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Mar. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) A beholder came out when the enemy portal was at 3 and promptly killed every single thing I had in two volleys of that stupid overpowered fireball. Very, very unimpressed.

+ - !



Mar. 08, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) It should have a way to turn off the animations. What might look nice to you doesnt mean you have to give us a laggy game.

+ - !



Mar. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The game that this could be is amazing. The game that it is, is still pretty good (good enough that I spent eight hours over the last two days playing it). Some tips: Gold production, reduced costs for card drawing, having some cards that don't cost you gold to play. Also, don't be afraid to mulligan, if you don't have at least two gold cards in your opening hand, start over, it doesn't cost you anything, and sames you so much time and frustration. Some improvements: I think I have seen them already, combine browser and deck construction windows, stack cards, when tearing up cards, use the copies that aren't in a deck first. Hot keys for summons would be pretty sweet. Tone down the graphics, I actually never looked at anything other than the mini-map, so for me all of the graphics were wasted and just slowed the game down. Display the card on hover over of the summon at top left, maybe even on hover over of creature in play. Maybe a booster choice of just lands. Love the game

+ - !



Mar. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i love the greg card :) + 800% damage against enemy portal

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) In the Browser, let us sort cards by WHETHER THEY ARE IN THE EFFING DECK. It's really annoying to tear apart a card I have one too many of, and then find out it is one of the cards in my deck. >:c

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Most of the "browser" functionality should probably just be integrated into the deckbuilder imo. It's annoying when you're first learning to have to constantly leave the deckbuilding screen to find out what exactly a thing does, then come back, load your deck again, and swap that thing out. Or if that's not happening, "browser" probably shouldn't have a separate entry for each copy of a card you have; just each unique card you have numeral indicating how many of it you have (possibly including things you have 0 of).

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Archers can fire from half a screen away, have super fast shot rate and a good dodge rate. I sent an army of 15 towards the enemy and he pulls out 4 archers and all my guys die before they get anywhere near the archers.

+ - !



Feb. 24, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) WATCH OUT! Clicking "Start New Game" erases your old one without any kind of prompt! It just happened to me, so be DAMNED careful not to hit it by accident!

+ - !



Nov. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) first card i get from a booster pack is a rare card cause i got an achievment for it so now for the other 3

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Gold is too heavily emphasized and the game could use some polishing in certain areas.

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) One of the worst laggy games on the site. The other games are slightly laggy but at least theres mostly just a couple of chars instead.

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Archers are way overpowered

+ - !



Nov. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Hey, geniuses, There is something called low quality and high quality -.-

+ - !



Mar. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Easy way to get the hard badge/gain money until you can buy good cards: After you've beaten everyone on level 1, make a deck that focuses on Goldmines and Peasants with some mana crystals so you can play Parting Gift. Make sure you'll have at least 6 Peasants for 120 total easy to kill units. At the start of a match, build up gold and crystals (go ahead and let the enemy hit your portal a few times if needed). Kill off 2 Peasants so you can play Parting Gift. Now just stream a steady flow of Peasants so the opponent will kill them off without the Peasants getting off attacks. 102 (you needed to lose 2 to play Parting Gift) Peasants later, you've won.

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i like how greg is so badass, he uses a broom :D

+ - !



Mar. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Cardian 2 REQUIRED, with all the ideas people suggested!

+ - !



Mar. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) when it says to choose a deck for battle, it glitches and I can't proceed. it didn't do that at first though. bug maybe?

+ - !



Mar. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) First, to the players the game is very very easy to win. Gold gets new cards and can summon monsters. If you want a good deck don't put crystals AND iron in one deck... it is much more effective to pick one or other to go with gold production (Iron focuses on units and crystal focus on spells-- "Pure Gold" decks are REALLY good). You can use combo cards like peasants & parting gift or Scout+Archers (some of the fun is finding what works well). ALWAYS buy the 2,300 cost pack because I have gotten one or two legendarys on average. If you got a tip leave a + Second, to the game maker I have a thousand cards and you made a bad UI. Add CORRECT sorting and PLEASE let me rip up cards when I buy them without having to find them!!! I have a feeling you didn't play your game for a long time before you published it. I enjoy the game very much, you just need to fix a few problems (like low crystal/iron production compared to pure gold) and it would be one of the best games on Kong!

