume ratio. Will see about it.


Feb. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) only 2 things : 1. the game is awesome; 2. it comsumes too much of my RAM, and my system become slower or unresponsive and i can't enjoy the game. can you do smth. about it or give some advices how too avoid the consuming of the RAM(i have only 1 gb), thank you.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

1Gb is very low, I presume you are playing on a netbook. Please make sure you are not using any other flash based website (videos, music etc.). Use Google chrome for a better experience. If you are using Internet explorer, you'll also need to close MSN Messenger and Skype (flash used for ads). Tell me if you see any improvement :)


Feb. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) there should be something in game where players could view what was updated from the game, and when there is a update it should send a notification showing players something changed and they should click on it to know more.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

We have patchnotes in the Forum :)


Jan. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) First, thanks for the improvements made to date. That said, there's a targeting issue that absolutely needs to be addressed. The game needs to keep a player's desired target targeted when healing. If, even for a moment, the target gets to full health, the game automatically de-selects the player targeted for healing. This results in having to re-acquire the player as a target. It could easily end up making the difference between a player being kept alive or dying because the healer had to waste time trying to re-target. Could targeting be modified so that when a player targets something for healing, it stays targeted until only the player, not the game, decides to de-select it please??

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Thanks for reporting the issue, will look into it.


Jan. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Bug report: when you lose a pvp duel, you should earn 0 exp and 0 uranium, not null.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Absolutely, will fix


Jan. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Great Game! Great job SUBLINET

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Thanks cody ! Happy you're enjoying it :)


Jan. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) If 3 people shoot you should not lose 20+ points, A, thats unfair due to people ganging up, so it should be LESS points lost. And B why would you lose MORE if its harder to win

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Will look into that, sounds like a bug.


Jan. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) hi, i have a one question, can i trade whit gems ?

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

No, sorry teasar


Jan. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I wish twould give you the ROF on your guns, rather than that equation..

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

ROF? What do you mean? DPS?


Jan. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This game is so good it is one of my favorit games

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Thanks samer :)


Jan. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) extermination quest is bugged almost every time i kill every spider on the map label appears u have 1 enemy to kill so all my time is wasted in this

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

We'll look into that, thanks :)


Jan. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Relaunch the game, you might have had a connection issue.


Jan. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) So I was editing my guild info on the guid mangement website page, (me being the creator btw), and I accidently deleted the creator rank from my guild. Now I can't edit anything with the guild from that page, effectivley rendering me useless on anything about it. Any help on how to reverse this, or am i just going to have to forgo the 50k+ uranium i have spent on the guild so far and start it over?

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Contact support :)


Jan. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) great game needs a toggle for not attacking/attacking friendly's and there reactors ect. atleast, if not taking away completely the abilitly to attack friendly's would be cool to

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

The new targeting system with the color code should suit most of your needs.


Jan. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) the closest class to a miner is a trader because there really isnt any mining to be done in the game this isnt minecraft but a trader will be abe to carry more materials and when a trader you just want to wait for someone to kill the boss it woud be nice if you could keep healing them during this time

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Most mineral-rich existence in this game is 'boss', so those killing bosses are *miners* :)

+ - !



Jan. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) In the desc i read this " choose your vessel’s class: raider, tank, support, trader or miner." Where is this miner O_o??

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

It's the balanced class, less research = more money for reactors.


Jan. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Firing either freeze beam or emp forces *both* emp and freeze beam into cooldown. Is this by design? Also, there's some basic info missing on game mechanics like base critical chance and the exact effect of reactor defense/attack upgrades. It would be helpful if this were all posted somewhere even in rough form.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Indeed, it's normal behavior. We will add that info very soon :)


Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i think the support needs a better way of leveling up

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Use the drone, it's awesome for PvE


Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) How do i put a picture on my guild wall

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

You can use [img] [/img] BBcode tag


Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i really like the new experience generation feature on reactors

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Happy to hear so :)


Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) To all people who want chat in full screen, goto this link (Still part of kongregate) and it will allow you too ^_^

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) WTF... every time when i reload game both my reactors missing... not removed from space coz i cant teleport them back.. and when i check coordinates they have same where they was but i cant see or use them... do with it somethink pls.

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Sorry, we are tracking the bug down :(


Jan. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) why I cant atack monsters ? when i click to atack it appears orange and with a double click turns green but in the HQ Im able to atack... its been 2 days now and dont know what to do can someone hel pme please?

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

You can't heal monsters directly, try using a weapon with damage.


Jan. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) could you please fix the disappearing reactors from guild base? lot of ppl are suffering from that. esp hard is for the ones that have more than 1 reactor to teleport cause of cooldown. or make it if they are gone the first teleports are free. thank you :)

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

We are tracking the bug, sorry for the inconvenience :(


Jan. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) mixed stat gems :D

+ - !


Developer response from Sublinet

Coming in a future patch ;)


Jan. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Ocassionally a gate, uranium container, or some other graphic thing will be missing, displaced, or outright existing in places they shouldn't, sometimes persistent through galaxy changes. (for example a gate to g3 in the middle of the map, any map)

+ - !


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