+ - !



Mar. 07, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) OH my god... Undefined, your games are GREAT!!! BUT... You need to implement HOTKEYS! When will you ever learn!? H O T K E Y S ! ! !

+ - !



Mar. 07, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 3 mud golems, 5 coin purse/dwarven boon. 1 minute victory guaranteed.

+ - !



Mar. 06, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) easiest way to beat the game(for me anyway) is : get all the Gold Mines and Gold related cards you can, a couple Iron and Crystal cards, whatever instant cards (soul, gems etc) and all the low level weak cards (Fresh Skeletons, Peasants, Mud Golems) you can hold. Then get KAMIKAZE. Kill enough to get the souls you need then use the Kamikaze card and just send all the troops you can. every time one of your troops die you will damage the enemy's portal -2 If you have any heal cards use them because if you kill any enemy you will loose -2 but since you are using weak troops you will die more then you kill.

+ - !



Mar. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) NEEDS KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS!

+ - !



Mar. 03, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) needs a proper sort feature.

+ - !



Mar. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) the game needs an auto comparison where you select two (or more) cards and it tells you the difference in stats which is better instead of going through all your cards and trying to find youre cards which can take up to 5 minutes comparing 3 cards

+ - !



Feb. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Need a Card List

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Unbeatable deck: Select the holy paladin starter deck. Complete the tutorial. Remove all card except, crystal mines, gold mines, peasants, and parting gift. Keep a few crystal mines and remove a few peasants. Then just play parting gift and peasant spam. win every time. NOTE: If you only have 1 parting gift, make sure you use it AFTER the level 2 and 3's play their global enchantment.

+ - !



Feb. 24, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Too much luck involved. The actual chance to incorporate strategy to attain victory doesn't exist. It's extremely obvious that your opponents do not have to worry about resources. I am normally very, very proficient at these sort-of games. Not this one. There is nothing but luck to it. This could be slightly amended if the opponent also had to adhere to resource pooling. But the fact of the matter is, resources are tight and gold is heavily dominant over others. You don't start off with a couple cards to help gold production, you're SoL. This is worsened by the fact you need gold to even draw more cards. Really, really could use some work.

+ - !



Feb. 24, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) As fun as the game is when things go good for you, it is in desperate need of balancing. The AI clearly doesn't follow the resource rule (as many have pointed out) and it leads to imbalanced rushes at the beginning of every match which can drop you to less than 50% Portal Life in one go because they sent out a spam of powerful units. Archers and Mages are incredibly overpowered, especially when used together, the only counter is to use BETTER mages and archers or just wait for them to hit your portal (or vise versa). All in all, while the game is fun, it has a lot of problems that detract from it. An update on the issues here and the others in the top comments would make this a 5/5. However, as of right now it's a 3/5 for me.

+ - !



Feb. 25, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Interesting Game.

+ - !



Apr. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Who's up for cardian 2?

+ - !



Aug. 08, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I like Undefined, but I'm getting tired of him releasing games when they are not finished. Cardian is the most severe example of that so far. There are some good ideas in this, but few of them have been refined enough for the game to be enjoyable. And the UI isn't remotely friendly; a game shouldn't feel like work.

+ - !



Mar. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Hard Badge Achievement. Deck of ~40 cards consisting of 10x Peasants, 9x Gold Mine, 1x Dark Merchant, 1x Dwarven Mine, 2x Iron Mine, 2x Crystal Mine, 1x Parting Gift, 1x Repairs, and a few instant +10 Iron/Soul cards. Strategy is to - 1. Build up gold (ignore the enemy waves, you can get away with receiving about 50% portal damage or more if you can play the Repair card that returns your health back to 100%) 2. Fill up your attack slots with Peasants. 3. Wait for your enemy to play their Global Enchantment e.g. The Killing Moon and then play Parting Gift to replace it. 4. Spam Peasants. Since they are the weakest unit they die easily and having Parting Gift (+1 Dmg to enemy portal for each unit killed) will slowly lower the enemies portals health. The computer won't generate as many units or as quickly and you will take some damage as you kill enemy units. You can generate 5x20 Peasants = 100 damage). I found that I win before the timer runs out. +1 If you found this helpful.

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I think it would be more fun if I weren't clearly facing a cheating AI - I summon ten units, it summons ten units? Come on, now.

+ - !



Feb. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The card The Killing Moon (which constantly spawns skeletons on either side) should be banned. This just slows down the game so that each game second is like 20 real world seconds. I am typing this comment while skeletons mindlessly fight each other forever, with neither side winning. Can I draw a card? Not for another 200 real world seconds.

+ - !



Sep. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) there's really only one hard level, and it's impossible. I was enjoying it until that point

+ - !



Nov. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I agree that this game is great it is way too short for me though and I have same problem trying to find cards no good sorting in the game. I beat the game in a few hours and only lost a few times. Also I find that while legendary cards are good and all they cost way to much to use then summon the prices are outrageous for many cards. I also agree that gold is a bit unbalanced. What I think is that you shouldn't have to use the card for a price then summon the units for a price. I think that using the card should be free and summoning the unit is what costs money. That would make the game way more fun. Hope that people read the feedback and make the game better.

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I agree w/ similar comments -- good game with a lot of potential. But the emphasis on gold makes it very difficult. I've engaged in quite a few battles now, but I've only won one... it seems I'll never have enough to buy new cards. And it is true, if you don't have a gold mine in your hand, your basically screwed. In fact, you really do need several of them to be of any real use.

+ - !



Jun. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This game is made too easy with kamikaze. All you have to do is spam skeletons and the faster the enemy kills them, the faster he dies. This is made easier by having no minimum to the number of cards in my deck. The kamikaze deck ruins any enjoyment at the variation of the enemy decks because it simply does not matter what strategy the enemy uses.

+ - !



May. 24, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) This game would be 1000x better if I could sell cards for like 5-10g each. My inventory is so full I can hardly build a deck it takes so long to sift thru them.

+ - !



Nov. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) UNDEFINED! Y U NO MAKE A CARDIAN 2!?!?

+ - !



Mar. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Elder gonrash is friggen annoying

+ - !



May. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) there is a discard button..... its the little X on top of each card that you have in your deck.....

+ - !



May. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Dang. So close to the hard achievement. 17/18. And yet, Elder Gornash's final battle always kills me. I could be massacring him, but as soon as he places one of those evil eye things (which kills EVERYTHING. Not just my weak units, but even the most elite ones I have can only take a couple hits, whereas even things such as zombies--historically my damage absorbers which saved me from archers picking off my grunts before--were killed in a single hit!) I lose DOZENS of units within SECONDS. And it's kinda hard to recover from your entire deck being wiped out by a single unit. >_<

+ - !



Apr. 18, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Ridiculously easy. Start with Holy Paladin, take out all but 8 gold mines, 6 peasants, a crystal mine and a parting gift. Later on put in another parting gift if you get it (in later games the enemy will overwrite your global enchantment sometimes, but never more than once), and swap out a mine for a dwarven boon or any other "instant free gold" card -- by no means necessary though. Play all gold first, then crystal, then draw cards, then 5 peasants, then spam 20 peasants. Play parting gift as soon as you can, then spam your remaining peasants. You have won (whether they die or not).

+ - !



Mar. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I quite liked it and contrary to what most people say, I am quite okay with the amount of focus on gold, In MTG if you don't have resources to lose, in most RTSs' you'd lose, as this is a combination it makes sense for it to be useful, but stacking cards when deck building would be useful, and the UI interface out of battle feels a touch... Eh. Good game though

+ - !



Mar. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Totally agree with above comments. Stack the cards!!! You should something that enables you to collect the cards. Like a card number or something, and a book to show which cards you own. Games like these are fun to try and collect them all.

+ - !



Mar. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) cant pass the "choose your deck to play"

+ - !



Mar. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Remove the killing moon card. So long as that unbelievable idiocy is in this game, I am convinced you are a malicious developer. REMOVE IT.

+ - !



Feb. 27, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) the balance of this game is a colossal failure. can get the hard badge by only using gold mines and units that only take gold to summon.

+ - !



Dec. 28, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I love how easy it is to get the hang of this game!! As a beginner, I am doing well winning my quest. I can't wait to get some badges :) 5/5 (if only I could give a 6/6)

+ - !


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